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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/803541-This-ones-about-opinions-and-the-Day-Of-Grievances
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#803541 added January 16, 2014 at 7:20pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about opinions and the Day Of Grievances.
30DBC PROMPT: "Do you believe we should tolerate everyone's opinions no matter how misstated or misinformed they may be? How delicate are you when discussing your opinions with others? Make your case as logically as possible without emotion influencing you."

Good afternoon from cold but sunny Cortland, where I'm slowly regaining the feeling in my extremities after being stuck outside in the middle of nowhere without cell phone reception for over a half hour due to a lack of communication on the part of my supervisors after being on my feet all morning for another feeble attempt at this "work" thing. To say I'm losing faith in 'the system" would be an understatement, but that's neither here nor there at the moment...you're here to see how I'm going to respond to the "Opinion Thursday" segment of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS, and I'm here to give you what you clicked on the link that brought you here.

My only concern is that I'm supposed to answer logically (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcX1qA1Etc8)...when have I ever done that before? And without emotion, no less? Wow. I instantly felt the color fade from my face when I first read (and subsequently forgot) this prompt when I woke up this morning. But I'm nothing if not game for the chance to see how this turns out, so let's have at it.

In my adult life I've always operated under the principles of "To each their own" and "Live and let live". I know that we're not always going to share the same views, or sources of information. I know it's a cliche, but one of the most important ways of keeping the peace between different people is knowing when to agree to disagree. Sometimes people don't know any better than what they've always believed, and they have their reasons for it (whether it's the way they were raised, or something that's always stuck with them for whatever reason). Who am I to say they're wrong, knowing there've been many times along the way where I myself have shared the occasional opinion that wasn't always accepted by the masses?

Even though it doesn't guarantee anything other than your right to say whatever you want, there's such a thing as freedom of speech and expression.(I'm referring only to the version referenced in the Constitution of The United States' First Amendment). There's also a time and a place for everything, and knowing when and where that is can go a long way toward getting along and understanding people better...but perhaps the greatest bow in one's quiver is a little thing called "tact" (hint: tact is not this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feB7Oc8rw1o). You have to know who you're talking to, and understand how your words may affect them. True masters of tact know how to work a crowd in order to push their beliefs along positively; conversely, they know when not to use certain terms and phrases among different groups of people because offending them wouldn't be in the best interests of anyone involved.

Personally, when I'm among people I really don't know, I do try to watch what I say because you never know how people are going to react. You don't want your first impression to sink you in a new setting, or get off on the wrong foot with too many people (especially if you're going to be seeing them more often, such as coworkers). I think it's good when people have differing opinions, and debate over them can be healthy if the discussion remains positive and cases can be stated with intelligence...it's not always easy, especially if the opposing party is firm in his or her convictions, but a rational conveyance of beliefs is sure to gain more acceptance than trying to beat someone over the head with rhetoric that is based first on emotion and second on actual facts.

Beyond that, I stick to something I read once on a matchbook cover in a bar around fifteen years ago, and it's worked out pretty well for me: "Judge me all you want; just keep the verdict to yourself."

BCF PROMPT: National Do Nothing Day (Someone read my mind.) "If you had the opportunity to create your own day, what would it be? Would you have any special perks to make your day unusual or memorable?"

Well now...if ever there was a day that should be dedicated in my honor with a bronze statue of me in a recliner with my feet up erected in your city, I do believe it'd be "National Do Nothing Day". But since such a day already exists, let's come up with another reason why I should have a day commemorated in my name.

In the grand tradition of Seinfeld's Festivus celebration (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JR6xt9S02o), how about Worldwide Grievance Day? As the once-reigning "Complaining Male" in the storied lore of the 30DBC, I think this is a great idea. But let's not corrupt it make it a "Hallmark Holiday" where it's married to a specific day on the calendar. I propose two options for its inclusion into the holiday lexicon: hold a lottery of sorts where you're randomly assigned one day a year to bitch and whine about everyone and everything that irks you, without fear of consequences, or just make it a straight six months after your birthday. I like the second one better...one's your "special day", and then half a year later, it's your "special you-against-the-world" day.

It could be ceremonious even...get cake, thank everyone for coming, and then haul off on the banes of your existence (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNqK8ljyHjA). The beauty of this lies in the simple idea that no one can contest your peeves, since they are yours and yours alone for the occasion, and they should be greeted with concern and a due diligence toward making things right. Someone can be appointed secretary of the event, taking proper notes, and a compliance officer can act as a liaison between you and the offender(s) in a somewhat impartial mediator kind of role.

And no one can get mad at you for being pissed off, regardless of how petty it is. After all, they're getting cake, and who gets mad when there's cake? Now, about that bronze statue of me...don't make my nose too wide, because I'd hate to have to invite you to my Grievance Day extravaganza.


Oh, the man of conviction...if ever there were a day necessitated by the ignorance of others, Worldwide Grievance Day would be perfect for setting straight the wayward opinions of idiots.


1/2: Estimated mileage walked on a chilly day after being left behind at my job site this afternoon (which again was the Church Of The Fifteen Hungry Senior Citizens, and I'm pleased to report my coffee cup remained upright whenever it was alone on the countertop). My immediate bosslady had to leave early because her kid was experiencing personal problems of the female persuasion minus the necessary feminine hygiene products to avert teenage disaster-type scenarios, leaving me alone after we were all done supplying reheated food to and cleaning up after the disciples, and while I was using the bathroom my other boss-like person showed up and left (albeit five entire minutes before he was supposed to, and he said he waited three minutes...who waits three minutes??). So here's me, sucking at walking, in the cold, wondering if I can use the skin of the dead deer I saw in a ditch to stay warm if I can't continue any farther down the road. And oh, what a great time to learn I don't get cellular reception in this town that's much deeper into the middle of nowhere than I already live! I think I was too cold and sore to be angry once dude came back to get me.

*Sheriff* I'll admit that I kinda lost my shit earlier this morning...never mouth off to a sheriff running a metal detector who goes by the name of "Duke" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DykNAQ_utJQ). Forget the fact the Cortland Country Department of Social Services even has a metal detector (when Erie County doesn't, and they serve at least ten times the amount of people daily)...these guys are always douches. I understand they have a job to do, but they don't have to be dicks about it. Because I have to wear steel-toed boots for work, of course I always set the alarm off. Then I have to go through the protocol- lift up the arms, get frisked- and this sets off my anxiety as I'm getting wanded. I didn't even hear him ask me if I was wearing a belt, even though I felt him lift up my jacket to inspect my waist...but I did hear him ask me a second time, as if I were unable to understand English, "DOOOOOO YOOOUUUU HAAAAAAAVE A BELLLLLLLT?" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-twUCEfzrDk). And I snapped, I guess, partly because I felt violated and partly because I don't need to be talked to like I'm The Six-Year-Old Me. "NOOOOO I DONNNNNN'T HAVE A BELLLLLLT." And in the pending feeling of wanting to GTFO of there, I dropped the belongings that I checked before crossing the detector trellis. Once we got into the van, I had to hear not once, but twice, from my supervisor guy how this Duke guy was all butt-hurt over how I reacted to his overzealousness of responsibilities. It kinda felt like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bchnLOT7ic. Was I in the wrong? A little. But I can't always help that other people are random A-holes (sorry for the capitalized, implied cursing) and that I get weirdly stressed out in these kind of situations. If Duke hadn't mistaken the fumbling of my personal belongings for "throwing them", there might not've been a problem, and if he would've pawed me a little more, I would've insisted he kissed me first (an offer I would've most assuredly declined, ladies...I may be single, but he's way hella old and he's got parts that I personally am not compatible with). Instead I got the "Well, he's set in his ways, so try to get along" speech, which didn't make me feel any better about him being a senseless, emotionless power-tripper. Also, I should probably watch what I say under my breath, because I know I called him some kind of name to who I thought was myself, but he probably heard me, which means the pills I'm taking to curb that kind of behavior likely aren't working as well as they used to.

*Notepad* On to bigger and better things...sign up for "Invalid Item and an opportunity to be judged by me and lazymarionette and Lyn's a Witchy Woman in a tournament-style blog death battle format to see who has the best skills, sponsored by the "Blogging Circle of Friends . There's prizes and stuff (but no cake...so save that complaint for your personal Day Of Grievances).

*Quill* And while I'm on the topic of WDC stuffs, don't forget to check out "The Quills and nominate your faves for whatever suits your fancy. This is not campaigning.

Sounds like now is as good a time as any to forget about life for awhile and get over all the crap that today was, since I don't have any other way of airing my complaints in a festive sort of manner. I'll just replay them over and over in my head, hoping to get them right, until I sleep and hope that all is forgiven when I wake up (or wind up counting the hours until see my therapist again the way corny normal people count sheep). Peace, I gotta lotta problems with you people, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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