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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/803045-This-ones-about-another-Sunday-Review
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#803045 added January 12, 2014 at 7:51pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about another Sunday Review.
30DBC PROMPT: "Blog. Tell us about your week. Include your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week and, most importantly, why."

What's up friends? It's another Sunday, which means another "Sunday Review" in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS. Another week full of amazing, thought provoking, and fun entries by all the challengers, and as usual, it's difficult trying to single one out as a favorite...it's like being an uncle of a hundred kids, and your sibling's asked you which one you like the most...I've probably said it before but it bears repeating: if it's so daunting to pick one or even a handful of well-done blog entries in a given week, imagine what it's like trying to judge some of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS. I invite you all to try it during an official month after January's up...you gain an entirely different perspective and appreciation for the process of the 30DBC.

Now...about this week...

Personally, my favorite prompts of the week ended up being the "funny tv show" one and the "incredibly gifted at one thing/kinda good at lotsa things" one. Everyone killed it on the latter, offering solid reasons and explanations for why it makes more sense to be slightly above average on a lot of things, especially Jeff in his entry, "Day 8: Amazing At One Thing or Pretty Good At Lots of Things. I think his summation for why it's better to be good at a lot of things over being great at one thing hits the nail on the head and does a good great job at encompassing how we all felt regarding this prompt (see what I did there? *Wink*). Also, he makes what sounds like a tantalizing mango salsa ("Day 11: "Chef" Jeff's Favorite Recipe).

As for the funny things on television that make people laugh, I have to go with blainecindy and her entry, "Invalid Entry, because I'm a diehard Friends fanatic. Cindy does an excellent job introducing the series to those who have never watched it (if you're one of them, I hope you'll check it out), and included a clip of one of the show's funnier ensemble scenes. I'm not gonna lie...when I saw the title for her post, I immediately thought it'd be about Golden Girls based on that show's theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiQzUEc_FmI), although now I'm realizing *Blush* not only was I totally (and thankfully, although I loved watching Golden Girls when I was a kid) wrong, but I have the song that made me initially think of that show incorrect as well...I had it confused with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zB2gPZRsz0Q.

But like I said earlier, there were a lot of great entries to choose from, and a pretty solid week of prompts as well. Good to see most everyone keeping pace, and this month we've even got a hop-on in the middle of the festivities...say hi to A*Monaing*Faith , joining us along the way! The more the...more entries to read, or something. Anyway, we're just about halfway there...let's have another good week, okay? Sounds good.

BCF PROMPT: Like all good businesses who respect their employees, the "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is closed on Sundays and therefore there is no prompt to speak of. I fully support this idea and wish that America could go back to a simpler time, where if you ran out of anything on the weekends you just went without, because stores wouldn't be open. Convenience has really been taken for granted, but I think that's another entry for an angrier day.

Today doesn't feel like a ranting kind of day; in fact, I don't know what it is about the last two Sundays, but they've just not wanted to go anywhere for me. I've been so lazy, I couldn't even take a nap earlier. I laid down and was comfortable and I think I just bored myself right out of the idea that it's smart to try and rest when you haven't done anything and you've barely woken up from a night of sleep. Maybe it's just me; I dunno. It's not even 7pm and I kinda wish it were tomorrow morning already, even though I don't have really much of anything going on to look forward to on Monday.

I could tell you about my week in this space I suppose, but as I've committed to the legacy of words-in-internet-form many a time during Sunday Reviews in past 30DBCs, all you have to know about my past seven days can be gained from wading through my last seven entries. If you can handle that, I think we'll get along just fine.


I'm running out of Sunday-themed songs (or, perhaps, more appropriately, I'm running out of memory), but this'll do just fine for today.


*Football* I shouldn't be doing this, but I'm blowing off the second half of the Broncos/Chargers game to write this entry. I don't feel one bit arrogant admitting that either (ok, I'm sorta lying because I'm clicking over to it every so often to check the score). Hard to imagine that after today (not counting the wasted spectacle of charades that used to look like a football game featuring the game's biggest stars, known as the Pro Bowl) there will be just three more meaningful football games left until September. Good thing the league is a cash cow revenue machine that will bleed consumers of every penny they can during the off-season by trying to turn non-events (hello, third day of the draft, where approximately 15% of players picked will be on an NFL roster come December, and that's being nice) into profit-padding celebrations, mostly for guys in stuffed suits who've never played the game before. But I'm getting way off track here...

*Tv* I just referred to switching between websites showing televised programming and non-televised information as "clicking"...wow, technology really has come full-circle again! Raise your hand if you remember when remote controls were called "clickers". I think everyone over the age of 60-something in the early '80's called them that, and it's probably because they had buttons at one time that actually clicked (and cords that connected to boxes as well).

*Hockey* No, I didn't forget that my Buffalo Sabres played this afternoon. I get more enjoyment these days by following the game on Facebook. It's more of a sick, pathetic kind of pleasure...one that comes with a terrible last-place team totally bottoming out, getting a high draft pick, having lots of other picks stockpiled for the next draft, some decent prospects in the pipeline, a new General Manager, and loads of salary cap space after this abysmal season concludes. But hey, they won today in a shootout, beating the Washington Capitals and Alex Ovechkin, who is very near the top of my five least-favorite players in all of hockey ever...he doesn't even deserve bold-font capital letters; that's how much I despise him. He can follow Ilya Kovalchuk and quote-unquote retire from the NHL so he can get even more money playing in the KHL for all I care (http://espn.go.com/new-york/nhl/story/_/id/9470677/ilya-kovalchuk-new-jersey-dev...). There isn't much of anything to like about Ovechkin, especially after this story surfaced shortly before the 2010 Vancouver Olympic games: http://deadspin.com/5480457/alexander-ovechkin-loves-shoves-all-his-fans. The girl involved was, like, 13 too, from what I heard. Friggin' scumbag.

*Pencil* Anyway, I came across the perfect image today for everyone who just wanted to not participate in the hobby of writing because, well, it's Sunday, and it's a hobby (unless unbeknownst to us you're also getting paid to write your blog entries, and if so, you and I need to have a little sit-down so you can tell me how I can get a slice of that pie).

How you know you're a writer.

Boom. Just like that, it's time for me to get out of here and catch the rest of the football game. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little more exciting. Peace, walk with me, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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