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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/809196-6---Snow-OS-and-Princesses
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1910923
Looks like I may have a ton of these, so this is collection 1 of Reflections
#809196 added March 6, 2014 at 6:07pm
Restrictions: None
6 - Snow, OS', and Princesses
This winter just does not end! It's been going on for over 400 days. Write about it: what is causing it, what can you do about it, how are you handling it, etc.

400 Days?! My, you are practically at the equator no? This was a hard winter, no doubt. But I'm not surprised because last winter (least in SE Ohio) was fairly mild. Granted global warming's on the tip of most peoples minds and that's likely at least a small part of it, but I don't believe my carbon footprints' gonna slow that down much.
I'm still a fan of recycling and all that responsible living, but electric cars are too expensive and I've no time (or need) for compost.
IOweatherN: I'm done with the snow for this year but it can stay cold for all I care, just NO MORE SNOOOW!

It's Opinion Thursday!
Prompt for March 6, 2014
Mac or PC? (One word answers aren't interesting to read, so please expand on your opinion Smile )

Oi, like most things I refuse to be black/white on this. I needs parameters.

If I could only have one desktop: Mac
I love design and Apple OS is ideal for the creative mind.

If I could have only one laptop: PC
The ideal behind the personal computer is versatility and transportility (made it up, but you get the point). While not the most secure OS (probably because Windows has just gotten plain lazy and sees themselves as #1 without any need to drastically improve. Like a ridiculously attractive human that gets by on looks and so never has to develop a meaningful personality. Even they get old after a while.
Basically, I still would want a windows laptop because for all their shortcomings they aren't completely greedy in that just about any and all soft/hardware is compatible with a PC, can't say that about a single Apple product. Honestly, I am so sick of iTunes.
Guess subconsciously I choose sloth over greed any day.....

Only one tablet/phone: Android
This is basically Windows/PC and for the same compatibility reasons. Plus androids aren't overpriced AS overpriced as Apple products that perform the exact same functions.

Tell us about an unexpected gem; something you've seen and love that you doubt many other people know about.

Hmmm, this is a good one. There are so many, but then what I like can be a little off kilter sometimes.
Most recent one to come to mind was Buffalo Girls
Buffalo Girls   (Rated: 13+)
ID #111853
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: A*Monaing*Faith
Review Rated: ASR
  Story Plot:
  Length of :
  Overall Quality:
Amazon's Price: $ 12.99
but that's def not for everyone.

Instead I'm going to go with a classic that many my age probably know and remember, but older and younger generations probably glanced right over it. A Little Princess (1995).

Not to be confused with Temples "The Little Princess" (1939), which I've never seen.

A Little Princess is a magical fairy-tale grounded in reality. The harshness of war, the plight of orphans, and the hardships of just being a human girl. They are all addressed and as is needed from time to time, there's a happy ending. Love this movie and consider it a classic American gem on par with The Secret Garden (1993).

IOmovieN: I just watched The World's End!
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1213663/ and "The World's End (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD UltraViolet)"  
I liked it. Ever since Shaun of the Dead   I've always enjoyed the Simon Pegg/Nick Frost duo. Martin Freeman was back in this one as well. It satisfies my thirst for live action/sci-fi adventure without being gory. The language aside (which honestly just sounds funny half the time with the British accents) it was light and hilarious at portions throughout the well choreographed fight scenes (relatively speaking of course) but still managed to throw in some 'serious' life lessons regarding alcoholism and fear of growing up.
High on my list of love for this film was the action portrayal of Nick Frost as a big guy with moves! He was keeping up with, and at times beating, the lil guys, further proof that size does NOT always equal slow.
Love the classic British style of plot before fun. I was seriously beginning to think I had imagined the alien/robots from the trailer since it was nearly a hour into the film before the action started.
From the graphics to the plot, this movie did what Stiller attempted to in "The Watch" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1298649/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1).

Can officially scratch that off the list "2 -Sunday Movie News Review and The Quills!

Also watched Monster's University yesterday. Not as good as the first one but Pixar did not disappoint with their first ever Prequel.

Thanks to previews and extras, adding to list:
Machete Kills - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2002718/
Cuban Fury (2014) - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2390237/
ION: My WDC friends rock, obviously - "Note: Remember that note I just posted about having a ..."

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/809196-6---Snow-OS-and-Princesses