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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/808163-226-To-Publish-or-Query-That-is-the-Question
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1908951
Random thoughts, inconsistent posting
#808163 added February 25, 2014 at 11:23am
Restrictions: None
2/26 To Publish or Query? That is the Question
It is almost the end of the sweetheart month. Its been a busy month with so many commitments. Since the beginning of the year I've been determined to get my Manuscript edited and ready for publication. I'm torn with the decision to go mainstream or self-publish. There's a part of me that wants the recognition of hard work and a great storyline that comes with the acceptance by a Mainstream publisher.

Everything I've read points to the process of getting an agent or just slamming queries out there. I've read there are publishing houses that won't even look at your work if it isn't submitted by an agent. There are so many queries and submissions sent out that publishing houses are strict on what they demand that it makes it almost impossible to get your work seen.

All this leads the writers of today to self-publish. If this trend continues, how will it effect the Mainstream publishers? I suspect their piles will diminish. It would be the logical result if more self-published books become just as popular. If this trend seems to work, and the self- publisher works just as hard for him/her own promotion, why would they need the Mainstream publishers? We won't even discuss e-books right now.

I've heard that there are publishers who watch the "likes" and reviews of books and then after the author has spent their own time and money promoting, offer to republish under their name. I see that as a reinforcement they think the author is a money maker. This means if the author puts out another novel, they will publish that for them. Its a great confidence builder to have one of these publishing houses pick your novel and maybe a future one to publish for you. However, they are not doing it because they like you and think you are a nice person with a good story. They want a good return on their on their investment. Since the writer has spent their own time and money to promote them self and were relatively successful. They are going to jump on that and ride the wave, so to speak.

If a self-published author has had success with their first novel and has another one ready to follow, why would they accept the Mainstream publisher's offer? Is it for ego? Which isn't a bad thing. Everyone wants the medal, cup or place on the shelf of a large book store to feel successful. There isn't anything wrong with it. I'm wondering if a writer is confident in their own success as a self-published author, do they really NEED that on-the-shelf placement to be fulfilled?
Wouldn't the fact they were approached be enough? Wouldn't the fact the author worked hard to market the first novel and now those same people who wouldn't even look at your manuscript, are practically begging to take a piece of the author's pie for themselves? 

All this sounds a little jaded and maybe bitter grapes. Don't get me wrong. I haven't sent my manuscript out with any queries. I haven't applied to any agents either. I'm limited to what I can do as I don't have the money to do what I'd like to do. As soon as I am happy with the edit, I'll contact a writers group I joined. I'm hoping they have some ideas. If all else fails I'll go with the free publishing and do my own word of mouth market plan. I'll use Goodreads to the best of my ability. I have a Facebook authors page listed under Christina Weaver Author. It doesn't have much on it yet except postings from "friends" I don't know how to edit that so I don't have so much junk listed there.  I do want as many people to check it out as time goes on but not post all their lives there. I hope to use Amazon to some degree. I have a few friends that said they would buy the book as well as the Book Club that gave it the first read and review. That would be maybe 20 book sold.... Its a start. 

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