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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1908951
Random thoughts, inconsistent posting
#799183 added December 2, 2013 at 1:14pm
Restrictions: None
I have to catch up. I began my NANO challenge and finished with 52,284 words for the month. Not a complete novel but bits and pieces of things to put together at some time to make a novel. I started out with the story I thought I would love to write. Less than half way through I ran into a road block. It just sounded dumb. Not the plot but the story itself. I didn't have enough glue to keep the characters in place. I have a good Main Character with a good back story. She is the product of a good moral father raised in a Christian home and had a strong foundation. He married an Indian woman with a strong culture of her own. The two taught their daughter a good mix of both concepts.  Both died at different times as MC reached her mid twenties.
She shares an apartment with another girl who has renounced all religious teaching. The work for the same company where MC has strong feelings for the owner.  Her job is going no where as the supervisor takes all her ideas that the boss likes and claims them as her own, "For the good of the team. No one is an island."
Then MC is called to a lawyers office where she finds her father's uncle has left her a vast inheritance as the only blood relative left.  As she begins to inspect the home and find out more about her estranged uncle she discovers a painting.
The painting is of a point in history where Christ is struggling down the Via del Rosa carrying the cross. The rest of the painting depicts the crowd. It consists of his disciples and mother. Other followers, angry crowd, pompous religious leaders, Roman guards and curiosity seekers.  It is a large painting hidden in a false wall she finds when moving furniture around her new room.
The viewer finds them-self drawn to the figure that resembles them self. The face is an exact replica of their own, but reveals in the face and action depicted the true inner self of the viewer. The viewer only sees them-self in the painting and no other. Although as MC allows others to view the painting, some think their inner self is revealed to all watchers. 
As the different characters are introduced to MC and the painting, the response if varied. The Catholic priest, an uncle to the roommates boyfriend is horrified. He is haunted by the fact the others might see him in the painting and wonders if MC will recognize him. He tries to buy the painting but MC is wondering what is the value of this painting? She is going to have it appraised. The priest is upset and contacts the Bishop on the East Coast for back up. He doesn't tell his own bishop who is old and sick.
The art gallery owner has a friend who works at the Guggenheim Museum. He contacts his friend when MC calls to ask for information on an obscure artist. MC doesn't tell the Gallery owner about the painting only asks about the painter.  The friend asks the other researchers who refer him higher up. The information causes quite a stir as this artist worked with the Greats. Michael Angelo and DiVinci. He painted just a few canvases and there is only one that is at a museum. It isn't on display as the scene seems to change with the viewer and causes horrific emotion. The other works are unknown. There is a scramble to find if one of this artists paintings has been found. Can it be seen and purchased.
MC is confused by the person in the painting she sees as herself. She needs to deal with what she sees and either work on herself or ignore it.
There are others who come to know about the painting and try to steal it, burn the house down and kidnap the two girls for ransom of the painting. 
Here is where I ran into the roadblock. NOW WHAT? What will be my final conflict? I know in the end she agrees to put it on display at the Guggenhiem. They send a private plane for the painting, but the plane disappears and the pilot and copilot are gone. Infact the two who were scheduled to fly it were called to say it was cancelled.  Who flew the plane? Where did it suddenly disappear to?
MC smiles. The painting has disappeared and reappeared over  the past hundreds of years. She is sure it will appear when needed in the future. She is glad it changed her life and those around her.

There was my plot. it just didn't got anywhere in the details for me... Maybe I can pick it up again and it will resurface.

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