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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/800954-Not-on-this-Watch
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#800954 added December 25, 2013 at 8:15pm
Restrictions: None
Not on this Watch
The oath of Enlistment for all service members contains the following phrase…. “I do solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

Now it’s pretty clear to most Americans who those foreign enemies are. They are nation-states or instruments of terror that seek to harm and diminish America’s influence in the world. When one of these states either directly or using a proxy of terror attacks commits aggression, this is the “Foreign Enemy” the Constitution is referring to. However, a domestic enemy is much more difficult to define. I say “Define“ because if you can’t define a threat it is all but impossible to counter.

What if a foreign enemy decided to come in through the back door and attack from within? What if this foreign enemy used economic means to attack our way of life? If this were to happen how would we deal with it? The truth is we are extremely vulnerable to this amorphous and faceless threat. I say “Extremely Vulnerable” but not “Hopelessly at Risk.”

The reason I say there is hope is because there are safeguards in our Constitution to protect us from domestic enemies. From the very beginning our Republic has been confronted with treason and betrayal. From Benedict Arnold, to the Rosenberg’s, to Robert Hanssen to the current exposures by Edward Snowden, history has shown that domestic threats are very real.

Knowing this, what is the best way to deal with a possibility, suggested by Glen Beck, that a financial conspiracy is afoot to undermine the economic and political framework of the United States? What if he is correct in saying that it is aimed at destroying the engine of capitalism and moving the country towards a more socialistic society? Can you imagine the public outcry from the Liberals if anyone seriously decided to check this out? Anyone suggesting this as a real possibility would surely lose their job.

While it was unfortunate that Senator McCarthy got a bit carried away in his zeal, his identification of a subversive Communist threat was real then and remains today an ever present danger. All someone has to do is see how the Soviets operate to realize that the United States is no less vulnerable to their tactics than any other country in the world. We are and always have been under attack by a host of foreign powers seeking to influence our government in ways contrary to our National Interests.

If Al Capone could corrupt judges, finance politicians and dupe public opinion what keeps a foreign power from doing the same thing? The point is that such an aggressor would not hesitate to use sympathetic political forces as agents in effecting changes they could not otherwise achieve. Since the US Military is second to none, our enemies have resorted to “Other Means.” This sort of thing has been going on since our country was founded and it is no secret that the Soviet Union has long sought to undermine the United States using the same techniques that have worked so effectively in subverting other countries throughout the world. They pander to and fund the ideas of politicians and intellectual elitists, who view neo socialism as some sort of utopian state.

Wake up America! When is the NSA going to start using the tools that have so effectively dismembered terror networks and apply them to the covert economic war being waged against our economy? It isn't just the military with a sworn obligation to protect this country! DUH!.... I guess I'm shouting into the wind, plus I already know what the response will be. The short answer is, not while the current regime is in power.

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