Each snowflake, like each human being is unique. |
Reviews of "Irritating Sayings" Items to Include in article. December 29, 2005 - Great poll! The one that irritates me the most is "Let It Go" makes me SO mad. Anyway great poll, keep it up and Happy New Year! Zuly March 1, 2006 - Ugh... My favorite/least favorite(?) is "Could you please act like the older one?" *shuddder* - evil_writer April 26, 2006 - These sayings do irritate me, but one that really bothers me is "That's life, get over it." It doesn't do anything to help the person, and can end up making them feel worse. AyeRiteGud May 20, 2006 - The saying that irritates me the most is "Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion." NO, we are not "entitled" to a bad opinion or a wrong opinion. A corollary expression is "One opinion is as good as another." No, one opinion is not as good as another. If you are sick, whose opinion do you value more: the dog catchers or your doctor? In our time on this Earth we are entitled to figure out the truth as best as we can. We are not "entitled" to get things wrong. There can be honest disagreements of opinion, but if you are seriously wrong aboyt something you are not "entitled" to be that way. In fact, you have a responsibility to not be that way. I realize some people mean when they say this that we have the freedom to form our own opinions. And I would agree. But we have a responsibiolity to be truthful and accurate in our opinions as best we can. wisdomsearch May 27, 2006 - I actually follow a lot of those! And say them to other people on occasion. "Let it go" can irritate me in the wrong situation, "God doesn't give us more..." is one I find comforting because I know it's true, and "if it doesn't kill you..." I also know is true from experience. And besides, I don't get irritated that easily anyway. But I did pick "She/he is dead now what do you have to worry about?" because if someone said that to me ever, I'd probably slap their face for being so insensitive! twinkledee ♥'s you June 13, 2006 - If it doesn't kill ya...blah blah blah. I hate that one.-Lovablechick I Love the Stage! June 18, 2006 - I despise this saying. Along with many others 'That's life.', 'Life's too short' and the worst of all 'There's plenty more fish in the sea.'KevG August 11, 2006 - These sayings (you left the 's' out in two places in your question, by the way) can all be irritating at times, but "God won't give you any more than you can handle" is a Bible quotation taken out of context. It's made many a person angry at God for thinking they can handle so much. Wren August 12, 2006 - A friend of mine went through a hard time a couple years ago, and i remember her saying that the one thing she hated to hear the most, was "everything happens for a reason." However, the one thing that annoys me the most when i'm upset, is someone telling me to "relax" or "chill out". It prompts the opposite reaction. Good poll! dsquared August 12, 2006 - What bugs me is when people say, "Get over it," or "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." Most other cliches are mildly irritating as well. Mae Dolan September 24, 2006 - My other would be, "I know exactly how you feel." PastVoices Ideas for Improvement of this poll. April 28, 2006 - Polls are difficult to judge subjectively. It subject of them either interests you or doesn't. This poll would be more interesting, for me, if it asked for some supplemental information like age, sex, etc. That would provide for a less general interpretation of the responses. tinman |