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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/802881-Bad-Habits-that-I-gave-into-Today
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#802881 added January 11, 2014 at 10:42am
Restrictions: None
Bad Habits that I gave into Today
What bad habit did you give in to today? Week Three prompt for Welcome to My Reality.

This blog is written with yesterday in mind, as it was too busy beyond my computer to get much done in the line of writing. Today though I am up and ready for it. So here it goes.

I know I have a lot of bad habits; I am human after all. But I am finding that as I get older and have more issues with burning off the calories, eating excessively is becoming not such a good thing. I need to move more and eat less, but sometimes that is a challenge.

Friday's at our school, and many schools in fact, is treat day. Yesterday it was my team's day to organize and put on the spread. And what a spread it was! My goodness!. There were six staff in my class participating and each of us brought more than one thing.

I took in tortilla roll-ups with cream cheese and salsa rolled into a tortilla and cut into little pinwheels - so good. I also took in an 'old cheddar' cheese ball and crackers. I actually got this as a gift for Christmas, but because of renovations on our main floor, I will probably not be able to have any get togethers at my place so I thought this was a great option. I was able to try it and not have to eat the whole thing myself. That was a bonus - although it was very good. I also had salsa and Scoops but I did not put them out because there was definitely enough food.

What else was there. Well, let's see. My absolute favourite was the coconut cream pie - made from scratch. I had three pieces of that alone!!! Albeit, they were small pieces, but still.... There was a cranberry berry crumble - which I also went back for seconds of - again small portions, but really. There was chili and homemade bread - I tried that as well. both were amazingly good. There were butter tarts, but I was too full to even try those. There were deviled eggs in which I sampled one. They were soooo good, but I resisted any others. There was a chocolate pudding made with avocado which really was smooth and creamy - quite good actually. The same person also made an Asian dish that was also very good. I had a small piece of that because I was curious what it was and wanted to try something new. There was a yogurt cake and a cheese cake which I did not get a chance to try, but I could not eat everything. We also had chocolate cupcakes with chocolate icing.

Oh, so much wonderful food and I am sure I am forgetting something but my goodness we did well and the rest of the staff was pleased and impressed.

To top it off we decided to celebrate my birthday with my students so there was also Chocolate cake to enjoy and that came home with me. Luckily my husband has helped me eat some of that. Though a good third of it sits tempting me even as I write this.

For my birthday weekend, we started off with going to the movies which means popcorn and pop and several hours of inactivity. I probably ate the whole bag of popcorn myself, but at least it was only a regular size last night. I tend to inhale popcorn as it is...

Getting on the scale this morning was a little traumatic, but luckily my scale, who I am sure decides my weight, kept me at the same weight I was yesterday morning so all is not so lost.

To be far, I did not eat the lunch I did take to school and although I picked up Swiss Chalet for dinner, I only ate my fries and enough chicken to say I had some. One must eat healthy food, you know. And it is also not good to skip meals.

Today I will have to brave the misty fog and dampness and go for a walk. A long walk. I need to walk off some of the excess. These are the days I long for that old metabolism that allowed me to eat anything and still be fine. Now in my mid - forties I have to take evasive maneuvers or whatever they call it when you have to fix the blunder you made.

Today I will also take some care with my eating. Tomorrow as well, but then tomorrow is my actual birthday so we will see what we see then. I am not into denying myself. And the countermeasures are not all that bad - even if I have to go to the mall to walk.

Here's to rolling with your bad habits, dealing with the fall out and then getting back to trying again. Life is meant to be enjoyed and I refuse to sit in the penalty box for too awfully long.

I will enjoy my food, but remember I will need to MOVE today.

Have a good one.

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