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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#800019 added December 12, 2013 at 9:43am
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When are we Going to Hear from Deep Throat?
The government under the current administration is becoming more and more dysfunctional every day. The real turning point came the night of the Benghazi fiasco. In a writing class it is something called a “Life Changing Event (LCE)." These events are not always self-evident when they happen but looking back they are easy enough to see.

If you recall it was on the cusp of the last Presidential Election that this LCE took place. It was towards the end of the day when Secretary of Defense Panetta told President Obama that our annex in Libya was under attack. What the President replied is anybody’s guess. He dropped out of sight shortly afterwards and was not heard from again until early the next morning.

That night four (4) Americans were killed, one of whom was an Ambassador. The circumstances surrounding his capture, physical abuse and death are so chilling that nobody wants to think about it much less discusses the subject. Where was the President for a period spanning about ten (10) hours when all this was going on? NOBODY KNOWS! To this day the American People are still clueless as to where he was during those hours when he was DISENGAGED! This question has been the most closely guarded secret of his Administration. Wherever and whatever... the effect was lethal.

Keep in mind that in the event of preemptive nuclear strike the President has less than twenty-minutes to respond to a surprise attack. The whole MAD strategy of strategic response is predicated on the President of the United States being able to respond in minutes. We are not talking about an hour or heavens forbid, ten (10) hours. The American people are entitled to know where their President was during that period when he dropped off the radar.

Something bad happened that night that went far beyond the dead Americans. In the aftermath generals were told to retire, there was a shakeup of the Strategic Air Command, and anybody that knows anything was forced to sign a gag order. It must have been pretty bad because it has fostered a growing contempt and a down hill slide for his administration.

When are we going to learn where President Obama was and what he was doing? When are we going to be told who gave the stand-down order? Where did that order originate? Was it from the White House Situation Room, the Pentagon or Martha’s Vineyard? Somebody told the military to "Stand Down" and shrugging shoulders and weasel wording can't go on forever.

Look at all that followed. There was the attempted cover-up of the talking points, the IRS scandal, the DIA revelations, seizure of telephone records of reporters, insiders being forced to sign non-disclosure statements, the foul up of the Unaffordable Healthcare Act and most recently, negotiations with Iran that gave away the store. These are only the highlights or "Low Lights" if you prefer.

The Point is that it all began with an LCE the night of Benghazi. It was that night that the President put the American people in peril by being “Disengaged” for those ten (10) hours. What happened has proven toxic for his second term. Enough people surrounding the inner circle know where he was and why he was indisposed. Those who do must have gotten an eyeful because since that night an insidious contempt has been brewing that gets worse every day. I’m sure it will come to light sooner or later. I’m surprised it hasn’t leaked out already, but maybe it’s best to let that dog lie, at least for the time being. There are some honorable men and women who are biting their tongues and trying to stifle a deep and simmering rage. The longer the truth is suppressed the louder will it resound. When are we going to hear from "Deep Throat?"

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