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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/804103-This-ones-about-the-experiment-experience-and-hugs
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#804103 added January 21, 2014 at 6:26pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about the experiment experience and hugs.
30DBC PROMPT: "Would you let a government lab perform experiments on you if, in return, they would give you an unlimited supply of anything money could buy?"

What's the good word, dear readers? I have a lot of ground to cover and there's only so many hours to waste in a given day, so let's not hold up today's proceedings any longer...the faster we go the more time we'll have at the end to do whatever it is we do when we're all done.

I suppose it all depends on where you are in life that determines what you're willing to do and what you're capable of going through for a little taste of security. I look at it this way: if I had kids, I can't say in good conscience that I'd consider cosigning over whatever health I have and potentially jeopardize my quality of life going forward for a payout from our government in the name of science. Sure, understanding I could fall off a curb and die tomorrow is a risk anyone has to take, but play the percentages here and assume you're going to live through pretty much anything life could normally throw atchya. That and a steady job should provide enough to keep you at least hovering around the poverty line, which means the bare essentials are (hopefully) being met.

However, since I don't have a large amount of family left and no children to speak of, my situation is drastically different. I can take more risks, so why wouldn't I let scientists treat me like a chemistry set or a pincushion? I get it...there are likely to be a lot of repercussions, but in the end it won't be anything that financial security probably can't hide. So what if things go awry and I'm horribly disfigured, or I become a vegetable, or I end up being the first person to live on the moon while all the kinks of space habitation are still being ironed out? Ugly people fall in love all the time, not having use of your body or brain can have advantages over people who misuse and abuse theirs, and the potential for life in space's benefits outweighing the negatives could turn out to be a blessing.

This, of course, is also assuming that in exchange for donating my living, somewhat able body to science, I'm getting to choose what this "unlimited supply of anything money could buy" is and it's not useless crap I don't need, like tampons, squirrels or toothpicks (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwOFFfoIbO0). Hell, I'd even consider a reasonable sliding scale for stuff I'd be willing to do if it meant always having a paycheck and being able to live comfortably...but one condition: no group experiments. I work alone. And the last thing I need is the government tryin' to set me up with someone and paying me to coexist. The only useful science you're likely to see from me in a lab setting like that would be a clinic on how relationships fail at my personal undoing, which I've seen up close and in detail enough times as it is (and that sounds a lot better than some of the alternatives I was thinking about listing there *Smirk*).

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to see why there's a black Cadillac full of men in dark suits wearing sunglasses driving back and forth between the entrances of the parking lot next to my building. Maybe I'm already part of the experiment and just don't know it yet. *Vamp*

BCF PROMPT: "National Hugging Day *Heart*. When you are introduced to people do you hug, shake hands, nod your head or just verbally acknowledge the other person? What's your style? Does it make a difference who the introduction is to?"

I'm a nodder/verbal acknowledger. Mainly because I don't like to be touched by people I don't know, and I like to inform people right off the bat that I can be somewhat sociable and courteous. If a new acquaintance offers a hand to shake it, I will if the person passes a quick eye test (looks decent, seems friendly, has no visible sores on the hands, etc.). The verbal part of this kind of transaction between myself and the new party is usually simple, and what comes out depends on the setting. If it's casual, I can run anywhere on the spectrum between "What's up?" and "'Sup yo?" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jf5sbeEQQec). In a more professional atmosphere, I veer toward simple politeness (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrVuc15DgPs).

Among people I consider myself close with though, I'm definitely a bro-hugger. You know, the "handshake that turns into the armwrestling-style clasping where you and your hug-sharer pull each other in close and give two pops on the back with a fist or open palm" move and then quickly separate, as evidenced here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNuhdqr-MK0. It says "I'm man enough to acknowledge emotion and appreciation of your appearance at this function", without having to dry-hump someone for attention.

There are plenty of other types of hugs known the world over; due to time constraints I can't cover them all but if you're reading this, you undoubtedly have access to the internet and should take a few minutes (after finishing this entry, of course) familiarizing yourself with proper hug etiquette for a variety of situations you may one day find yourself in. I'd hate to come across your blog someday when you've suffered a failure in hugging protocol and leaned in with too much (or not enough) lower body, thereby offending the person you were trying to share a respectful greeting with. It's a shame, but there is a sorrowful and sad underbelly to improper huggery.


*Speaker* I'm goin' old-school today...did you know that the father of this singer was an inventor, consultant and engineer who helped invent tape recorders and Dolby Noise Reduction, and is the namesake of Dolby Digital surround sound technology (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Dolby? That's your science fact of the day.


*Sun* Remember last week when I dropped this entry "This one's about to blow up, so listen to me. and it contained the info about how stuff advertised in a Radio Shack ad from over 20 years ago would add up to $3k+ worth of things an iPhone can do? Well, it turns out that the piece I referenced was picked up both by The Huffington Post and NBC's The Today Show...but while HuffPo credited the author in their article, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/steve-cichon/radio-shack-ad_b_4612973.html, NBC did not. Mr. Cichon had this to say (http://www.trendingbuffalo.com/life/uncle-steves-buffalo/anatomy-viral-post-wort...) regarding the whole experience, which I think is a very important read for anyone who puts up anything on the internet (pssst...hey blogger...that's you).

*Tree3* Do you know what else today is? (Hint: it's not this, but there could be potential in a much greater associated movement...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW0-NY7B0QA.) According to this post from Mental Floss (http://mentalfloss.com/article/54634/happy-squirrel-appreciation-day), it's Squirrel Appreciation Day. Unfortunately, this is the best thing I was able to take from the article (for those of you who are unable to click on links or see pictures):

In honor of Squirrel Appreciation Day...

Too bad someone couldn't have informed the officer on duty that day that he had one job to do while he was on that call.

*Notepad* I'm looking forward to checking out the competition in "Invalid Item...it's underway and it promises to be a lot of fun (and yes I'm aware I talk about this at least once in just about every entry I've written lately...but promoting this event in my opinion is a part of being a judge in it).

Ok folks...I'm just about out of Reese's peanut butter cups, so before it gets too late and I don't feel like catching up on the entries from yesterday I've already missed in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS and the "Blogging Circle of Friends , I better shoot across the street to CVS and grab more (it's feelin' like snack time anyway). Peace. science science, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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