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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1966761
Malcolm's story
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#800035 added January 10, 2014 at 12:59pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 10
Malcolm threw his hat into the air as the shutter clicked. No more school. He turned to the people he’d spent his school life with, hands appeared from all angles, he shook them in turn knowing he’d probably never see their owners again.

His Mother came to watch the principle give out the rolled up scrolls of parchment, each tied with a red ribbon. Malcolm scanned the crowd but couldn’t see his father, he must have had something important to do. The old school hall that had seen a hundred such events looked small, like the one he’d seen his Father win his seat in so long ago. He saw the old lead framed windows, the wooden panelling and high vaulted ceiling, as if for the first time, knowing it would be the last. He stood in line shuffling forward as each round of applause faded signalling the beginning of the next.

The thought of being back at home with his parents’ didn’t fill him with joy. He’d done well at school, but not in the way his father wished. His exams results were ok, but far below his capability. He didn’t want the life his father expected of him so out of spite, hadn’t put much effort into his final year.

Malcolm threw his hat into the air again as the shutter clicked for the last time.

Derick stood waiting at the car as they approached.

“Oh, I just have to sign some forms,” Malcolm’s mother said, and before receiving an acknowledgement, she turned and rushed back to the hall.

“Master Wright”

“Bloody hell Derick, it’s Mal, how long has it been?”

“No sorry, can’t do it, you’ll always be Master Wright to me.”

Mal shook his head, “Ok, look before Mother gets back I’d just like to say…

“You’re not going to go all soppy on me now are you?”

“No, I was going to say I’m glad I won’t have to see you ugly mug again!”

They both laughed, “No…I’d like to say thanks,” Mal held out his hand and Derick smiled and took it, “you know I don’t speak to my father much, and , well the conversations we’ve had on our journeys have helped me a lot”

“Don’t mention it, it’s been a pleasure.”

“Yes, well thanks…”

“Right, you ready Malcolm, said good bye to everyone?” Said his mother, as she fumbled with her purse.

“Yes Mother”

The rain hit the black Granada as he watched the line of trees pass for the last time.

His mother broke the silence. “Your father’s got you an interview on Monday.”

Malcolm continued to stare at the rain soaked road; he watched droplets of water travel across the window, pushed by the unseen passing wind.

“What do you think?”

“Yeah, fine…” Mal said. He glanced at the drivers mirror and saw Derrick’s raised eyebrows reflecting back.

Malcolm knew this would happen, he’d finish school, get pushed into a job in the city then be expected to find some posh girl to settle down with.

He had to get away; right then he decided to go back to London and visit his aunt who he’d always got on well with. She lived near his old street, so he knew his way around, and she’d allow him free rein to come and go as he pleased.

“Ah, that’s a good idea,” Said his father, “Get closer to the action, yes, I’ll arrange a meeting with someone I know in the city”

“No, you’re not listening, I don’t want…” Malcolm looked at his father, “… oh fuck it, I’m off, I’ll be back some time Monday”

Without waiting for a reply, he turned and ran up the stairs to pack. Moments later the door clicked shut, and he was gone.

He’d travelled down to see his aunt and had been there for a few days when he decided to take a walk to the estate where he and Trevor spent so many hours.

He walked past the park and his head flooded with memories. He could see Trevor and himself swinging back and forth on the rusty swings as if it were yesterday.

The place hadn’t changed; he smiled as he watched a Staffy back up and deposit its droppings in a pile on the grass, its owner looking on unconcerned.

Malcolm’s thought shattered when he heard a shout…


Malcolm looked around. A figure with a shaved head, white polo shirt and blue jeans held up by a pair of red braces showing a pair of burgundy Doctor Martin boots stood across the park. First Malcolm saw a Skinhead, then he saw his friend.


Trevor looked Malcolm up and down, he had blond hair nearly reached his shoulders, he wore a loose knitted grey bat wing jumper with a heavy blue pattern with the sleeved rolled up. A single earing with a cross in it hung from his ear much to his father’s disgust, which insured it remained a permanent feature. Skin tight stone wash jeans descended down to Hi Tec Tec boots with the tongues sticking out. Trevor thought he looked like a right twat, like something out of Miami vice… They were from different worlds.

“Fucking hell, look at you,” said Trevor.

“Fuck…How you doing?”

“Not as good as you by the looks of it posh boy!” A sense of scorn wove through Trevor’s tone, they’d been the same once, both running around the estate, Trevor thought their futures were heading in the same direction…. until Malcolm moved away and left him.

Malcolm looked down at the ground embarrassed; he felt out of place, he stunk of his father’s money.

“Yeah, well, not doing too bad.”

“What you doing round here, bit out your way innit?”

“Just visiting my aunt, had to get away from the old man for a bit, keeps going on about a job in the city.”

“Sounds good.”

“Na, fuck that, I don’t want to end up like one of those city twats.”

“Yeah, that’s why I didn’t apply, who wants to be like one of them cunts?” Trevor laughed. “How long you around for?”

“Just the weekend, going back Monday.”

“I can’t stop now, got to sign on… get my drinking money…tell ya what, we’ve got a little meeting down the Dog tonight, few pints after if you fancy it?”

“Ok, getting fed up with sodding Eastenders anyway.”

“Right, see you there bout seven. Ya might stand out a bit, but don’t worry, I’ll look after ya.”

Malcolm didn’t quite know what Trevor meant, but he soon found out.

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