"Putting on the Game Face" |
The Levels of Writing Most writers who aspire to writing a work longer than a short story, essay or article have the ability to write. They can craft a short piece of poetry or prose. This is a hugely important skill, indeed a prerequisite, for taking writing to the next higher level. Clearly word selection and arrangement are important but every bit as important are the skills common to a technician and marketer. I mentioned in earlier blogs the obvious. This is that a writer needs to be able to write. Duh! Is that self evident or what? However, what many can’t seem to grasp is that writing is more than turning out golden prose. There are certain components, ingredients and a recipe that must be cranked in and if that isn’t enough there are the conditions that must be met in order to market a manuscript. Many aspiring writers think that all it takes for continued success at the next level is stringing together more of the same old stuff that got a pat on the head from the English teacher. The notion is that tactical success expands naturally into operational and strategic success simply by pushing the same old pencil a bit further, or pounding the keys longer until the necessary words are compiled and there is a stack of pages that weigh heavy enough to qualify. If it were that easy we would all have a Pulitzer Prize. Since Operational and Strategic Thinking are not always well understood, I’ll be blogging about them in the days ahead. I know the effort will make me sound like some sort of a know-it-all pseudo intellectual, stuffed shirt but what the heck. That’s what many think already and there is always the chance my detractors could be right. It wouldn’t be the first time. Still it needs to be said. |