Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/801543-Going-Home
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1969314
My first novel, written for NaNoWriMo, 2013. It's unedited; preserved as it was written.
#801543 added December 31, 2013 at 5:49pm
Restrictions: None
Going Home
         Lanae was nervous, but she fell right to sleep and slept sound. She woke remembering part of a dream with Sally, Steve, and some guy she didn't remember ever meeting. They had been by a like or a pool, swimming. She closed her eyes and tried, but couldn't remember anymore. Like most dreams, it was fading quickly with her waking. She opened her eyes again and looked up at the ceiling. Today was it, she would call her mom, and if it went well, be moving out soon.
         She got up and started to dress as her mind went over what she would say to her mom. "Why bother, you know you won't remember a word of it when you call," she told herself. She finished dressing and walked down the hall to the bathroom. She washed her face, brushed her teeth and then brushed her hair as she watched her reflection in the mirror. She barely recognized the image before her. It was no longer a terrified, scrawny girl. Now a healthy woman was looking back, and there was confidence in her eyes. She had put on a few pounds from eating right, but she was still too skinny. She pushed up on her cheeks, then lifted her shirt and looked at her chest and stomach.
         She had skipped putting on a bra this morning, and her breasts were reflecting back at her. She always was on the thin side, but not boyish. No, she had curve to her waist and nice rounded hips. She also had nice full breasts, and a well-rounded butt. Not big, not a bubble butt like Gary had liked in the girly magazines he always seemed to have on hand.
         As she looked, her hands glided over her sides, her stomach, and over her full breasts. She lifted them slightly and thought it kind of funny, I have a smaller frame and full breasts while Sally has a fuller frame and smaller breasts. The same way I'm on the thin side and she's a little on the heavy side.
         She let her breasts settle back into their natural position and looked at her face. No longer gaunt and white, she looked so different from when she had first arrived. You don't look like the same person anymore, she thought, and you don't look like you did in high school.
         No, this was no cute girl looking back at her, and this was not a scared young woman suffering from stress, abuse, and malnutrition, either. She was looking at a woman, one who was beginning to gain her health back and one who was gaining confidence in herself.
         With her shirt still up, she lifted her arms up and ruffled her hair. She was surprised at how sexy she looked. Kinda white though, lady; you are going to have to get yourself some sun and tan up a little. You're just as white as a new fallen snow. A thought drifted into her memory of something she heard once, snow white breasts - she definitely had them.
She was still looking at them in the mirror when she heard something and pulled her shirt down. Turning she saw Sally in the doorway. "Sorry, I didn't mean to watch. I just wanted to come and let you know breakfast is ready. What were you just thinking about, Lanae?"
         I was just looking at how much different I look now, from when I first got here. I've put on a little weight, but it's more than that, it's like my tone and everything has changed. I don't know how to explain it, but I just look different.
         You are different Lanae, you're getting a little muscle built up again, your color is better, and you have a healthy glow to you. It's amazing how fast we bounce back, isn't it. I just hope that it continues after you move out.
         "I've been wanting to say this, and now is as good of a time as any, I guess. It's going to be tough for you, with your mom I mean. I don't want you to end up repeating any of this."
         Lanae opened her mouth, but Sally put her finger gently against her lip, "Shh now, let me just say this. I know you have come a long way, and I agree, you need to do this. I just know how hard it's going to be. I have faith in you and believe in you, Lanae. Even so, if things start going wrong, I don't want you to ever feel like there is no one there for you."
         Sally smiled, "I'm sure it's going to work out just fine, but if it don't you call me. I don't care what time it is, day or night. I don't care if you're halfway around the world, you call me. OK, I'm finished."
         Lanae smiled back at here, "Your too nice to me, you know that don't you? I will, I promise, if I'm having any trouble and can't handle it, I'll call you and get some good advice, or just a nice pick me up. Even if I'm doing great, I have the phone Steve gave me and I put your number on speed dial, I'll call you just to say hi and let you know how I'm doing."
         "That's fine, Lanae, I want you to call often, just to talk, you're my friend. I want you to call with any problems you have, big or small. I want you to call me, Lanae, even if your just feeling a little lonesome or alone. But, what I'm saying is, if you find yourself in any trouble, you call me right then and right there, and I will be there as fast as I can. If that won't work, then I will get you back here, no matter what it takes. Do you understand? You are not alone, never again will you be alone, Lanae." Sally rushed into the bathroom and hugged her friend, "I will never fail you, never."
         Lanae returned her hug and felt tears rolling freely down her cheeks. Sally felt them on her shoulder and pulled back and looked into her friend's eyes, "What's the matter?"
         "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I don't know why I'm crying, I guess because I feel so loved. Thank you, Sally, for everything. I will call, I will not fail you, either." Lanae pulled Sally back into their loving embrace.
         A minute passed before they let go the other and Sally took the towel form the hook and gently dried Lanae's tears. "We better get back to the kitchen before Steve comes looking for us. If he sees us hugging and them alligator tears rolling down your cheek, he's going to think we were fighting again."
         They both broke out in laughter, remembering the look on his face. "Yeah, he was pretty worked up about it, too. I thought for a minute he was going to grab hold of both of us and give us a spanking for fighting. He just had that, I'm a pissed Dad and you're in big trouble look to him." Sally said, then added, "Like we're sisters who got caught fighting."
         "We are as close as any sisters, he has that right, but even better was the look on his face when he figured it out that we were not fighting. Speaking of that, I really don't know what came over me, Sally." Lanae quickly finished before they got to the kitchen, "I don't regret any of it, I liked it, but I never ever thought of doing anything like that before. Have you?"
         "No, it just kind of, I don't know, flowed from between us, like it was just natural or something. I don't understand it either. I'm glad you are alright with it, I don't want anything to ever come between us. I cherish our friendship above anything, Lanae, and don't ever forget that."
         "What are you two chattering about?" Steve pointed to the table laden with breakfast foods. "Everything is going to get cold, come on let's eat."
         "OK, keep your pants on, Dear," Sally injected as she pulled out her chair.
         But, before she could sit down, Steve plopped his fanny down on it and looked up at her with a smile. "Thanks, Honey. You don't mind, do you?"
         Lanae had sat down in the spot she always used, next to the wall. The square table sat up against the kitchen wall on one side, the three exposed sides enough for the three people in the house. Sally sat opposite the wall, so that she could jump up and down for things, if needed. Steve sat on one side, so that Sally was on his right side, and Lanae had taken the vacant position across form Steve.
         Today, Lanae was in position, but Steve was now at the end of the table in Sally's normal spot, leaving the position across from Lanae open for Sally. "Sure, steal a ladies seat. Quite the gentleman you are!" A hint of playfulness almost concealed the questioning in her voice.
         "But, I am a gentleman, that's why I had to switch, not steal, your chair. After the fight you two had yesterday, I thought it best if I sit between you. You know, just in case. I wouldn't want a dispute over the last piece of bacon to turn into another all-out battle between you two." He glanced over at Lanae and winked.
         "Oh, I see." Sally answered. "You put yourself into the danger zone between us bitter enemies, so that you can maintain the peace. And, if a fight does break out, you can pull us apart and send us to your room and spank us." She grinned at him. "You'd like that wouldn't you, to have us going at each other, tearing each other's cloths off, then pulling us apart and dragging us to your room, and then pulling down our pants and underwear and spanking us on the bare bottom. Why Steve, I never knew you were so kinky - you perve!"
         They all broke out in laughter, and with red cheeks Steve defended himself, "Oh, I can be just as kinky as you. Well, almost. Seriously, Sally, I just want to enjoy this meal, and watch my two favorite ladies before Lanae leaves us."
         "Lanae smiled, "I'm not leaving right after breakfast, I have not even called my mom yet."
         They enjoyed a wonderful breakfast and talked about Lanae's future plans. After breakfast, Lanae helped with dishes and clean up. Then, taking a deep breath, she called her mom and explained everything that had happened.
         "I'd like to come back home for a little while, Mom, to try and repair our relationship, to work at getting my GED, and to have time to think about what direction I want my life to go."
         Her mom surprised her, "I think it would be good to spend some time together, we didn't part with the best of conditions between us. I would like to get to know you, the woman you've become. I do have to insist, though, that you at least look for a job."
         Lanae felt relief flood through her, "Thanks Mom. I know I have to support myself, I already decided that I need to find work, anything. I will help out as much as I can afford."
         "Oh, you don't have to help out, I'm doing alright. I just don't want you to freeload and get back into any bad habits. You've grown up and I think it's important for you to have your own income and responsibilities that go with being grown up."
         "That's just what I think I need too, Mom. When would be a good time to come home?"
         "Well, I always believed the saying, no time like the present. But, unfortunately I can't come and get you right now, my car is in the shop."
         "Oh no, I hope it isn't anything serious." Lanae added, "I can get a ride from my friends here, they offered already. I don't have much to pack so it won't take long to get ready, and I can be home by this evening."
         "Not real late! I go to bed about nine, I'm not a spring chicken you know?"
         "No, not late, it will be around six or seven. No later, Mom."
         "OK, then I will see you this evening, Lanae. Bye-bye."
         "Bye Mom." Lanae wanted to add, "I love you," but it did not feel right and she did not force it out. She hung up the phone and turned. Two sad looking faces where forcing smiles at her.
         "It sounds like that went real well. I'll help you pack up your stuff. You can borrow some luggage, I didn't hang on to yours after we had you unpacked."
         "Oh, Sally, I'm so nervous. Yes it did go nice, she surprised me. I guess things have changed for everyone." Lanae looked at Steve, "Thank you for everything, and for offering me a ride. I can't ever repay you for all you both have done, all I have to offer is my friendship, and that is yours for as long as you want."
         Looking back at Sally, "You what? You threw away my designer plastic bag luggage?"
The three went down the hall. Steve peeled off at the bathroom, "I'm going to shower and get ready, while you two pack. No funny business in there now, she wants to be at her mom's by six."
         "They didn't bother to say anything as they continued to Lanae's room. Sally hugged her, "I'm happy for you, Lanae. I'm glad your call went well and you and your mom can get things worked out. The sooner you get this stuff all taken care of the sooner I can have my best friend back again."
         Lanae smiled and watched as Sally left the room. She started taking clothes from the closet and soon Sally was back with some suitcases and some garment bags. "With all the clothes we scrounged up for you, at least you will start out with a good wardrobe."
         Soon they were in the car and driving away from the only security Lanae had left in the whole world. She did her best to keep up the smile and to hide from her friends just how terrified she was.
© Copyright 2013 tj ~ HiLo Silver - Away! (UN: callmetj at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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