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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/810684-The-Role-Of-Writing-In-My-Life-and-An-Age
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#810684 added March 19, 2014 at 10:37pm
Restrictions: None
The Role Of Writing In My Life and An Age...
Today's blogs...

Blog City prompt for March 19

If you could be any age for a week, what age would you choose?

Not having enjoyed my childhood overly much - thanks to the cruelty of other children and a sense of not controlling my world - I would not pick anything before age 16. Youth would be good. That openness that comes with having your whole wonderful life in front of you. For that reason I might choose 18 or 19 - a young adult able to make my own decisions and start again, but this is only for a week, not to start again.
If I went back, could I make changes to affect my time now? Or what about being that age and traveling - the week traveling across the country - would I start in Vancouver or on Cape Breton Island? The freedom and traveling would be great.
It is getting late my mind is not too focused right now and I am curious what other had to say.

Welcome To My Reality - Week Thirteen

4. How big a role does writing play in your day to day life?

Right now, with my Long Term Teaching position now done I am back on the daily supply list. This gives me a great deal of open time. Open time that I am now using to do a lot of writing. I come to it each day. At the very least I try to do 750 words on my the website 750words.com. I write random crap going on in my life - like Julia Cameron's Morning Pages - the idea is to clear out the crap that is bunging up your creative juices. Lately I have been writing my blogs on the site then copying them back to my own computer and onto the Writing.Com website. I find the blog prompts focus me and I appreciate that. It is a starting place when my head feels blank or bleak.

I have being doing workshops with the Paper Doll Gang since January - first the Playground, then the Review workshop, then Poetry and now the Short Story writing workshop. It has kept me busy - learning and writing and that is important to me.

My husband is considering having us go on a vacation (maybe) next week. The thing is I would love to go, but I am already worrying - how I am going to get time to write with him always with me. Don't get me wrong - I love my husband. He is an amazing guy. But when we go on vacation we do everything together - my only breaks are when I slip off to the bathroom and you can only stay in there so long without someone thinking you are having problems. I can probably work in some writing in the evenings after we return to the room, but I find I am so tired from being so active all day that not much creativity comes out.

The trip we took last summer was great. I did a good amount of writing - jotting poetic bits and pieces as he drove us from our home in Ontario to Cape Breton Island out in the Maritimes. Everything was so beautiful and I even read some of my bits to him. He seemed impressed in his own way. He is not much of a reader and fiction and poetry are not his kind of thing.

The thing is my writing has become a big part of my day to day life - right now at least and I am enjoying that. At times it ebbs and flows as it has over the years, but since I did Nanowrimo in 2012 it has become much more a part of my life again. And I would like to keep it that way.

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