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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/804693-This-ones-about-the-final-January-Sunday-Review
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#804693 added January 26, 2014 at 11:20pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about the final January Sunday Review.
30DBC PROMPT: "Blog. Tell us about your week. Include your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week and, most importantly, why."

'Sup y'all? It's the last Sunday in January, which means today is the last "Sunday Review" we'll have to do in this edition of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS. I have a confession to make...I kinda don't like doing the Sunday Review. I don't dislike it like I openly dislike the end-of-30DBC "Serial Blogs"; it's just that I have a hard time keeping up with who wrote what on any given day. What I need to do is something like what I think SapphireRainee used to do during official months- keep a physical notebook of each day's entries so I can go back and reference them easily and know what I'm talking about when Sunday comes again. Oh sure, I suppose I could do the same thing with a computer, but I'm all about the paper trail as opposed to the digital footprint.

Anyway, on with the show entry, no?

This week's two best prompts, in my opinion, were the Tuesday (government experiments) and Thursday (cataclysmic events wiping out 90% of the population) ones. They were as close to unique (per the 30DBC) as I've seen in a long time, and so were the entries they spawned.

On Tuesday, blainecindy and Jeff each had great takes with "Invalid Entry and "Day 21: Experiments for the Greater Good, respectively. Both mixed their viewpoints with "greater good" wisdom and a sense of willingness to sacrifice in order to help others, which I think (again, just my opinion talking) was kind of the point of the prompt. Having taken a couple of days away from these entries, it's easy now to look back and say that those were the two that resonated the most on that particular day.

Thursday was a bit of a different animal (mainly because I think I know a lot of words until I get hit with one I don't). As usual, everyone came strong, but LostGhost: Seeking & Learning (with "Divorce and Catalycsmic Event) made a good point: human nature will always remain the same, but the forms of corruption will change. That's an excellent statement...there's a fair amount of one force trying to outdo the other. Think of anti-virus programs...they're meant to defend your computer against so many different kinds of attacks, so hackers have to step their game up to get around this software; in turn, companies that produce the AVP titles are constantly updating and releasing patches to protect against new threats. It's like a vicious circle. Anyway, I like an entry where I can draw parallels, and LG's was one of them.

And so goes another Sunday Review...between that, and no football after next week, what are my Sundays gonna consist of anymore? *Smirk*

BCF PROMPT: Sunday also means no prompt from the "Blogging Circle of Friends , which gives me a good opportunity to tie up any loose ends or things I may have forgotten over the past week's worth of entries. The only problem is, I can't think of anything that could've slipped my mind...chances are, if it's that easy to not remember, it's not worth trying to think twice about. Glad I just came up with that. Moving on then...


I haven't heard this song in almost 10 years, for a multitude of reasons. But this is what happens when you type "Sunday Morning Song" in the YouTube search bar.


1pm: Estimated preferred start time of today's entry.

5:30pm: Estimated actual start time of today's entry.

6:40pm: Estimated time I noticed WDC wasn't online...wonder if it has something to do with the spam email that was sent out under the SM's name?

*Clock2* In any case, I don't feel so bad now about this:

Seems pretty legit.

*Hand1**Hand2* I did waste over 16 minutes this morning when I woke up watching the video embedded in this article from Deadspin (http://deadspin.com/table-tennis-match-gets-progressively-more-entertaining-1509...), which was absolutely hilarious if you can ignore the fact that the announcers are speaking in a language you probably don't understand. Why can't all competitions in life be that amazing?

*Hockeyhelmet* For my hockey friends, and maybe more so for those who see Brother Nature , Lyn's a Witchy Woman or myself rambling on about the great sport of hockey, I submit to you this off-beat look at the game's vernacular...http://grantland.com/features/sean-mcindoe-nhl-grantland-dictionary/.

*Hockeyskate* And for the hardcore hockey fans...I preferred NHL '96 myself, because I could make trades and create my own players. http://grantland.com/the-triangle/nhlpa-93-vs-nhl-94-the-ultimate-showdown/

7:10pm: Just noticed that WDC is back online. Awesome. Now I'm gonna miss the start of the NFL Pro Bowl. *Rolleyes*

*No* The only time WDC would ever fail on me would be while I'm in the middle of creating a blog entry and trying to upload an image at the same time. Nothing's worse than when you hit "Save And View" (or its derivatives) while you're doing something on any website and your computer screen instantly goes white with the "This page cannot be displayed" error like you just broke the friggin' internet or somethin'.

Well, now that I've sufficiently had my train of thought completely derailed, it's time to see what the rest of the recaps in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS look like before I decide to try and fall asleep somewhere around the third quarter of the event formerly known as "The Pro Bowl" (and is more like a glorified skills competition at best). Peace, it's not that bad, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

You know you've made it when you're at the end of my entry. *Rolleyes*

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