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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#800600 added December 22, 2013 at 12:23pm
Restrictions: None
Concluding that Homosexuality is Sinful
I thought the “Life Changing Event” for the current administration was Benghazi or the Unaffordable Healthcare Act. I could be proven wrong. It could instead be one of those forces right out of left field, which I predicted some time ago. If you haven’t noticed there is a TV series called Duck Dynasty. My first take was that it was more Liberal programming designed to show Southerners as a bunch of Low Life Rednecks. Still, I was drawn into what this Christian family represented and the style of life they lived. These guys, their wives, children and grandchildren are the real deal. They resonate and those who watch the program are touched by the authenticity and genuineness of those the show portrays.

It is reported that Phil Robertson, told the A@E Network that a part of the program would be showing his family praying in the practice of their Christian Faith. I’m sure at first blush the Liberals loved that one. Look at those Trailer Trash, they must have thought, a bunch of bible thumping Rif-Raff. You can dress those Southern Bigots up but you can’t take them out of the swamp. Then, as the show gained momentum, and began to attract an almost cult like following the Elitists began having second thoughts. Everywhere people were growing beards and dressing up in camouflage. If that wasn’t enough Duck Dynasty soon topped the cable ratings and to add insult to injury they snubbed Barbara Walters by declining to appear on the View. That must have been the last straw. Something had to be done to teach those Hill Billie’s the meaning of respect.

And so it was that all the Liberal Broadcast and Print media began sending invitations and salivating for the opportunity to put these upstarts in their place. GQ Magazine must have thought they’d died and gone to heaven when Phil agreed to do an interview. Now Phil is the Family Patriarch. If we can bring him low, we’ll have the rest of those “Clampets” trembling in their boots, the Liberals must have reasoned, That clan of Upstarts” must be brought to “Heel” and shown who’s boss. Through the use of Political Correctness and Scathing Rebuke we’ll make them bow their heads, shuffle their feet, and apologize for their missguided Christian Beliefs. So the trap was laid and in typical Liberal fashion, the same questions were asked over and over until they got the sound bite they were looking for.

So what did Phil say that got the Liberals so lathered up? He was asked a leading question that he answered honestly. Then they sucker punched him. (Sound Familiar?) The problem was that instead of a knockout, the reply came back and smacked them in the face.

In answer to their question he told them what his personal belief was regarding Christianity and homosexual behavior. They had to know what his answer was going to be and it was exactly as anticipated. It is written throughout the Bible that homosexual behavior is wrong in the eyes of God. Whoever wrote the Bible believed that same sex relationships were sinful and forbidden. Read the book if you have any doubts. The prohibition can’t be stated any clearer.

Sex, however enjoyable, is intended to produce offspring. Making babies is the reason that sex is programmed into our DNA. The process however, is not perfect. Some men and some women have their wires crossed and prefer a same sex relationship. The sex drive is compelling and they choose to find their intimacy in members of their own gender. They don’t choose to be this way… they are born with the inclination. The point is that these relationships do not lead to offspring. Hence this sexual orientation is not according to nature’s reproduction plan and has historically been viewed as aberrant.

Now there is a distinction between tolerance and acceptance. Jesus in rescuing the prostitute from stoning told the assailants “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.” Jesus was a tolerant man but he also told the woman in parting, “Go and sin no more.” This is the Christianity of the issue in a nutshell. This is the basis for Christians believing that marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman. This is not something new written in a revisionist history book. It has been there in black and white for a long time. Since the Gays and Lesbians can’t help what their inclinations are, a little tolerance goes a long way. Still, a Christian who believes the Bible is God’s Holy Word… can’t help but conclude that homosexuality is sinful.

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