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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/801664-This-ones-about-the-newest-year
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#801664 added January 1, 2014 at 2:19pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about the newest year.
30DBC PROMPT: "What has been the craziest New Year's Resolution you've heard to date? Did you make it or was it made by someone you knew? What became of the Resolution? Tell me a story - Kick in the New Year for me *Smile*."

What's up friends? Happy New Year! I hope that 2014 finds you well and prosperous.

Is it too early to complain about the prompt? I mean, I've only been up since around 8am-ish, and I'm already bored by 2014. No worries...I'll try my best to put my cynicism aside and play nice for a day, after all, aren't we supposed to be turning over new leaves and such today?

I don't believe there's a such thing as a "crazy" New Year's resolution, but there's no shortage of people willing to make outlandish and unrealistic threats statements coinciding with the beginning of another year. Look, we all know you mean well by proclaiming a better you when you say you're gonna go to the gym more often, quit smoking and stop beating your kids, but deep down you know in your heart of hearts you're not gonna be able to maintain the pace that's required for all of your healthy ambitions.

I'm not trying to kick in another year in all the years of years. I'm gonna break that mawfuggin' wall down and put a foot through it. And that's being realistic.

No promises. No stress. No aggravation. No bullshit. No drama. No complaints. A lotta noes, and if history tells us anything, a thousand noes equals one giant yes. That doesn't sound so crazy now, does it?

I will share one tale though from my past, in hopes that nobody else has to endure the pain of New Year's resolutions gone haywire. I might be mixing in details of a few different NYE's, but that's what happens when you find too many of them at the bottom of a bottle.

Me, Verno and DMFM formed a collective many years back that became known as "The Ruckus". That's because, well, we were. We had a bowling team and an AOL Instant Messenger handle (does anyone even still use AIM?). Around the year 2000, when the world was worried about computers crashing and food supplies dwindling, I deviated from our little clan and went to a coworker's festive gala where everyone was required to wear formal attire. It felt important. Meanwhile, other friends were gathering at a hotel.

I left the fancy party to celebrate with my brothers, and we said "F@&# the world! It's Ruckus 2k!!" But it wasn't. I found out a good friend was screwing my ex, and life was somewhat never the same.

Only here we all are (metaphorically). Life in its basic sense was actually the same...ups, downs, lefts, rights. We still managed to put pants on and face the world that didn't implode under Y2K fears. We went on with our lives because that's what we do when lives need to be lived. And there's no question today that life doesn't go on; in fact, stores are actually open and I sorta contemplated dying my hair again in the aisle of hair needs at Kinney. The ex in question, who once was the girl of my dreams and pondered my sanity, went certifiably batshit crazy. DMFM is still my boy. Verno...that's a story for when the luster of another new year wears off. Family isn't just defined by blood, but also by the company you keep, and Facebook makes it both painfully obvious and somewhat rewarding.

If you were looking for a moral in this story, you can stop reading now. There isn't one.

But hey, that's no reason not to enjoy yourself anyway. There's only one new New Year a year. Make it notable if you can...you've got 364 more days to apologize for it be amazing.

BCF PROMPT: No prompt for today? Then I'll borrow yesterday's instead (even though we've been advised no longer to). "It is New Year's Eve. Most of us make resolutions every year. Are we ever successful? Do we make the same one each year? Share some of your resolutions that you have made when you were 16, 25, 35, 45. 55. 65. 75... What's different from then to now?"

Personally, I don't make resolutions. Seems unsensical. Why set yourself up for failure?

Furthermore, I keep reading that people want "personal growth" in lieu of actual resolve. Sounds nice. Seems attainable. And yet I can't stand it.

Were you that horrible of a person in the past year that you feel like this one will make you automatically be better? Does this newfangled sense of agenda help, or diminish your past net worth as a human? How good is great, and how bad is awful? Sure, we all want bigger, better, faster, more. Why do we have to draw lines regarding the who, what, where, when, and hows about it?

If I've learned anything in my years on this planet, it's "let's not have expectations". Expectations = disappointment, and disappointment < reality (and that's your math lesson for today). Be what you can when you can, ask for help when you need it, and don't be disillusioned by others. Seems simple enough, although some people feel like they need to make a point of reminding you that they strive to achieve something that should just be a given; don't we all want to be better?

My 2014 wish isn't that you all adopt my way of thinking regarding resolutions, but that you foster your growth privately and in the fashion that suits you best, without having to tell us all about it. Seeing as how there's no calculatable measure on personal growth outside of physical means, it shouldn't be that hard. Donate privately, live within your means, smile occasionally, and silently rule 2014, or whatever year you choose to live in.


Well, you'd think I'd start another year off with this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMflgHGnQwc, but I won't...because I hope you have a good day and year. Instead, let's do this all well and good.

Nothing's dead down here; it's just a little tired.


2014: Better be better than 2013, or 2003, or 1913.

*Hockeyhelmet* We now have (multiple) hockey emoticons! I won't complain about that. But I love Wordsmitty ✍️ 's idea of a gap-toothed grin.

*Books1* Speaking of the man, have you made a resolution to enjoy yourself some of this month's "Invalid Item? If not, you should. Please do, and thank you.

*Clapper* Binge-watching Arrested Development on Netflix (when the NYE celebrations locally aren't disrupting my life). May make my way into Breaking Bad. I'll need shows to watch.

*Hockey* Did I mention we got new emoticons for hockey? Now I need a team worth backing. The Sabres aren't close to being stellar this year. But these are: http://deadspin.com/minimalist-nhl-logos-might-be-even-better-than-the-real-1468.... I will fully support any WDC campaign on licensing concerns to get actual NFL, NHL, NBA, or any other sports franchise logo as an emoticon....how frigging sweet would that be?

Ok, I need a nap, and I fully evoke the right to administer myself to adhere to the rules, bylines, and concessions I've made for myself regarding this new extravaganza of a year. Cheetos don't eat themselves, dig? Peace, Plant? Her? GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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