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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/806646-Heat-affected-blogs-And-then-the-rain-fell-like-tears
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#806646 added February 11, 2014 at 6:46am
Restrictions: None
Heat affected blogs. And then the rain fell, like tears...
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Do you know the pleasant feeling you have, after a few years, when you enjoy familiarity in your life, when some things in your daily routine never change, and you develop an illusion of never ageing? It goes beyond that.
You feel as if your life might be locked in a time warp, and the familiar sameness will never end.

Vsauce channel on YouTube always stimulates my mind.

I searched for the words Vsauce same, wondering if they had researched or talked about that human need we sometimes seem to feel, of wanting things to stay the same all the time.


Well, instead, I chose that video because it was at the top of the list *Smile*.

And it was still sort of fascinating, even if what I learned from the conclusions was a little disappointing.
I mean, as humans, we don't really have much effect do we? Even if it were possible to all unite in some endeavour all at the same time, we wouldn't change anything about the earth.

But what we can change, with the odds of change monumentally better, are the common decisions of all mankind. The nations! Men, Women, children.

We can change everything, if the right words are used, words that build tools for a better future. Laws.

Sounds like a corny commercial, perhaps even sounds good, but every generation for eons has tried to change things for the better.

LAWS don’t make society change. They just control those who don’t want to fit in with the law of the era.

Do we want change though? Won't this take away our comfort zone, and then we feel insecure, feel that something will be different, and we'll then realise that we are aging, that time is going by, that we can't live like this forever?

I suppose it's just life that younger generations don’t listen to the old / elderly ones.

I wonder, if young people did sit down and really listen to old people, and if the elderly people didn't bark at the young ones and express disappointment with the younger generation "doing their own thing", what then?

What if this communication did take place? What would the old people say to the younger?
I think elderly people have a huge amount of advice and wisdom to pass on.

Do we age in our minds, if everything stays the same?

Well I think it's an illusion, and yes we try to cling to that feeling, but eventually something happens. Someone moves away, someone dies, we have to retire from our job, or something else causes our pleasing routine bubble to pop.
We find ourselves suddenly feeling old. We know that we've used up most of our one life. We look in the mirror and think, I’m old!

We may have become the old person criticising the young person who is looking back at us in the mirror, the person in our eyes, that soul in there.

That soul that is us is still young, still full of dreams, pushing for that career goal, pushing for that career change, chasing that partner we dreamed of, chasing the one we married, still wanting the fast car, still aiming to be a netball coach, still doing whatever it was that we wanted to achieve while young.

The young person is the twinkle in the eye of those old folks in the homes, even the not so old, the guys with some grey hairs, who sip coffee in the café down the street, the ones who drive the semi trailers past on the highway, or drive their shiny cars to their business meetings, the bank manager who rides his polished Harley Davidson to work each day. I'm sure there are a lot of "grey temple" characters I haven't listed here, so back off! *Wink*

What is the point of it all? Is there anyone taking any notice of any of us? Is it really like in Vsauce’s video. We make no difference to anything, even united together?

Are we writing here, being a community, doing what we do and it's all for nothing?

I mean, we've seen people's posts here on WdC about just keeping up with their newsfeed alone. It's too much! Technology means we can get to know so many people, and how do we keep tabs on it all? How do we restrict it without offending? How do we be friends to all the awesome interesting people, not just here but everywhere?

Who cares. We enjoy trying, and I think most of us are learning lessons about ourselves, and life, in the process. We are meeting new people and making lots of friends. Or remain grouchy Australians who struggle just to send gp’s or post something. *Laugh*

I wish I was as clever and smug as that bloke on Vsauce. Blame it on the heat. Blame this blog on the heat. And the blackout last night. And that I didn't get much sleep. Plus today it rained here, for the first time in 2 years...

A lot of excuses, except the real reason.

I should be editing, and can't shrug off the guilty feeling! *Yawn*


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