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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#800215 added December 15, 2013 at 3:11pm
Restrictions: None
Placating the Poor
It has been a bitter December in Wisconsin. We could certainly use some of that “Global Warming.” We expect cold winter’s but the subzero weather usually waits until January and February. My goal is to have the wood shed three quarters full by January but that isn’t going to happen. Right now it is under the half way mark. That wood I have set aside is flying out the door into the outdoor wood burner.

John Hobbs died if you haven’t heard. He was a long time member of our community. If you have a chance go back and read some of the things in his port before it gets taken down. Writing is a sort of legacy that lives on after we’re gone and sometimes reading the stuff of a dead writer puts our own efforts a bit more in perspective. He was a good friend of Karen (Armorbearer) and I know she’ll miss him.

I hate it when I get behind in my blog. There is so much to write regarding what I see taking place in the world. I use the blog to try and explain what I see and try and do so in words that make sense. I know many of my readers think I’m a raving right wing lunatic with ideas that exist only in the left field of my mind. I’m comfortable with that. Linda, my wife, keeps pointing out that everybody doesn’t look at things quite the way I do.

In the past year one of my favorite commentators suddenly announced he would no longer be working at Fox News. His name was Glen Beck and before he departed he shined a light of truth in a direction everybody ought to be paying more attention to. He is troubled by where the money is coming from that owns the mainstream media, supports the Liberals and controls the Democratic Party? Anyway, he is perplexed with why Capitalists would feel drawn to support the Liberal cause when it is so opposed to the means by which they gained their wealth and power. If you were paying attention at the time Beck compiled a regular “Rogues Gallery” which connected George Soros and others into a network of “Conspirators” who were actively engaged at bringing down the United States as the leading economic power.

As I listened to him name names and connect the players with one another I was struck over and over with the question… why would these people would want to do such a thing? What could motivate free market capitalists to support a socialist political movement? I still don’t have the answer but there is evidence that suggests Beck’s “Conspiracy Theory” was not that far fetched.

For example why is it that the current owners of the “Main Street Media” don’t care if their ratings tank and if listeners with inquiring minds no longer bother listening to their news broadcasts? Look at the drop in their ratings. The only answer that makes sense is that ABC, NBC and CBS have been bought by an outside interest and are being used as a propaganda tool. Since when is a propaganda tool expected to make money? These networks have become the voice of Neo Socialism and their broadcasts serve a single purpose… promoting Liberalism.

So why was Glen Beck asked to leave FOX? My wife thinks it is because he was getting a little weird looking on the air and his “Conspiracy Theory” crusade was taking on the aura of a “Witch Hunt.” I can see where she’s coming from and perhaps FOX decided he had gone too far and wanted to avoid a string of law suits they weren’t sure they could win. Maybe they thought he was beginning to sound like Joe McCarthy and didn’t want to lead a fight back down that road.

But what if he was right? What if an interest outside this country is orchestrating a concerted effort to get the United States to implode economically? I guess the point is analogous to someone spending his or her whole life struggling with external forces, who is suddenly diagnosed with a terminal illness. The United States of America is dying from BANKRUPTCY! I’m not making this up. Look at those red numbers, in Trillions, flashing across the TV screen. Look at Detroit and San Diego.

Like John Hobbs we spend a lifetime trying to get ahead only to discover an illness for which there is no cure. Has the United States reached a point in its history where we are about to discover that the wolves are dressed in sheep’s clothing? How does the saying go? God protect me from my “Friends” I can protect myself from my Enemies. Could it be that since our enemies fear the strength of our military power that they’ve decided on a strategy that comes in through the back door? As crazy as this might sound it is a possibility that better fits with the facts than any other explanation. My theory is that OLD Money, Worldwide, is seeking to establish a New World Order. They realize that to do this the United States must be brought low. They can’t abide a beacon of hope still shining that illuminates how crappy Socialism really is.

Their goal is to establish Neo Socialism as the model for all the Nation States of the world, to be ruled by a Golden Council served by a class of Silver Aristocrats. The lower and Middle classes of the world will be subsumed into the Bronze masses. The wealth of what is loosely called "The Middle Class" will be taxed to placate the poor and pay for the New World Order.

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