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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/810194-Universal-Diet-for-all--Writing-Dot-Com---no-extra-cost
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#810194 added March 15, 2014 at 1:29am
Restrictions: None
Universal Diet for all @ Writing Dot Com - no extra cost!
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The diet for everyone that everyone has been waiting for, well...since time began. People stranded on deserted islands away from the common shipping lanes probably waited in vain for this diet. (For those rare people devoid of humour, and carrying a lawyer in their back pocket ready and armed, waiting for a chance to get someone else's money; see the disclaimer at the bottom)

Anyone can use this diet to their advantage, of any: size, fitness, background, status, writing style, presence of mind, brand of computer, shoe size, educational standard, anger management level, and whatever other anthropological sector you can come up with.

Without further waffling, I present to you Sparky's Diet for the Masses. (cough at your own risk ahem)

First thing in the morning, have some sort of drink. OJ is a good start. Go for a brisk walk after you have this. Just around the block will do, to get the paper, milk - whatever, and don't forget to nod at joggers and elderly people on walking sticks. They'll enjoy your friendliness and it's part of your diet to feel and be positive. (without going overboard)

Breakfast. Cereal, toast, more fruit and lots to drink. Have a coffee, but if you are going down the street, save up your single coffee for later. You only get one a day. The time you have your coffee, drink the same amount as well, of water. This is not your normal daily intake of water, but just to counter balance the coffee. (Thanks Ruth *Smile*)

Do some walking in between sessions of writing, and try to do activities such as mowing the lawn, or hanging out washing in the sun. Don't wear a hat if it's only 20 minutes or so.

Lunch. The meal in the middle of the day.

Eat plenty of ordinary nutritious food, and all in modesty. That is, meat (unless vegetarian), vegetables, fruit, bread and dessert.

Sandwiches. Drink plenty of water. Have a cup of tea if you really must.

Tea or Dinner. The evening meal.
Eat more ordinary nutritious food in modest quantities. That may be stopping short of what you think you need to feel full. Try to eat less than you think you need. A lot less. Fill up on fruit and drink more water. Drink more water after that.
Have a piece of chocolate as a reward.

Twice a week attend a swimming pool, heated if in a cold climate such as Tasmania, and float around for no longer than 20-25 minutes. You don't have to exercise but it would be of benefit. You don't have to do anything really, but most people prefer to eat ordinary nutritious food anyway so it's up to you.

If you can afford it, have two sessions a week, a half hour will do, at a 24 hour gym. You can go there at night when there are few people, so as to be relaxed if you are a private type of person. Having said that, general gym junkies have the utmost respect for people who are doing something for their health. They won't take any notice of you anyway; they are admiring their own physique.

That's basically it.

Oh. Have a jar of crystalline ginger on your kitchen bench. Eat some daily. Like lollies. (Candy)
Also it seems to pay to take some vitamins such as iron, C, D and maybe some others. Horse radish is good for sinus infection.
Eat plenty of spinach and other home grown vegetables if you can manage a small garden.

That's it. Shower daily; often a good idea for positive relations. Deodorant helps, and give that hair a bit of a comb too.
There, that's the complete diet with some bonus grooming boosters, and I can't see why you can't lead a reasonably healthy and happy life.

Relax !!!! *Worry*

One thing I forgot with this diet, none of it's of any use if you don't take the secret ingredient!

Writing. Vitamin W is needed daily to vent that tension, relieve the stress, manage that rage, and stimulate your education nodules.

Good stuff! If unhealthy, try this stuff. I've heard its so good it's been banned a few times by those in Government. *Wink*


In all seriousness, if you are a larger person, don't let people make you feel down about it.
If you feel ok then well and good. If you don't feel well, then listen to your body and change what you do. Small things at a time. Do one of those tiny changes right now. Go drink some water. There. You've exercised and detoxed your body a little bit already.

Thing is, I'm biased because my wife is a cuddly person, and I have no problem with that at all. *Smile*

Yes, this diet is the latest in ordinariness, the latest trick to get and keep you well.

Wellness. The state of being we've all been writing about since Adam and Eve.

Disclaimer: This diet, as you've probably worked out, is just ordinary food and behaviour that people already do everyday. This is nothing new. If you aren't eating healthy food every day then do so. I wonder if I could possibly be sued for recommending that people eat, and drink??!

One last thing. Drink a tablespoon of cider vinegar each day.


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/810194-Universal-Diet-for-all--Writing-Dot-Com---no-extra-cost