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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/803840-This-ones-about-your-Sunday-Review
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#803840 added January 19, 2014 at 1:21pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about your Sunday Review.
30DBC PROMPT: "Blog. Tell us about your week. Include your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week and, most importantly, why."

Happy Sunday, folks! It's another episode of the "Sunday Review" during the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS, so let's see what we've learned.

There are a lot of challengers this month, maybe more than I'm accustomed to. That's a good thing, because more people means more viewpoints. On the downside, my lousy memory can't keep up with all of them. There was no shortage of great entries this week, which means I need to start some kind of personal system to remember them all...perhaps going the full-circle route and keeping a notebook and pen handy when I sit down to read will help me, so I can feel like the entries that stuck with me the most throughout the week will get the accolades they truly deserve.

After going back and looking at some of the prompts for the week, I'm somehow stuck on "You have 30 seconds to give a speech to the entire world population and after you finish, you will die. What would you say?" as being my favorite prompt this week. Before I get any further, I have a suggestion/question for Emily : Is there a way that entries can be grouped under each specific day under the "Prompts By Day (in case you missed one)" heading on the 30DBC forum? I know it sounds like a lot of work, but it would make the "Sunday Review" so much easier.

Anyway, I enjoyed Jeff 's post ("Day 14: A 30-Second "End of Your Life" Speech) and his use of death interrupting him, and A*Monaing*Faith 's take on the topic, "Day 14: 30 Sec Til Death by Columbus. Excellent examples of playing to the prompt, both in feeling and in meaning.

I also enjoyed A*Monaing*Faith 's "Day 15: Hiking and Makeup...I have this conundrum where it's hard for me to like the things people say when they're relating a situation that's unfortunate or not to their liking. But this was a story retold with some love, and I can appreciate that.

Lyn's a Witchy Woman , pinkbarbie and LostGhost: Seeking & Learning had some pretty good entries as well, regarding the "Write about a silly impulse buy that you only regretted after bringing it home. What made you think it was a good idea?" prompt. Again, it's hard to like people's misfortunes, but these ladies did a stellar job relating their situations.

Well, another week has been committed to the blogosphere, and I salute everyone who's made it this far. It's only good things in the grand scheme of what we do.

BCF PROMPT: It's Sunday...a day of rest. No need for a prompt. In that case, I'll use this opportunity to fill in some of the cracks I left during the week under the guise of "just blog".

Cortland County's Work Experience program sucks giant balls. I can't physically sweep and mop a large hallway at the highway department, especially when it's highly trod and grease and silt are the primary residues in the vicinity. What sucks more is that we heard "Good job!" from the site supervisor after Tuesday, which can only mean he'll like us to be back more often. If I was being paid as a full-time employee, I might feel differently (and that floor would be so goddamned clean you could eat off it), but the overall feeling of it is wearing thin on me. It's not my crowd and it's not my kind of people.

I am ok, however, with being shipped off to the Church Of The Fifteen Hungry Senior Citizens (as long as the DSS picks me up afterwards, and promptly). The work isn't ball-busting, I get some coffee and a hot meal, and I can relax a little when I need to. Even though I was a stumbling, lost mess in the absolute middle of nowhere after Thursday's "we came to get you but there was no one there" debacle when I had to use the bathroom in lieu of waiting for the van to pick me up instead of waiting outside of an otherwise locked church, and the van showing up earlier than expected, I do actually enjoy working at the Scott nutritional site. (I love how there's this big technical name for feeding old people...must be a reason for it somehow.)

I think I got a cold (from trying to walk home from Scott), but I guess if you don't have symptoms all day long you probably are fine. I've waken up the last few days with a sore throat, stuffiness, and a bad attitude. I doubt that Tuesday (when I go back to work) I'll still be suffering, but there's a small part of me that really wants to stick it to them for taking off without me.


Well, I started this entry not long after I got up. And I should only be so lucky to feel this blessed.


*Monster6* I haven't had the chance yet to peruse the internet for things that may appeal to me and/or you. We'll be happy to agree that Sunday should be a slow news day.

*Football* Championship Football Sunday in the NFL starts at 3pm! I'm highly excited for this, even if I really don't care for any of the teams (except maybe the Broncos, because I hate New England that much and neither San Fran nor Seattle inspires confidence in me. And I think Peyton Manning deserves another shot at the Lombardi Trophy, if only to stick it to the Tom Brady apologists fans. New England has to crash as a franchise eventually; why not now?

I think I've said enough for today. Time to get my rest on, I figure. Peace, you're not my church, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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