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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/798393-Bacteria-were-once-unrecognised
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#798393 added November 21, 2013 at 1:00am
Restrictions: None
Bacteria were once unrecognised...

Unrecognised but it exists.


Be aware there are things in life that we can just skim over the top of, not taking it in, not nutting it out, not getting it. We overlook that there is something there that cannot be there, but it is. This isn't lack of brains. It's not a lack of anything except perhaps someone pointing out that there are things that exist like this.

We grow up absorbing a set of parameters of "rules" of behaviour, rules of this of that and something else, and we can think its all there is. Later we can get very upset if some of these rules are shown to be not rules, but just our perception of things. It's worse if you are stubborn like me, and will hang on by your teeth to something so tightly, only to find to your dismay that yes, it was a rule to fit a time, a place, an era, a group of people, whatever.
But now, what you thought was set in concrete, is irrelevant. It takes some getting used to, and some strength of character to adjust to the change.

Wake up people. Look around you. Think and think hard. Is there any hidden object, a group of people, an invisible world that is there, right there, in front of you, but you can't see the trees for the forest?

I saw such a hidden group one day. I'd just met and began to communicate with someone who is hearing impaired. Not just impared but profoundly deaf. Nada sound whatsoever. She talks using Auslan and tried, she really did try to teach me the language you speak using your hands. You also use your body, facial expressions, anything, almost like acting out scenes often.
The lesson for me was huge.

I realised that there exists in this, my world of noisy people, all clamouring and talking, jabbering, gossiping, moaning and laughing, cracking jokes and generally, well, talking and listening, communicating; in this world of noise is another group that are hidden.

You know, there is a whole world that is seperate from ours, where these people quietly go about their lives, 24/7 day in day out, year after year, silently talking together, meeting together, doing all that stuff that everyone else does, but it's a completely different world to them.

And while some may flit around the edges, and I'm not knocking anyone here ok? No one. But we aren't part of that world. Us hearing people just don't get it. They do. So we can kindly butt out thank you very much. It's just how is is, or how it seems to me as an onlooking, seeing from the outside.
My point is, this hidden world is now visible to me, it's existence comprehended, and understood.

Just because something doesn't conform, doesn't fit in with how we think, doesn't obey the rules, doesn't please us, doesn't, cannot, should not, and will not be possible, does not mean it aint there.

It's there. I'm here to tell you it's there. I know for sure. I know this as a certainty.

And from a literary aspect, think about that new way of expressing yourself, that impossible genre never heard of or imagined before, that in the last gasping days of November 2013 doesn't exist, but it will some time in the future, because... it's there, just hidden.

That novel that's never been written because it cannot be written, just ridiculously hopelessy NOPE.

Well, open your eyes one at a time, break that barrier of gummy sleep that's holding your eyelids of normal comfortable warm and cozy beleif, crack the seal on a new era, a new world where anything is possible, because folks, it is.

You just have to find it.
Start searching today but don't bother filling the car up with petrol, or booking overseas flights and applying for a passport just yet.

Because it's most probably very nearby, even...even within you.

Hearing impaired people, bacteria, and the state of Transnistria may not be the best analogies here, but I know for certain that concerning hidden things in life; some fall out of the sky into your / my awareness, but I think 9 times out of 10, the only way to find such things, is to search.

We need to beware though, that in searching for some imagined theory, or object, or idea or whatever we think might be hidden, we can dig up some false worlds, pretend groups, wrong ideas, mistaken phantoms, hoaxes, frauds, politically convenient conclusions, the list goes on.

In reading back over this, that it could be said that I'm advocating searching for a higher power, ghosts, spirits, crackpot theories, paranoid delusional conspiracy advocates, and all the rest of the stuff we'd love to be true, but will never find any tangible evidence to back up our beliefs.

Which leads me to a thought I've had, a theory I guess it is, perhaps a dangerous one that if I express it, will get rocks thrown at my house, or threatening letters in the mail.

But I like to think about stuff that isn't hemmed in by the normal PC acceptable, popular, scientifically proven etc etc etc.

Maybe I'll work up the courage to poke it in a blog like this. Or maybe just enjoy still having people read this blog. *Bigsmile*


(A bit like Leonardo Da'Vincis sketch but with faulty electrical connections)

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/798393-Bacteria-were-once-unrecognised