Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life. |
March 3, 2014: Tell us about the last thing you got excited about butterflies-in-the-stomach, giggling, cant-wait excited. I am a kid at heart. I like to let my positive emotions show through and light up those around me. But if I try to focus in on that feeling I would have to say those particular emotions last rose up in me when my husband and I did a trip to an amusement park. Waiting in line to take any of the scary roller coasters. Being caught between the desire to fly and the fear and terror of letting myself be put into those contraptions. The internal battle rages on rising the butterflies, making me giggle in hysterical spurts and though the 'can't-wait excited' flares, it is also bombarded with the 'let me run the hell out of here' flight response. The 'can't-wait excited' always wins, but it is an internal battle that is only truly resolved when I am locked in and there is no point of return. My husband and I have gone to many of these type of amusement parks. I really like Cedar Point and Universal Studios in Florida. The rides are fast and mighty. Powerful. Playing on the fear factor of basic instinctual emotions in a relatively 'safe' avenue. This blog is for Blog City. |