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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/808196-War--W-Company
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1910923
Looks like I may have a ton of these, so this is collection 1 of Reflections
#808196 added February 25, 2014 at 9:05pm
Restrictions: None
War @ W Company
She tried to bring the big guns but mine were bigger...since I'm on the side of right.

Why am I playing the 'numbers game'? Because I've been unemployed for 4 wks thanks to W Company/I Company.

I don't blame W Company or I Company for the contract ending early, that's just business.

I do blame I Company for not keeping on touch with me. Marie, a Sr. Recruiter at I Company was the last of about 4/5 ppl I spoke with at the end of January when my contract ended.
She was borderline rude during our first discussion when she was trying to assess all of my skill and abilities, but I chose to ignore it. I needed a new job fast.

She NEVER contacted me again after that UNTIL 4 weeks later and the W Company job posts back up.

During our convo she admits that she dropped the ball and should have stayed in better contact with me. She should have let me know there are no current Ohio openings and should have asked me if I would be willing to relocate. She admitted that while W Company is their biggest Ohio client, they are not their only client. I'm 27 single and no kids, I am willing and able to move anywhere and do anything. However, she never took the time to ask me the necessary questions and fight for me. Which would have been the least she could do considering they marketed W Company at 6 months and I lost it after only 3.

But you know what, she's a busy woman, who's only interested in her next juicy commission. I get it. Nothing personal, just business.

I spoke with a recruiter at around 3:15 pm on 02/24/2014. After a short negotiation he informed me that the max he could offer me was $21/hr. I told him to e-mail me the right to represent. I went to check my e-mail and saw that a recruiter from F Company wanted to offer me the same position. I also had a missed call from him (fact check). I decided to call F Company and let them know that I Company already contacted me. Then F Company offered me $22 to work with them.

Hmmm, I've been unemployed for 4 weeks and I Company didn't give a shit about me then, sure, why not work with a different recruiting firm? Maybe/hopefully they'll treat me better.

Being the nice lady I am I politely responded to both I Company reps and told them I'm no longer interested. I Company quickly responded with "we can do $22 too!"
Too late ladies! I've no interest in staying with I Company unless you up-sale me. Honestly, I'm rather glad they could not go any higher; I'm still hurt and agitated with Marie's lack of communication after I was laid off.

Marie sends me a cryptic email:

Please give me a call


I will discuss this with you in detail and you will be happy.

O how wrong she was. I politely explained to Marie, when she finally let me get a word in edgewise. She's quite the talker/saleswoman. I could tell right away she's used to getting her way and was clearly taking me for granted and assumed I was too dumb to know it. I told Marie I would not be using I Company this time around unless the price went up because I was personally affronted by her lack of interest in my plight 4 weeks prior.

This is when she admitted she dropped the ball on that one. I agreed and earnestly thanked her for the apology, but unfortunately an apology doesn't help my financial situation that has worsened, due to lack of a stable job, over the past 4 weeks.

Then she tried to start strong-arming me. First she's like "Well with us you'll work with the same people!" Yea well I gave F Company my W Company supervisor's name so I'll be working with the same people anyway.

Then she pulled out the mega gun. "I don't want this to sound offensive but I should let you know that you signed a 6 month contract with us saying you would not work with another agency regarding W Company."

*SCREAAACH!* Hold on, how DUMB do you think I am lady?! You NEGATED said contract with I lost my job after only 3 of those 6 months! And so I told her while laughing in her face: "Are you kidding? That agreement ended when that contract ended. You're trying to tell me that even though I haven't been working I still owe you something?! PUHLEASE! Look, I gotta be honest, I'm feeling heated and that's not like me. I need to take a breather."

And from there Marie knew she was licked and didn't have even a stub of a leg to stand on.

If I Company tries to take legal action I will REVEL in contacting all local news stations and starting a laywoman's campaign. Lobbyists eat that stuff up. I'm a writer who's got the scent of a passionate and inflammatory story in my nose, don't try me.

Further proof I Company treats their employees like numbers: Marie just sent ANOTHER email at 5:11pm AFTER our little heated discussion. If she was smart and cared about my feelings at all she would have removed me from her mass e-mail list of Ohio contacts. Thank you Ms. Bantin for further proving my point.

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