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#810056 added March 14, 2014 at 9:41am
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Ghosts real or not?
March 14, 2014: Have you ever seen a ghost? Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?

Ok Cindy you asked the question and I get to expound on my belief.
What is a ghost? Many of us think of Casper and his friends right off the bat when asked if there are ghosts. Growing up I discounted ghosts as they were portrayed in movies.

As a young girl oijia boards became popular. I had a fear of them but one night when staying with a friend we went to a cabin with a board and tried to call up a spirit. I didn't believe in them but my sister had passed away so I used her. I knew in my heart she would not appear but I thought it was fun. When we heard a bunch of banging on the wall I was out of there. It was someone outside scaring us, and it worked on me I wanted nothing to do with it.

As the years have passed and television has become inindated with ghost stories like Haunted and Ghost Investigators I challenged my understanding of what was going on with people who claim to have been visited or attacked by ghosts.

I want to clarify the term. A ghost to me is Casper, which is a man made figment to entertain. I don't believe ghosts are real. However, the spirit world exists all around us. 

I beleive the Bible to be true. I believe what it says is true. When it says "A man dies once and after that the judgement," It means to me, once they die they no longer remain in this world. Period. DONE, DEAD, GONE.  There are a number of places their souls may go. Christ told the thief on the Cross, "This day thou shalt be with me in paradise." that tells me we have that same promise. So who are these spirits that bang around, scratch and upset people?

If you belive in the spirit world you HAVE to acknowlege there are good and bad spirits. I need to interject something here. The devil as we call Lucifer is not a ugly, horned, forked tailed entity. He is an angel. A very beautiful angel and that's what caused him problems. He'd been given a free will, unlike most of the other heavenly beings. He CHOSE to defy God and with his beauty and persuasive abilites he swayed a group of angels to follow him. So when you think of evil you need to recognize there is EVIL like bad people who hurt, kill, and do bad things.  Then there are bad people who are rotten to the core but have a facade of good they put on. They tell you things you want to hear. If it causes you to just for some time to think they represent good, or you justify their actions because it made someone feel better, they must not be evil. In the long scheme of things do the ends justify the means?

So back to spirits. Lucifer and his spirits roam the world trying to sway men and women to believe there is no need to ask God for forgivenss for the adamic nature we are born with. That is his only goal, to keep as many souls from God as he can before he is banished to hell. He knows the time is short and he doesn't have many of years ahead of  him before his rule is severely bound.

He is the author of deceit and lies. What better way to deceive men then to cause them to disbelieve what the Bible says. To accept there are "ghosts" of people still here, running around tormenting some and helping others.

Lets take the "good" spirits first. There is a place in Knotts Berry Farm where a member of a family can go to give personal information to an employee about a family member.  When the group approaches the "jail" a voice from inside one of the cells calls out the family member's name and begins to ask questions or tells incidents about the member. How does this person know all these things? Its fun to see the shocked look on their faces.

Spirits have roamed the world since they were let loose with Lucifer entice people from the beginning. They know all the things in the past. They are limited to the past and can't really tell the future anymore than we can. That means when they have a MEDIUM or witch, willing to listen to them, they sit right there and tell them about the person who comes with questions.

Let's take someone familiar, The Long Island Medium. She claims to have a spirit guide who allows people who are dead to talk to her. I don't believe the dead have the ability to cross over from where ever they are. The Bible said there is a gulf fixed between and no man can cross. Those who are in Hell can see those in Heaven. One man asked if he could have a drop of water to cool his tongue. It wasn't possible. So if one can't cross between heaven and hell, what reason would there be to allow someone to cross between there and earth? None. In fact that same man asked that God tell one of the prophets to go and tell his sons about this place so they would change their ways and not end up there. God said he sent preachers and apostles to tell them. I guess we might want to listen too.

So if a spirits (not that of a dead family member) who knows all, whispers things to the medium, who then gives that information on to the person greving, what is the result?  After watching a few of her episodes, it was all I could take, I found the people were sadly deluded. They accepted that she really contacted their loved one, just because she told them things that were personal.  Really? Like the people at Knotts Berry Farm they were amazed she knoew things that she couldn't possible know.

What is the result of this? How does one then tell these people their loved one may or may not be in "heaven" because she always says they are somewhere "nice." Do the living think that their lives are okay? They carry on with the idea that the dead aren't dead but just floating around, being nice and patting them on the head? This is false. Their souls may depend on knowing they must make sure they're ready to meet their maker. There is a day of judegment. You chose where you want to go here. Its your actions here that determine your end. It is final, not floating around praying on the living. For what reason?

Now, let's move on to the Ghostbuster groups. These guys and gals who set up instruments to record voices and such are play things for the spirits. I'll bet the spirits are laughing their "heads" off at making all these groups of people run all over the world chasing "ghosts."  I have to laugh when I watch these shows. They are most entertaining when viewed from my prospective. Spirits floating around while men walk around in the dark bumping into things, jumping when a rock is tossed or something is knocked over. These guys are so deluded into thinking the spirits are entities of the dead they run around shouting at them. They are like puppets to the spirits. They pull the string and these groups run, falling over themselves to get to that point first to "record' the phenomenon. Its funny!

I have as much respect for these spirits as I do a tornado. I want nothing to do with them. I wouldn't get within throwing distance of a medium by choice. I wouldn't voluntarily go into a "haunted' house. I believe in the spirit world. I also know I'm protected by God from these spirits to a point. As long as I am in God's care, I trust he will protect me from their foolishness. I don't presume on that care either.

God has his army protecting his people just as much as Lucifer has his army trying to latch on to any who have not made a decision about these things. Somethings a person just needs to stay away from. Your soul is yours and cannot be stolen without your permission. However, Lucifer is cunning and has had thousands of years to perfect his devious tactics. Don't think you can out smart him? That's not possible.  Its better to have God's army on your side protecting you.  I have a God behind me that is more powerful than Lucifer and he knows it. Lucifer is also the bigges bluffer around and he decieves too many people. I wish I could warn them of his devious tactics and turn people toward a heavenly reward.

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