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#794384 added October 17, 2013 at 10:42am
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Oct 23 Minor chactacter #2
Talia is Theanne's roommate

1. Name: Talia Lazaro

2. Age: 26

3. General physical description: see picture above

4. Hometown: Prairie Island, MN

5. Type of home/ neighborhood: government built clapboard home. Built on roads that covered about 4 blocks. There were about 40 homes on the Reservation. Even though thye have a casino and money coming in some of the Indians remain in the same homes built 40 years ago.

6. Relationship status: Conlin P is her boyfriend. They met at a coffee shop and have a very comfortable relationship. They understand each other as they both love computer work.

7. Current family:Mother, father (not on island) 2 brothers and a younger sister

8. Family background (parents, previous marriages, etc.): Parents still married, Grandparent on father's side living on the reservation

9. Friends: Theanne, other coworkers, some highschool friends as well as friends made with Conlin

10. Other close relationships:

11. Relationship with men:She is friendly with other men but keeps them in their place

12. Relationship with women: Open and friendly, but keeps a bit of space between them. Theanne is the only really close friend she has

13. Job:IT at Fulton Chemical

14. Dress style: Classy casual. She prefers flowing skirts and blouses. Loves good jeans and a pheasant styled blouse. In the winter she wears fur lined boots and moccasins. She likes jewel tones and mixtures of patterns. Lace and leather, embroider and cotton

15. Religion: a Mix of indian culture and strong Catholic upbringing

16. Attitude to religion: Its important but has its place in the back of her mind. Tratitional religion

17. Favorite pastimes:Cooking, reading, working out and playing/writing video games with Conlin

18. Hobbies: computer, cooking, sewing costumes for Confab

19. Favorite sports:she kick boxes and watches hockey and football.

20. Favorite foods: Chocolate, never met a pastry she didn't like

21. Strongest positive personality trait:Loyal and protective

22. Strongest negative personality trait: quick to anger, grudges

23. Sense of humor: Loves a good joke and playing pranks

24. Temper:Yes she needs to curb it

25. Consideration for others: She rates high in protective instincts

26. How other people see him/her: Beautifu, distant (at first) she always has your back.

27. Opinion of him/herself: Just me, nothing special.

28. Other traits, especially those to be brought out in story:

29. Ambitions:

30. Philosophy of life:

31. Most important thing to know about this character: She supports Theanne and wants the best for her even if it costs her something

32. Will readers like or dislike this character, and why? They will like her. If she died they would cry.

Writing Character Profiles - Additional Questions
33. If your character has a job, is he or she good at it? Does he or she like it? She likes the company, her coworkers and Chase (the boss) She could get better paying jobs but she is content to work in her comfort zone

34. What are your character's bad habits? over zealous at cleaning. quick to be sarcastic.

35. If you asked about his or her greatest dream, what would your character tell you? To run a catering business or sew/design costumes for fantasy movies.

36. What's a secret dream that he or she wouldn't tell you about? to get married and have kids.

37. What kind of person does your character wish he or she could be? What is stopping him or her?

38. What is your character afraid of? What keeps him or her up at night? Intruders, being taken or surprised and vulnerable. She sleeps with a gun under her pillow and a knife under the mattress and in on the nightstand.

39. What does your character think is his or her worst quality? "I don't have any." She calmly answers and when you don't react she laughs, "I'm not telling you, then you'll know. Get to know me and find out for yourself. Have another muffin, they're good aren't they? Healthy but tastes delish!"

40. What do other people think your character's worst quality is? A bit outspoken at time, critical, narrow minded, strong belief of right and wrong.

41. What is a talent your character thinks he or she has but is very wrong about? Easy to make and be friends.

42. What did his or her childhood home look like? simple, older 2 story house remodeled on the West side of St. Paul (Hispanic section of town)

43. Who was his or her first love? The boy next door. He was 16 and she was 10. He worked out in his back yard and was nice to her. Let her help him around the yard. Taught her how to do Karate and self defence. Made it like a game in a fantasy world. They fought dragons, and mowed down underground creatures. They took the hedge shears and turned the goblins into round balls of Yew. He made life interesting and active. He didn't hang with her brothers who were into drinking, smoking and acted like gang wannabes but her Dad would have killed them if they got even close to a gang.

44. What's the most terrible thing that ever happened to him/her? The boy next door was walking to school and was killed in a drive by shooting. The gang was angry that he wouldn't join with them and then ratted on one of their memebers when he was seen trying to rape a girl behind the school.

45. What was his/her dream growing up? Did he/she achieve this dream? If so, in what ways was it not what the character expected? If your character never achieved the dream, why not?

46. In what situation would your character become violent? If cornered or if Theanne or someone she loved were threatened.

47. In what situation would your character act heroic? same as #46. Her protective instincts would react in whatever way was necessary to protect someone unable to do that for themselves.

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