Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/801537
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1969314
My first novel, written for NaNoWriMo, 2013. It's unedited; preserved as it was written.
#801537 added December 31, 2013 at 5:43pm
Restrictions: None
Sparks And Fire
Lanae didn't know why, she didn't care why, she just felt it was right. She didn't really even think about it, or anything else, she just felt; and this felt right. His body pressed against her, his arms now wrapped around her, and her arms holding him tightly as they shared a long and passionate kiss.
Then, he stopped and pulled back. He sat back up and with his arms still wrapped around her, pulled her back up as well. He turned slightly, but never removed his arms from around her. He was looking into her eyes, a questioning look.
Lanae felt her voice quiver as she spoke. "I don't know why I did that. Please don't think badly of me; I'm not a - a.... Her voice trailed off.
He leaned in and kissed her before she could even try to explain. Then his lips caressed along her cheek and she heard him whisper softly in her ear. "I don't understand, I don't want to understand, I just want you; I want to hold you, to touch, to kiss."
He nibbled lightly and his hands caressed down her back. She put her hands up behind his head, running her fingers through his hair. She couldn't think, she didn't want to anyway, she just wanted him. She leaned back, pulling him once again down on top of her. They kissed deeply and passionately, bundled together under the folds of the sleeping bag, the fire crackling beside them. In the glow of its flickering flames she rolled to the side.
He was on his side now, facing her, she on her side facing him. She felt her hand gliding over his stomach and chest. She leaned over him and kissed him again, and again. Soon, she was on top of him, straddling him. Most of the sleeping bag was now under them, and the cool night air caressed over their skin. They felt no chill, they were both burning with desire. In the dancing essence of the fire, its bright yellows and oranges reflected in their eyes they kissed passionately, their bodies entwined together.
Neither tried to speak, no words were needed. They both felt the magic of the night, of each other, and they both surrendered to it fully. Lanae felt him, ready and eager against her; he made no attempt. She felt him surrender to her will, to her control. She could do as she pleased and he would offer no resistance, but he would not advance, either. She didn't know how she knew this, she just understood by the body language and the look in his eyes.
She sat up leaning on her outstretched arms. He made no attempt to hold her to him, but yet, he did not let go of her, either. He watched, the longing reflected with the flames within his eyes. Lanae took one hand and flung the remaining bit of the sleeping bag off. Then she stood, looking down at him. His arms had fallen beside him, he lie between her feet.
His eyes still locked to hers, he made no move. He watched her and yearned to feel the heat of her body again next to his, to taste the sweetness of her kisses. He wanted her, he needed her, but he could not take her. He didn't know why, he just knew this was not the way it needed to be. She had to do this, and he had to let her. He somehow understood some kind of magic was at work here, and if he did anything other than submit to her will, it would break the spell. And he never wanted the spell to break.
She stepped and he was looking at her back side. She was so beautiful in the firelight he felt if he didn't look away it would consume him. He turned his head and looked at the fire itself; even then, he still seen her in the dancing flames. He felt her touch on his shoulder, and looked up at her. He thought he may explode and burst inward all at the same time.
She seen the longing in his eyes, she seen hurt and fear also. She also seen how ready and eager he was to have her, yet he made no move. He sat there, her hand on his shoulder and looked at her with yearning eyes that pleaded to her. She reached for his hand and he lifted his to hers. She pulled and he followed, rising to his feet in front of her. When she let go of his hand, his arm fell to his side. She bent down and took hold of the sleeping bag while he watched.
Sabastian didn't understand any of this. He wanted her so much it hurt, it was consuming him from the inside. He wanted to scream as loud as he could, he wanted to grab her and pull her to him, he had to kiss her lips again, he wanted to take her in his arms, and make love to her. Yet what he wanted he could not do. He could not make his arms reach for her, he could not grab her and kiss her. He felt like a puppet, and she had the strings. She was in control, and he needed to submit to her; nothing else would satisfy his need.
He felt as if hours were passing instead of minutes; time had slowed and almost stopped. He seen her standing with the sleeping bag draped over her arm and realized she also had hold of his other hand. She was gently tugging and he felt his feet move. Her gaze was on him, his on her as they moved; in a trance he followed her, unable to look away from her sparkling eyes.
She did not move far before she stopped, and again let go of his hand. Again it fell to his side and he stood and watched as she knelt and spread the sleeping bag upon the soft grass on the tent side of the fire. She was now on her hands and knees spreading it out beside the fire. He watched, yearning, needing, filled with desire, yet unable to move until she reached up and guided him down to the quilted softness.
He squatted, then his knees touched the softness. She was still on her knees, as well, and she looked into his eyes as she guided him further onto the sleeping bag. Even as she guided him down, her lips pressed to his and again he found his arms around her waist as he returned her kiss.
Lanae didn't understand for sure what she was doing. She knew the ground was hard and rocky beneath them, so she stood and moved the sleeping bag over to the grass. She felt as if she was in a trance, and if he looked away, if he spoke, if either of them made a sound or looked away, the trance would be broken. She didn't want it to break, she felt a burning desire for him and all she could do was fill that desire.
She had to let go to pick up the sleeping bag, but her heart instantly began to race and it felt as if it would rip right through her flesh and escape her chest. She felt a fear that if she did not hold him, he would vanish; like waking form a dream, and the memory is so vivid, but even as you watch, it fades like vapors into the air. Yes, she was afraid if she did not hold him he would fade into nothing and she would open her yes and none of it would be real.
She quickly took hold of his hand again and guided him to the grassy side of the fire. Again she had to let go, and even as she did, she thought he would begin to fade; he wasn't real, none of this was real, it was her dream and she was beginning to wake. Quickly she took hold of his hand and the dream solidified again. She pulled him down to her, and kissed him. As their lips met the world outside the little circle of light from the fire vanished and all of existence was her, him and desire.
Lanae guided him down onto the softness, kissing as they went. She leaned over him, pressing her breasts against his chest. Then she was on top of him and this time she did not hesitate, she felt him pressed against her, and she guided him in. Slowly she took him deeper and deeper. He did not push up against her enough to go deeper, just enough that she could take him into her. The fires within blazed higher and higher as he she took him deeper and deeper inside. They reached a maddening crescendo and she could hold back no more. She clawed at his sides as she kissed and bit his lips. She had no control over her body as it bucked and ground against him, harder and harder until all released in a single moment. She cried out as she sat up on him, pushing him into her as far as she could; her hands clenching his chest, her fingers gripping his flesh. At the same time she felt him exploding into her, his back arched as he lifted her higher and his hands, gripping her thighs, dug deep as he pulled her further down onto himself.
Together they cried out, like wild animals in the night. Then it was over and she collapsed onto him as he collapsed back down onto the sleeping bag. She felt his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. She also was filling her lungs with air, as if she had held her breath for a long time. He held her tight, his hands firmly upon her back. She lifted her head and looked into his eyes, then kissed him, slow and passionate. She couldn't hold it for long, she needed to breathe. She didn't want to move, but had to slide off and lie beside him. Her body was quivering and shaking as she snuggled into him.
He snuggled tight to her as the night air chilled their bare skin, now glistening with sweat. He tried to pull the sleeping bag up around her shoulders, but it was cooperating. As much as she wanted to lie there in his arms, she knew she had to sit up. He sat up, as well, and they pulled the sleeping bag over them as best they could. She held his leg and leaned against his shoulder, he had his arm around her, his hand on her side. They sat like this for a few minutes, watching the now dying fire.
He turned and kissed her on the cheek. She let go the sleeping bag and took his hand. "Come with?"
Sabastian nodded as he stood. He had the sleeping bag still draped partly over his shoulder, and Lanae took hold of it and pulled it over his other shoulder, like a cape. Then she led him to the tent, letting go of his hand only long enough to unzip the opening. She led him in and he followed. In the darkness of the tent she felt the other sleeping bag and she lie down on her back still pulling him to her.
Sabastian was on top now, and he did not hesitate to kiss her, to run his hands over her body, to taste and caress her breasts. He lightly traced imaginary lines along her skin, then erased them with gentle butterfly kisses. He worked his way up to her lips, kissing her deeply, then he was inside and again they surrendered to the passion and desire, giving fully to each other. This time there was no rush, this time they it was slow and passionate. Sabastian on top, Lanae on top, side by side; the let the passion guide them until once again it lifted them together, and again they cried out with savage passion into the night.
Then they collapsed together and side by side held each other close. Lanae pulled the sleeping bag over them as she snuggled deeply into him. Holding her in his arms, he kissed her forehead gently. He felt her breathing slow as his eyes became too heavy to hold open. He felt her hair against his face and then there was nothing but surrender to the night.
Just as everything else had been, together they drifted off to sleep. Two lonely people in the darkness had found magic in the night. Now, exhausted from their passion they surrendered one last time to the mystical forces around them and fell into a deep and undisturbed slumber. Holding each other close, snuggled together on one sleeping bag, sharing one another's warmth under the other they slept sound and deep aware of nothing except perhaps the other.
A short distance away, in a cabin, two other lonely people were sleeping in each other's arms. It was as if Cupid had passed over the campground and loosed his arrows of love on these four people. For two, there was no explanation. For the other two, perhaps they had more to do with how events unfolded than Cupid did.
After Lanae had left, Heather felt guilty for staying. They had come camping together, and she should have left with her friend. But, she also felt a strong attraction to Mike, and she sensed he felt the same for her. "I'll just stay a little while and help him clean things up." She told herself.
Only it didn't work out quite that way. Oh, she helped him clean up, and they talked as they washed up the dishes and put everything away. They had dined outside on the patio. Mike had cooked on the gas grill and they set up table on the picnic table. Now, inside she helped him wash dishes at the little sink.
The cabin was not built for luxury, but to be practical. There was a small kitchen dining area on one side and the living room was on the other side. There was a small hall that ran between the bathroom, which had a toilet and sink on one side, and a compact washer and dryer on the other. Across the hall was a very small bedroom and closet. The twin bed filled the room and there was barely room to walk alongside to the closet. This had shelves on the back and by moving the hanging cloths, you could access the shelves.
Mike had a total of three chairs at the little round table. The stove was also about half sized and the refrigerator took up almost half the wall. The rest of the wall was counter with a small double sink. Heather thought she would have been able to put both halves of Mike's sink in one half of her kitchen sink. The stove and table took up most of the rest of the kitchen area. To wash dishes, they had to practically both stand in the same place.
Not that Heather minded feeling Mike up tight against her. In fact, it was making it hotter and hotter in the small area. Once the dishes were done, Mike went over to the door. "I need to bring some firewood in for later, I'll be right back. Make yourself comfortable, Ok?"
He ducked out the little doorway and Heather went over to the couch and sat. It wasn't quite a couch, but it was bigger than a love-seat; like everything else it was compacted to fit and not take up too much room. She was surprised when she sat down, however, by how comfortable it was. She sat for a few minutes and felt tiredness creeping up on her. She knew she needed to get up, and she knew she should go back to the tent and Lanae. But, she didn't want to be rude. "I'll wait until Mike gets back then I'll say goodnight and maybe give him a kiss before I go."
She didn't hear him come in with an armful of firewood. She didn't hear him go out and get some kindling. She didn't hear him lighting a fire in the fireplace, but she did hear him softly call her name. "Heather? Hey you fell asleep."
She opened her heavy eyes and he was right there in front of her. It took her a minute to collect her thoughts, then she remembered dinner, sitting on the couch, and she must have fallen asleep. She also realized she was lying down, and there was a fire burning in the fireplace. She also had a blanket over her and this handsome guy right in front of her.
"What time is it? I'm sorry, I must have dozed off." Heather sat up and Mike sat down beside her.
"It's almost one-thirty. You fell asleep while I was bringing some wood in. You didn't look very comfortable, half sitting half lying, so I put your feet up, took your shoes and socks off, and put a blanket over you."
Mike smiled at her, "I suppose I should have woke you, but you were sleeping so sound, and you looked so beautiful, I just didn't have the heart to. I built a fire and thought about waking you again, but I decided to let you sleep until after I came back from my nightly rounds."
Mike took her hand in his, "I'm sorry, I thought I would be back sooner but I barely left and heard this sound. I'm not sure, but it may have been some coyotes or something, and it sounded like it was over by your tent. I have a rifle just in case, so I got it, loaded it and rushed over there, but I didn't find anything. Lanae must have been asleep when I drove over there, the fire was dying and it was peaceful as could be."
"I came back and made my rounds and everything was fine, but then I heard it again, and from the same direction. I headed straight over there, but this time I walked. I thought maybe the four-wheeler had driven the animal to cover. So, I went over as quietly as I could and didn't use the flashlight. It was dark, but the moon was up enough I could see, and I listened for any sounds."
He was still holding her hand, "I went right up to the tent, but as quiet as I could, so I wouldn't wake Lanae or scare her. I didn't use the light, for the same reason. I could hear her inside," Mike chuckled lightly, "snoring. Not loud, but she must have been sleeping awful sound."
Mike turned serious again. "I looked all around, and it looked like something must have been messing around by the fire. I'm no expert but it looked like something must have kind of sniffed around and maybe pawed at the gravel on one side. I suppose something got spilled and some little critter was shuffling around trying to find an easy meal. I was just about back to the trail and heard a howl off across the lake. I must have heard it earlier, and I suppose it sounded closer than it was. So, since it wasn't anything to worry about, I came back. You were still sound asleep, and I decided to wake you."
Heather relaxed knowing Lanae was safe. "She never woke up?"
"Nope, she snored right on through, and I could hear her almost all the way down the trail. I thought about just letting you sleep, but I didn't know. I thought it better to wake you and let you decide. You're more than welcome to crash right here on the couch, or I can sleep on the couch if you want to sleep in a bed. My casa is your casa or something like that." Mike smiled again.
Heather smiled back, "I'm very comfortable, but I should get back, Lanae would be mad if I stayed here on a soft couch while she's sleeping on a hard mat."
Mike nodded, "I know. I, uh - I really enjoyed myself tonight and I think, um." He drew in a deep breath, "I really like you Heather and I um, would like to, uh...."
He didn't finish, he just blushed and looked down at his hand holding hers. "I know, Mike, I want to, too."
He looked up at her and smiled, "I know, it's just not the right time, or the right place; or something. I'll walk you to your tent, and maybe some other time we can pick this up. If you want to, I mean?"
Heather smiled and leaned forward. She put her arms around him and kissed his now slightly pouting lips.
© Copyright 2013 tj ~ HiLo Silver - Away! (UN: callmetj at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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