Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life. |
Blog City March 7, 2014: Describe the last time you were moved to tears by something beautiful. Beauty within the act of kindness and compassion. Beauty of Spirit. This is the type of beauty that does not fade over time. It is endless and ageless and priceless. It is the Light in the world. I like to check my facebook account each day and am often brought to tears when people post items of deep compassion. The most recent one was of a young boy who had found a twenty dollar bill as he walked across the parking lot of the Cracker Barrel parking lot. He was thinking about all the wonderful things he could buy with it when he decided he would pay it forward instead. At the restaurant there was a man with his family. He was dressed in military attire. The young boy, maybe eight, had lost his own father, a soldier, before he was born and decided the military man needed it more than he did. That military man has since payed it forward as well. It is little moments like this that make me realize there is real goodness in the world. This little boy has a caring, compassionate heart. He is our future and with his love and appreciation, he did something selfless which makes him special and a beacon in a world where cynicism and hate tend to rule the media circus they call the news. I thank him and wish him well. The tears in my eyes are ones of happiness that goodness rises up and lightens a darkening world. Thank God for special people like him. ** Image ID #1855238 Unavailable ** |