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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/804377-24-Vacation-Nauseationand-Modern-Blended-Family-Matters
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1910923
Looks like I may have a ton of these, so this is collection 1 of Reflections
#804377 added January 24, 2014 at 6:45pm
Restrictions: None
24: Vacation Nauseation....and Modern Blended Family Matters
Note to self: Take the time to turn OFF any radio/music playing in the background of your laptop BEFORE taking it to the library, especially your work PC b/c it takes for ever to boot up and you have to enter a password. Also, the mute keyboard button is to the right of the keyboard, not hidden amongst the F keys. *Facepalm*

What is the most absurd or ridiculous thing that has ever happened to you while traveling?

Probably the repeated occurrence of me forgetting things, after the 2nd/3rd time of forgetting toiletries, undies, and/or a proper selection of clothes, I find that to be rather absurd and ridiculous.

There have been countless times when I've visited an area with multiple relatives and I ended up house hopping a ton and consequently left my suitcase at the previous house.

Or times when I wanted to go out and do something a bit dressier but I didn't have slacks or shoes. That's the worst part of traveling, especially in the winter, shoes/boots are bulky and I usually end up going without.

The craziest things to happen out of my control while traveling are undoubetdly the lack of planning on the hosts behalves. I never complain because I feel if I didn't/don't want to step up and do it I really have no right to whine when things don't go as planned.
Granted I have a most irrational fear of ever planning anything for the simple fact that in order for things to run 'smoothly' depends on the cooperation of all involved, and that's just a headache I don't want/need.
Still, when the cousins wanted to go out after my moms 50th birthday party in Atlanta, Big Cuz Dave could have done a MUCH better job of getting us from place to place. It never fails, whenever I'm out w/ fam my age we spend just as much time riding around as we do going places. In the words of the illustrious Tom Haverford  : "This is Chronicles of RiddICULOUS !"

Are you an older sibling? Younger? Middle? Only child? How do you think your birth order has affected who you are today? If you could change it, would you rather have been born in a different order, as an only child, etc.?

Was wondering when we'd get to this. I'm the oldest of my mother's 2 kids and the lovely/dreaded middle child of a large blended family.

I think I'm exactly where God intended me to be, and I'm not saying that as an uber devout xtian or anything, no I seriously believe that.

My younger bro Mack and I have the same Mom. He's the only sibling I have spent my entire childhood living with growing up. I like the older bro/younger sis dynamic and hope to have a son first if/when I have kids, but God knew what he was doing when he put me ahead of Mack. I love the boy, he's the #1 man in my life when I don't have a significant other, but dang. I've seen his dynamic w/ our little sis and yea....glad I'm older.

Sabrena and David are my "step-siblings" for explanations sake. They are my blood/soul little sister and older brother for all other intents and purposes. David is 3/4 years older than me (and I'm 3/4 yrs older than Mack! perfection...) and lives in Chicago (where I was born!). He lived with us (Mom, "Step"Dad, me and Mack) for a couple of years while his mom went through a kidney transplant. Dave's the bestest older bro a girl could ask for: he's attentive, sweet, protective, and an amazing listener. Only thing about Dave is he has the 'retard' male aspect of assuming his siblings are better off w/o him. Meaning he doesn't feel the need to keep in contact as much (or at all) as he should, so it's up to me to visit and call and etc.

Long story a bit longer, I have some hangups with our Dad that led to me believing that the oldest should always take the initiative to contact the younger. Meaning I feel more obligated to call my younger siblings more and feel my older siblings should call me more. Make sense?

Sabrena   is the only biological daughter of my "Step"Dad/Big Mack. She was also the illegitimate offspring product of my Fathers sordid extramarital love affair. Longer story shorter, she's 2/3 yrs younger than Mack and she's awesome. My relationship with her is one of the biggest reasons I don't believe in coincedences and God doesn't make mistakes. This can be tricky cuz I think my Dad was a foul-slimy-pathetic@$$ muthaf#$er for doing that to my Mom (twice no doubt) but I wouldn't trade 'Brena (or David) for the world. How's that for a mindf$k?

Next is my adopted older sister Monica. She's David's age and is technically Big Macks niece. Next to Lil Mack, she lived with us the longest growing up. Those were a crazy 4/5 years I'll tell ya that. But again, wouldn't trade her for the world.

Lastly are *Katie and Kevin. They are the younger daughter and older son of my Biological dad Bill. I met the 3 of them when I was a Junior in Highschool, so 16 yrs old. Katie was 3/4 at the time, she's 13 about to turn 14 now. Love that chick, she's so bubbly and happy but I see a ton of myself in her personality (and Bills for that matter). I don't know Katie and Kevin nearly as well as the others but Katie and her mom Jackie came to visit me this past summer! We had a ton of fun and I always do when I go visit them too.

Kevin is the same age as David and we've only chatted a handful of times. He's the boisterous/aggressive (non-physically) sort that doesn't mind giving his opinion regardless of how it may make you feel (granted I'm going off one particular convo we had about me dating a much older guy). He's not a bad guy but he and Bill have this annoying habit of trying to treat/talk to me like I'm the daughter/sis that grew up around them. I was a fully formed woman when they came into my life and as such know they have to earn my respect and consideration. Needless to say, we don't have the tightest relationship, but I don't blame him for that and a majority of my frustrations are with our shared father. But that's for another prompt. *Bigsmile*

* "Katie" is still a minor and so I've decided to not reveal her real name.

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