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by Jeff
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1399999
My primary Writing.com blog.
#803013 added January 12, 2014 at 3:43pm
Restrictions: None
Day 12: Weekly Recap
*Written as part of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Day 12 Prompt: Blog. Tell us about your week. Include your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week and, most importantly, why.

It was a good week for the "30-Day Bloggers Group... lots of great entries! I had to spend a good hour going through and trying to find my favorite entry of the week, and I realized I couldn't pick a favorite without some honorable mentions as well. And so:

*Teapotv* I award the coveted Purple Teapot to Prosperous Snow celebrating for her entry "Funny Friday: Funny TV Shows and A Poetry Nerd because "I Love Lucy is truly a comedy classic, and that chocolate factory episode has always been my favorite too.

*Umbrellag* I award the rare Green Umbrella to Fivesixer for attempting to achieve the elusive and prestigious SuperMegaUltra Combo Entry with "This one's about money in the banana stand..

*Butterflyb* And finally, I award the illustrious Blue Butterfly to blainecindy for her entry "Invalid Entry, because she has a passion for education just like I do.

For my money, though, the entry that stands above them all this week was "Opinion Thursday, January 9th by sunnystarr. I love an optimist, and while some of us focused on more specific issues, worried about implementation, or just plain bowed out of politics altogether, she went all out and talked about changing everything from women's rights to taxes to infrastructure improvements. If she were actually elected mayor, I'd insist on knowing where she lives so that I can move there too! She'd be a great mayor and that's why she gets my vote for best entry of the week. *Smile*

As far as the rest of the week goes, it was really busy at work (again), so I didn't have as much time to spend here as I would have liked. I managed to complete the first 36-Hour Mission that Writing.Com Support posted on their newsfeed, but it was just too busy to finish their second one. *Frown* I did manage to get both the "Paradise Cove Writing Challenge-On Hold and "Sinister Stories Contest up and running again with their revised monthly format, and I'm in the middle of developing a couple of fun activities for the "Unofficial Erotica Newsletter Group. I did manage to get all my blog entries for this "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS in on time, and even found the time to comment on a few of them. All in all, I would have liked more time to hang around Writing.Com and get some more stuff done, but I feel like I made good use of the time I had to work with. *Smile*

On the personal side of things, my wife and I had a joint belated birthday party. Both of our birthdays are in December, but mine tends to coincide with finals week for schools and the last full week that many people are at work before the holiday travel begins... and my wife's is firmly between Christmas and New Years' when most people are in the midst of holiday travel and visiting with families. So we decided to instead have a birthday party in early-to-mid January when everyone is back in town. Still, out of about 20 people we invited over to our apartment for food, games, and conversation, only five people actually showed up. Most people might be disappointed by that turnout, but it ended up working out well because everyone was able to play each of the games at the same time and it was a close-knit and fun evening. We played board games that some of us haven't played in years, including Clue, Uno, and Scattergories. We didn't get around to Balderdash or Apples to Apples... and I wanted to play Cards Against Humanity but one of the guests is particularly sensitive to "risque" topics so it probably wasn't the best audience for the greatest party game ever. *Frown* But we still had a lot of fun and my wife and I realized that we should really try to have people over more often. For the price of some cheap Costco food and a few board games we already own, it makes for a pretty fun night!

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