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Rated: GC · Book · Crime/Gangster · #1967095
A book about an unlikely superhero, the jealous kind. Join Perry in his adventures!
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#802531 added January 8, 2014 at 5:34am
Restrictions: None
CH. 1 The Day it began
A brown haired boy roamed the halls of a high school with several other people.  He was happy as he had his blue eyes showing happiness.  He had on a pair of glasses as he walked in his extra big and roomy clothes. 

The pulled pulled out of his back pack a comic book with a black dressed tanned man on the front.  He then began to read it as he walked out of the school.  He sat down on the steps at the school's entrance as he sighed.  He then said to himself, “Man, I wish I was a hero.”

A foot ball flew through the air as it hit the comic book reading boy in the chest and the comic fell.  The boy flew back as his glasses fell from his face.  He groaned as he coughed and a voice shouted, “Have a good spring vacay Dairy Perry!”

Perry then got up as he felt around for his glasses and eventually found them.  He put them on as looked in the direction of the high school bully.  It was a black boy that was rather tall and muscular wearing a blue and yellow varsity jacket for Football and Wrestling at Koch High School.  His dreadlocks swayed with his steps as he joined a group of cheerleaders walking to the buses.

Perry then said slightly angry with a pile of envy, “Oh, that Jack Beaman thinks he so great.  He split milk on me in the sixth grade and hasn't let go of that nickname since!  If only I could be as strong and popular as him for a day.  Then I'd show him!”

Perry began to walk as he grabbed his comic.  He put his comic away as he walked to the cross lights.  He waited as the cross lights indicated that the people shouldn't cross right now.  Perry looked across the street as he placed in his right ear bud from his mp3 and pulled out his comic book. 

The comic book was The Black Wyrm issue 87 from MCD comics.  The comic book cover showed a tanned man with blue eyes dressed in a black leather trench-coat and pants wearing a black shirt with a white spiraling wyrm symbol on the chest.  His face was covered in a domino mask with a hood pulled over his bald head.  He was fighting some green alien monster with six arms and four eyes in a diamond formation with insect wings that matched it's exoskeleton like body covered in spines. 

As Perry looked up from his comic book he noticed on the other side a blonde haired girl.  She wore shades and held a long cane.  Perry looked back down at his comic as he then heard from his free ear a bleep.  He looked up as he was about to walk out ready to cross.  He then noticed that the lights were red and he heard the bleep again. 

From across the street a man pulled out his cell phone from his suit pocket as he answered it.  But the blind girl began to move across as she walked out into the road and felt around with her long cane.  She gasped as she became alerted by the honking of an on coming car. 

Perry pushed through as he dropped his comic.  He ran as he saw the dead girl before his eyes and ran with all his speed.  He moved by a slowing motorcyclist and leaped as he pushed the girl out of the travel lanes and onto the ground of the yellow separation lines.  Two buses drove by them as the pair were just millimeters away from death.

The traffic stopped as the pair stood up and a squad can came to help out.  The police helped the pair back to the side walks.  Perry pulled his glasses off the pavement as he noticed one of the lenses were broken.

Perry then heard the girl say to him, “Mister, what is the name that is my savior?”

Perry replied as it saw her in his blurred vision, “I'm Perry Turner.”

The girl then said to him in surprise, “You sound young, are you perhaps a middle schooler?”

Perry shook his head as he replied to her, “No, I'm 17 years old, my voice just hasn't cracked yet.”

The squad car drove away as the girl then said to him, “What should I reward such a brave hero with?”

Shaking his head Perry replied to her, “No, no, I'm not a hero.  I'm just a 17 year kid on his way home for Spring Vacay.”

The blind girl then told him, “Well I still must reward you, name one true heart desire and I will grant it.”

Perry looked at her as he rose a brow, “Uh, sure could I get a buck?”

The girl then punched him in the arm as she said to him serious, “I'm being serious, name it.”

Perry then said as if it couldn't be done, “Fine, make my envy beneficial.”

Smiling the girl then said to him, “Finally, something that is worth my talents.”

Her hands glowed blue as she took them to his chest and said to him, “From now on, what ever your heart is envious of shall no longer know what to be envious of.”

Perry said in a whisper as it finally dawned on him, “You're an Able.”

The blue light blinded him as he fell down and saw darkness shroud his vision.

Perry woke in the hospital as he looked at the white room.  A gasp came as a man said with a worried voice, “Oh, my son, Perry.”
Perry saw his father as he looked at his curly brown hair with blue eyes.  His father sat in a chair wearing a pair of glasses as he smiled at his son.  Perry then grinned at his dad as he replied to him, “Hey, dad, where's Kevin?”

Perry's father smiled at his son as he hugged him and said to him, “Oh, Kevin is just outside.”

Perry nodded as he then sat up after his dad let him go.  He then looked at the white room as he looked at the doctor who came in.  He looked at his list as he then said to Perry's dad, “He is free to go.”

Perry walked out in his new change of clothes his dad and brought him.  A pair of baggy blue jeans and a red t-shirt with a man on it.  The man was a black man with brown eyes wearing a brown suit jacket with white elbow patches.  The pants were brown slacks and the button up shirt underneath was blue with a brown tie.  The tie had at the knot a silver pin of an upside down trapezoid with a 'Prof' in the trapezoid.  The man was bald and wore a silver domino mask with face guard that framed his face and encircled his head.  The man held a black leather book that had in gold letter the title 'The World History by the Professor'.

Perry had a new set of glasses on as he walked down the hallway.  He saw a man that had a long black beard and tanned skin.  He wore a keffiyeh that was blue with green plaid lines.  His eyes were a bright brown as he smiled opening his arms to Perry.  Perry hugged the man as he said to him, “I missed you Kevin.”

Kevin patted Perry's back as he then pulled back and said to him, “Your dad and I were worried about you Perry when we heard you were in the hospital.”

Perry then walked out of the hospital as he got in the car with his dad and his dad's boyfriend.  The SUV moved out as they went home to their five flat building.  They pulled into the back where there was a parking lot with seven spaces.  The flat building was painted in lime green shingles that had aged for more than 20 or 30 years, but still kept in good condition. 

There was another Flat building right beside the building that was Perry's home.  It was also a Five Flat  only it was red bricks and it had a vacancy sign in it's pet yard.  Perry walked up to the gate to the green flat building as he opened it.  There was a small dog doing his business while Ms. Garrison watched it while smoking a cigarette.  She had white hair with brown eyes and wrinkly skin. 

Perry walked up the steps as he got to the door.  He pulled out his keys as Kevin got to the door.  He opened the door as walked in with Kevin and his dad behind him.  They walked towards the stairs that were on this side of the building.  They walked up the sets of stairs until they reached the fifth floor.  They walked to the door and opened with their keys as they walked inside.  It was a simple four room flat with a kitchen, living room and two doors to the right on the wall.  The doors led to the two bedrooms.  There was a door in the kitchen that had a plaque that said in gold letters 'Restroom'. 

Perry breathed in as he went to his room and opened the door.  He then sat down on his bed in his small room.  He reached under his bed as he pulled out one of the white long card board boxes filled with comics.  He pulled out a comic that had the same character as the one on his shirt. It was the MCD comic book The Professor issue 124 while fighting a two headed dragon that was half gold scales and the other half silver. 

Perry sighed as he read the comic book and read through it.  He then said in desire, “Why can't I be more like the Professor?  At least he has some cool powers.”

Suddenly the comic book began to glow blue as the comic book turned into ash.  Perry's eyes widen as he gasped and was having trouble breathing.  He couldn't believe his eyes, his comic book just became ash as it went into his body.  Then it came out and became his comic book again except it was like new off the shelf.  He put back in his sleeve as his mind fired memory after memory. 

He saw a factory with ink being printed onto thousands of blank magazines.  He saw people monitoring machines and people looking at the computer screen.  The hot blonde that wore a black suit with green eyes that monitored the process.  He then saw the darkness of the back of a truck as the comic book was given to an over weight girl with red hair and blue eyes that wore glasses and a Professor shirt with blue background.  She put it on the table in the spread as Perry saw all these memories flowing he knew what had happened.

He just had the powers of an Able, but he couldn't be an Able.  His mother was a pure human and his father was too.  Sure he had an adopted uncle who was an Able.  But, the gene wasn't inside him as far as his knew.  And even if he was an Able what would be the chances he'd have the powers of one of his favorite superheroes?  Then it hit him, if it was possible to gain the powers of one of his favorite comic book heroes then maybe it was possible to use some other powers.

He then for his bow on the wall.  The bow was a gift from Kevin when Kevin thought that Perry deserved something for his 16 th birthday.  The Hijazi bow was behind some glass in a case that had probably not been opened in hundreds of years.  Perry opened the back as he touched the bow as it was already breaking just being exposed to the air.  The bow then turned to ash as it and the blue energy flowed into Perry. 

Perry saw soldiers of the Rashidun Army  fighting as he saw a soldier wearing a helmet pull the drawstring back.  And arrow flew with mastery as it killed a man who was invading the land.  The archer fought with great expertise as Perry mimicked the movements of pulling out an arrow and knocking it.  He pulled back as he let the imaginary arrow fly into the neck of a riding camel.  The camel's armor was pierced as it fell down and the  mounted soldier fell off. 

Perry then stopped seeing the images as he then looked at the bow.  His eyes widened as he gasped and said in fear, “Oh, no Kevin will kill me if he thinks I replaced his bow.”

Suddenly the bow began to age again back to it's original condition before the case was breached.  Only it did not break as he closed the case back up and hung it back on the wall.  He looked light headed as he then fell down onto his bed with a slam.  Today was the most surprising day in history, today his life changed.
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