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by Jeff
Rated: 13+ · Book · Crime/Gangster · #1973176
A collection of newsletters for the Unofficial Heroes&Villains Newsletters!
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#804169 added January 22, 2014 at 11:56am
Restrictions: None
Newsletter 1
So every two months I will discuss three things in my newsletter. The first will be a subject that is about the nature of Heroes and Villains. A random three powers/abilities from Powerlisting.wikia.com . And one plot device that I encourage the readers to use in one of their upcoming stories.


Alignment is a tricky thing to abide by. There is Good, Evil and Neutral. But, the three types have various levels of the three. There are also two other types of alignment such as Lawful and Chaotic. Now some my use of these alignments are from DnD.

A chaotic good would be someone like the Arrow's version of Oliver Queen during the first season. In the comics he wasn't necessarily that chaotic, but he was still chaotic none the less. A chaotic good person is someone who has good morals and principles guiding him. But, he is willing to break a few of the rules and laws to get the truth and justice to prevail. If that means killing the evil instead of imprisoning them then that's what it means for these people.

A lawful good person like Spider-man is someone that nearly goes the limit of a chaotic good, but is pulled back from the brink of the dark winding path of chaos. They put the person to jail and sometimes will use something to keep them on the delicate tight rope of lawful good like the words of a dead loved one.

Now for the evil ones. The number one that nearly everyone thinks of when it comes to Chaotic Evil is the Joker from DC comics . He is a genius of improv, he does not have a set plan most of the time. But, when the opportunity provides itself, he will take it to make the greatest scheme of all time and all of it is improve. He is not willing to let little things stop him from his goals of causing chaos to order.

Lawful evil is a delicate thing and one of it's best members of representation is the King Pin . While he is evil in nature it is almost impossible to arrest him. He lets people do most of the dirty work and he comes up with most of the schemes. Employs the right guys to get the job done and other things of the nature.

Now the neutral, is one of the more trickier alignments. There is the famous Marvel neutral The Watcher who is forced to watch Earth and it's heroes. And only interferes ever so slightly when the world and nearly all of existence is in danger of being extinct. Another neutral is the DC's League of Assassins who are nothing more than flashy mercenaries who can be hired to do good for a country's security or kill an innocent mother and father of a child. They just give their skills to the highest employer, but do not ever break their contracts.

Power and Abilities

Energy Sourcing is a very interesting power that I found on Powerlisting.wikia.com that would be nice to see here on Wrtiting.com. The character draws on a source or fuel to empower them. Such as drinking water to create your body into a watery mass like Suigetsu from Naruto . Or drawing on the sun's solar rays to gain Kryptonians abilities like Superman from DC comics . The Power Cosmic empowers the Silver Surfer to manipulate the veil of reality to certain degrees. I wonder what kind of Energy Sourcing that I can find here on Writing.com.

Anger Empowerment is that something that you gain when you or others are angry. The most recent famous character of this ability was seen in the block buster Avengers, the Hulk . The Hulk gets angrier and gets stronger, faster and more endurance from his rage. In Poke'mon Primape gets angry when it's eyes are met and used the move Thrash to empower itself from it's anger when someone meets it's eyes. Another group of characters that used this were the the Firebenders during the 100 year war like Zuko, Zhao and Azula . Sith from Star Wars draw and control the force thanks to their anger. Raphael from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles draws on his anger to increase his prowlness and his strength. Dan from Dan Vs draws on his anger to get more intellectual and the endurance to never give up. The Red Lanterns are a group of characters from DC comics draw upon Anger, Hate and Rage to fuel their rings and their greatest anger comes from themselves but they can use the anger of others to power them.

Psammokinetic Creature Creation according to the site is an unused ability and this is the ability that I challenge you the readers to fit into a characters arsenal of powers. Users of this power can give sentience to sand shaped creatures allowing one to create a race of sand people to serve them or to just live.

Plot Device

A common plot device is the Invasion such as the Chitauri , Borg , Skrulls , Kree and Imperium seen in Star Trek the tv show, Marvel and DC comics. That the idea is that there is a great collection of aliens with only one desire to conquer and destroy Earth or the Universe. This is always a go to plot device that makes the characters seem greater than life it self. And there is always a near destruction of the planet until the last hour the 11 th hour as it were. When it is darkest before the dawn and then the sun rises and defeats the Imperium for the Justice League. Or a photon Torpedo eliminates a borg ship. The use of light or explosion shows a light that defeats the darkness or the evil. This is a great plot device that draws all sorts of people into the story.

You can go to the groups discussion forum here to submit your stories to be featured or mentioned in the next newsletter. I've been looking for some original and fanfictions of 13+ stories featuring heroes and villains. I've found a few and sent them emails asking if they would mind being featured in the newsletter and they have not replied yet. But, if you have a story go to the discussion and post it or post a link to it. And I will take a look at it, promise.

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