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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/800315-Those-Invisible-Forces
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#800315 added December 15, 2013 at 10:39pm
Restrictions: None
Those Invisible Forces
One would think that on Sunday a person wouldn’t get much done… you know sort of lounge around and take life easy. Not Today!

After church I went to work splitting the wood I’d blocked. For the past week I’ve been sitting on my laurels and the wood has been flying out of the shed. On Saturday I got a couple of my saws out of the shop and could get back at the blocking. Today I pulled out the empty trailer from next to the shed and filled the one by the splitter. Now at last I’m taking wood off the back of a trailer and not out of the shed. Then I took a nap and went back out and at it again. After supper I typed up the minutes to one of the clubs I belong to and serve as secretary.

It is now 8:26 PM and I know if I don’t get my blog written before 11:00 PM it won’t get posted and my calendar will show another gap. For some reason this bothers me, I guess it’s because in addition to “Moderation” I’m always extoling the virtues of “Self Discipline.” Writing in my blog/journal is certainly an exercise in that.

Did you know that on the Delphi Oracle the Greeks had written, “Know Thyself, and All Things in Moderation?" Of all the marvelous things they discovered, these are the two they considered so important that they imparted onto them an almost religious significance. This is not to say they were necessarily great practitioners of their own advice but at least, in a spiritual sense, they saw the importance of these two pivotal concepts. What we get from Christianity are Thou Shalls and Thou Shall Nots but to the early Greeks having an awareness of one’s self and leading a life guided by moderation were ranked high in importance.

My muse fills my head constantly with thoughts and ideas that could fill volumes of journals. When my mind floods with ideas I think, “Oh my!” I really need to remember that one and include it in my blog. However, if I don’t write it down it soon floats off into the ether and I sense that my muse sighs in disappointment. Still she hasn’t deserted me yet and I try and keep my mind tidied up and full of fresh positive thinking. Still what she shares is not always fresh and positive. Some of what she has to say is pretty far out there in left field and the only redeeming aspects are they jive with the facts unfolding in the world around me.

Today in church I got to wondering how those Jews, huddled in cattle cars, felt as they rolled into concentration camps like Dachau. Can you imagine the absolute horror a young mother or child felt, being transported like cattle to a slaughterhouse? In Vietnam I faced moments of sheer terror but nothing I can imagine tops the dread they must have experienced. We need to be grateful for having been spared such an experience and not take for granted what we have in this great country. I’m certain that many Liberals are well intentioned and think it absurd to suggest that they’re being used.

For example when the President said we could keep our doctors and healthcare plans if we so chose, how many who have since lost their policies realized that under the new law the cost of their insurance will double and their deductibles triple? As citizens we need to realize when sold a bill of goods and respond when our elected leaders practice deceit and deception. We can’t just stumble meekly along like sheep being led to the slaughter. There is a war raging and it isn’t the one on Terror. It is a war against the economic hemorrhaging taking place as our government borrows out of control and spends beyond its means, leading to a world for our children that’s much worse than the one we inherited from our parents. While there is still time we need to get to the bottom of who these invisible forces are that work tirelessly to destroy the great Republic we’re a part of.

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