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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#798910 added November 29, 2013 at 9:19am
Restrictions: None
The Potty Mouths
The Old Money Interests in this country, sometimes referred to as “Liberals,” (A term they like) are no more than Want-to be, Neo Aristocrats. They play the “Smear Game” designed to paint the face of “Evil” on anyone but themselves. No slam, slur or disparaging comment is too gross for these radicals and their myopic world view. It anyone dares challenge their empty political philosophies their retorts come right out of the blue and nothing they say is too outrageous, as long as it serves to stifle the voice of their critics.

In the past few weeks there have been some particularly virulent attacks that should make it abundantly clear to the American Middle Class, what a low life bunch these Liberals have become. I don’t have to look far for examples of what I’m talking about.

First off there were Mark Halperin’s comments, which explain how "Death Panels" are a part of Obama Care. That really got the Liberals revved up. Halperin was surprised by the Left’s reaction to comments he thought were self-evident. He said words to the effect… “It, (The Affordable Healthcare Act) has them (Death Panels) built into the plan… it isn’t like a judgment or a guess… an Independent Advisory Panel is a part of how healthcare costs are going to be controlled."

I suppose the term “Death Panel” was too harsh a metaphor for Liberal-Speak. That’s a laugh! There’s no term in the English language that qualifies for that honor. When the Right speaks with unemotional plainness, the Left puffs out the feathers of self-righteousness. Political correctness and racial sensitivity become the watchwords. To prove my points just take a look at the next two examples.

Alec Baldwin went off on a rant while doing a movie in Hawaii. He called a reporter a “Cocksucker.” This is the same Baldwin who publicly patronizes Gays but when things get heated tends to show his true colors. Deep down he is more homophobic than the stereotype. Once he realized that what he’d said was caught on camera he went to great lengths to make amends, calling personally a couple of top Gay leaders. They would have none of it and used their influence to get him thrown off the air. It must really irritate the Gays and Lesbians when they discover their champions carry the same deep-seated prejudices they must contend with day in and day out. Baldwin apologized, saying he didn’t realize “Cocksucker” was a pejorative term to Gays. Apparently it is a term so ingrained in his persona that he was surprised that anyone might find it offensive. However, the reason he got fired was not because he “misspoke,” but because the Gays and Lesbians are major players in the Liberal community and the Neo Socialists don’t want to alienate their support.

The next example is Martin Bashir, another minion of MSNBC. He didn’t get fired and his comments were much more over the top. He said that somebody ought to, “…. defecate in Sarah Palin’s mouth…” for saying that the public debt is going to visit economic slavery on our children. The reason he didn't get fired is that top mainstream media executives are always amused when Governor Palin gets her name dragged through the mud by one of their talk show hosts. Why? Because she's a role model for middle america, and a spokeswomen for the Constitution. Since the Neo Socialists hate both, she always gets the bullseye pasted on her mouth, or in this case, smeared inside it.

It’s all right for the Left to call Gays “cocksuckers” and smirk with delight when somebody suggests, “…defecating in Sarah Palin’s mouth.” However, just let somebody from the Right, suggest that economic bondage is analogous to slavery and the smallest shade of meaning evokes a barrage of indignation. I must be missing something, but what I'm not missing is that the Liberal left is a bunch of “Potty Mouths” and should be ashamed of their vile language.

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