Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/801545
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1969314
My first novel, written for NaNoWriMo, 2013. It's unedited; preserved as it was written.
#801545 added December 31, 2013 at 5:51pm
Restrictions: None
Intimate Encounter
         The next morning the two women worked together to make Steve a nice breakfast, then after he left, they worked together to clean up the kitchen and do the dishes. "I'm going to go hop in the shower quick, Lanae."
         "OK, I'm going to get dressed." Lanae followed Sally down the hall. Mid way, Sally turned and walked into their room, and for a second Lanae flashed back to the incident yesterday. "I'll be careful not to repeat that," she mumbled to herself.
         "What's that?" Sally called out.
         "Nothing, I was just talking to myself. I said I'll be careful in the hall, we don't want a repeat of yesterday."
         Sally appeared in the doorway, now in just her panties, "I wouldn't mind bumping into you and taking a tumble on the floor together - or even a kiss."
         Lanae didn't know what to say.
         "I'm kidding, jeez," Sally gave her a swat on the butt, "can't you take a joke."
         Lanae let out her breath, "Funny, real funny, Sally."
         When Sally finished in the shower she went back to her room and dressed, then came out to the living room to see what Lanae was watching.
         "I thought I heard the TV, what you watching?"
         "I don't know, I didn't catch the whole thing, some talk show. It's some head doctor talking about sexual tensions and the problems they cause."
         "Sounds interesting, any good tips?"
         Lanae shook her head, "No, but he did talk about how sexual deprivation can lead to awkward situations."
         Sally laughed, "I think we already found that out, but what to do about them."
         "Oh Sally, you don't have to worry, it won't happen again, I promise." Lanae was looking up at Sally, "I could never do anything like that to you."
         "Relax, Lanae. That's about enough of feeling guilty; we've been over this and it's really OK. I just meant that it would be nice to find some way to give you a little relief without making Steve go get us a couple man hookers."
         They both laughed at this, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad about this, Lanae. Please, no more guilt, OK?"
         Lanae nodded. "OK, I'll get over it. I just don't ever want to lose your friendship or your trust, you've both been so kind and helpful."
         "I know that, and that's why I'm not worried about it, at all. Now let it go. We have to find some solutions for you and the real problems, not hang on some funny incident in the past."
         "I know. OK, no more guilt. Thank you for being so understanding, Sally." Lanae smiled at her friend. "I have been thinking a lot about what you said last week, about getting out on my own and stuff. Your right, I do need to do just that."
         "So you will take the offer, the apartment and job here, with us?"
         "No, Sally, I won't. It would be just like this, you would be watching over me, well both you and Steve. I love it here, and I want to, but it's not what I need. We both know it's just the same as it is now, only it would look like I was on my own."
         Sally looked like she was going to start crying, "I know. I have been thinking it over, too. And your right, we would watch over you. I have never had a friendship like we share, Lanae. We have known each other for what, two weeks? But in that time, I feel closer to you than to anyone. It's just that, I don't want you to move out, I'll miss you too much."
         "I know, Sally, I feel the same. I guess that's why I got so upset over the incident in the hall. I never want to do anything to hurt you, and that's the truth, but in another way, I don't want to do anything to cause any problems between you and Steve, you're both such wonderful friends. But this decision has nothing to do with that, I just need to be on my own, to finish from where I was when I ran and hid."
         Sally watched and listened, but did not interrupt.
         "With Gary, I mean. I didn't really ever love him, but he was a way to get away from my mom, and my home. I used him as a way of running away from everything, even myself. Now, I have to go back and do it right, I have to get my GED, I have to move on, not run off."
         "But where will you go? It would be easier if you had a job and a place to go."
         "It would be easier, but maybe that's not what I need. Easier I mean. Maybe I have to step out on faith and do this. It's the only way I will ever know that I can do it on my own, that I don't need anyone. And, it has to start with my mother." Lanae felt tears forming as she told Sally the rest of her intentions. "I have to repair the relationship I had with my mom, no matter how she acted or what she did."
         "Remember when you told me she was hurting, like me? Well, I think she was. Not just with losing her husband, they must have had something or they would not have stayed together, after all. But she had also lost me. She lost me a long time before, to my dad. I know that means she is a petty woman, but so what if she is? I remember when I was little, she and I would bake and do housework together. She even had a little apron that matched hers, and she would tie it around my waist. But as I got older, I found I liked my dad's stuff more and spent more and more time with him, and less with her. That's when we drifted apart and she seemed to change, but maybe because I had."
         "Lanae, it's not your fault." Sally had taken hold of her hand, "You had to be you, and your mom needed to give you that room."
         Sally paused for a few minutes, tears now forming in her eyes, "I guess I know what you mean, though, and yes, you're probably right. I'm doing the same thing, wanting to keep you for myself instead of letting you become who you are inside."
         Both of them now had tears running down their cheeks. Lanae brushed them away from Sally's mouth, then leaned in and kissed her. Not a deep passionate kiss like lover's share, but a deep loving kiss like sisters and best friends share when hurt tears at their hearts.
         Sally returned the kiss, then they hugged and held each other tightly. After a long hug, they pulled back, still holding each other. "Just don't you go and forget about your friend now. Do you hear me Lanae?"
         "I won't forget you, Sally; I will remember you and cherish you. Every day I will remember how you helped to find me, lost in myself, and how you gave me strength. You trusted and believed in me, no matter what. Now, I need to trust myself and learn to believe in me as much as you do."
         They hugged again, "I love you, Sally. You are my hero, I never thought I would look up to and love and respect anyone like I did my dad, but I do. And that's why I have to move out and do this, I have to do it for you and for him."
         They hugged tightly, then pulled back just a bit, Lanae looked right into Sally's eyes, "Can I tell you why I couldn't do anything yesterday with Steve?"
         "Lanae, we've been through this, it's done and it's OK, remember?"
"I know, and it's not about that, well kind of, but not really. I just need to tell you this. I had a moment of weakness yesterday when I kissed Steve. Not because I wanted to make love to him, but because I was so lonely. I almost kissed him again, but it wasn't him I wanted, it was - I wanted to kiss - you."
         Sally watched her, looking straight into her eyes. She didn't look away, she didn't pull back, she didn't seem to even notice what Lanae had just said. She sat and looked into Lanae's eyes and Lanae looked into Sally's eyes. The clock ticked out its clicks to mark the seconds as they passed. "I know."
         Sally pressed her lips against Lanae's as the last word slipped past her parted lips. They kissed long and deep. They kissed passionately, and held nothing back. Then, slowly, Sally pulled away and stood. She took Lanae's hand and pulled. Lanae stood and let Sally lead her. Back down the hall, towards Sally's bedroom. She stopped and leaned into Lanae, pressing her up against the wall, kissing her again. "I had to kiss you here, where you kissed Steve, now come."
         Again she pulled gently on Lanae's hand and again Lanae followed along, down the hall to her own room. Sally was walking slowly backward across the room. When she contacted the bed with her legs, she let herself fall backward, still holding and pulling Lanae's hand. Lanae let herself fall gently forward onto her friend. Even as their bodies pressed together, their lips met. They lie together, kissing, caressing each other on the cheek, the shoulder, then more kisses, then more caresses.
         Lanae felt Sally unbutton her shirt, but did nothing to stop her. After the last button was open, Lanae slipped out of it. Sally took this time to sit up and pull her t-shirt over her head. She had not put a bra on after her shower. Lanae, with shaking hand reached out and caressed Sally's breast as she leaned in and kissed the hollow where neck and shoulder meet.
         Soon Lanae was free from her bra and felt Sally's hot kisses along her shoulders, her chest, and down her breast. Soon they were both lying down in each other's arms kissing, pressed breast to breast. They would have continued, if not for the sound of the front door.
         Sally was more on top of Lanae, and turning she looked down the hall. Lanae felt her heart pounding against Sally's chest. Or, was that Sally's heartbeat? "Hello? Is anyone here?"
         Sally jumped in Lanae's arms, then hurriedly got up and put her t-shirt back on. Sally sat up and grabbed her shirt, slipping her arms into the sleeves and began to quickly button it up. She had to stop, it was crooked. She had missed a button.
         "Sally - Lanae, you guys home?" Steve called out again, and a shadow formed at the end of the hall.
         As Sally had her shirt on and was using her hands to straighten up her hair. Lanae had her shirt buttoned up about halfway, and stopped to straighten her own hair. She was still sitting on the bed when Steve appeared at the end of the hall. He seen them and quickly came into the room.
         "Hey, what's up? Why didn't you answer me?" He looked at Sally, then at Lanae, then back to Sally. "Are you alright? Are you two fighting?"
         Sally burst into laughter at this, and soon Lanae was joining her. Steve looked from one to the other, then smiled. "What's so funny? I'm serious, did you to get into a fight?"
         He grabbed Sally by the shoulders and moved her in front of the mirror, "Look at yourself and tell me you weren't fighting." He left her standing there and took Lanae's hand and pulled her unceremoniously to her feet and over to the mirror. "Look at both of you!"
         They stood side by side, looking at their own reflection then the other's. Steve was also reflected in the mirror. His face was stern and his voice filled with anger and bewilderment. "Look!" He pointed at the mirror, and they looked. "You tow were fighting over that, that - situation with me and Lanae yesterday, weren't you?"
         Sally turned towards Lanae as Lanae turned towards Sally; they stood toe to toe looking at the disheveled hair, Sally's shirt on - backwards, lipstick smears on their cheeks. It was too much and they broke out into laughter again. Steve stepped back and with his legs slightly parted and planted firm, hands on his hips, he stated, "I'm not moving until I hear an explanation!"
         Sally choked down her laughter, "OK, I'll tell. Lanae has decided to move out."
         "And you beat her up for it?" Steve inquired.
         "No, Steve, no body beat anyone up, we were just saying our goodbyes." She looked back at Lanae. "We were just sharing a tender woman moment when you came in."
         Steve just stared, then a little smile formed on one corner of his mouth and a twinkle flashed in his eyes, "Saying goodbye? A woman thing? Hey, what's going on here? Are you two, you know?"
         Lanae finished for him, "best friends? Yes, Steve, we are. I guess we just got carried away a little."
         "A little. How much is a little? Fill me in; better yet, show me. Please." He had that little boy look in his eye. Sally leaned in and kissed Lanae, softly on the cheek. Let's go sit down on the couch and finish this conversation."
         "Yes, finish on the couch." Steve smiled, still looking confused, "I'll go wash up and change, and finish up with you."
         Steve went to the bathroom and soon water was running. Lanae and Sally took a minute or two to straighten up and clean up some of the lipstick smears. "After you find what you need, Lanae, I do want to finish this."
         "I do, too. I want to but what about Steve? I don't want to cause any problems with you two."
         "It won't, I'm sure. Hell you seen him, he was more turned on than I was, I think. Anyway, I'm kind of glad he interrupted us. Now is not the time for this. Not when you're lonely and unsure about so much. I do agree with you, I understand, and I want you to keep in touch until we can get together. Promise me you call and stay in touch with me; um I mean us. Promise?"
         "I promise I will call and stay in touch as best I can. I don't know where this is going to take me and I may not have money or a means to call all the time until I get a job and stuff. But, Sally, I will stay in touch the best I can."
         "What's this?" Steve was standing in the opening of the hallway, towel wrapped around his waist, water still dripping from his hair.
         "Steve?" Sally scolded him, "You can't come out here like that, all you have on is a towel."
         "So what, I'm covered. Besides, I wanted to hear what you were talking about." He stepped into the living room. "Now what's this about not being able to call and stay in touch with us?"
         "Well," Lanae began to explain again, "I may not have any money or anyway to call..."
         "That's crap, you still have the phone I gave you don't you?"
         "Yes, I have it, and it's got some minutes left but it's almost out of airtime. I don't know when or how I can add to it."
         "You don't have to, I'll put it on a monthly plan and keep it active, just so you can stay in touch. I insist, and so does Sally, you keep the phone and we'll keep it active. OK?"
         Lanae knew better than to argue, "OK."
         They spent the night discussing ideas and by the time they went to bed they had a plan. Lanae would call her mom the next morning and if it worked out, she would soon be moving home.
© Copyright 2013 tj ~ HiLo Silver - Away! (UN: callmetj at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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