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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/810761-What-Do-I-Like-To-Write-The-Most-and-Nostalgic-Television
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#810761 added March 20, 2014 at 10:28pm
Restrictions: None
What Do I Like To Write The Most and Nostalgic Television
Today's blogs...

Blog City Prompt - Day 16 - March 20

If you could bring back one show from your childhood, what would it be and who is your favorite character in that show?

Love this prompt... the only problem is my memory and trying to come up with something. As a child I watched a lot of television. In fact if I got into trouble I got grounded off the TV not grounded from going out. But what did I watch?
I grew up in Northern Ontario - we were a little backward for television - I think, we had 5 channels and one of those was French. So I often watched old reruns of shows like Gilliganโ€™s Island and Hogan's Heroes - they were well before my time, but I liked them anyway. Would I want to watch them now, not really, but I did enjoy watching them with my Dad.
I watched the Flintstones everyday at 5pm - not on Teletoon or any channel like that - that was not an option when I was a kid. Disney was on Sunday nights at 6pm - that was always a bonus.
The funny thing is, with all the stations that are out there now it is often possible to find a show being done in reruns.
This is harder than I initially thought... I am looking forward to see what other people have to say.
Maybe Friends... but even that played its time out well.

Welcome To My Reality - Week Thirteen

6. What type of writing do you love the most?

If I feeling particularly creative or writer whimsical - I turn to poetry. In fact when I experience something new I often jot notes with poetic flair - bits I can use later to create poems. This is what happened in the last summer when my husband and I went to Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. It got to me on an emotional level - met me at a place that was resonant of my childhood in a good way - those happy memories with my Grandparents and their farm. Where my Grandmother's brothers uncles would break out their guitar and fiddle and play into the evening after dinner - much like a Cape Breton Celiah (?)

Anything that gets at me at an emotional level comes out on the page in poem form. I love it.

Daily writing tends to flow more along the lines of these 'factual' blog type bits. From these I get into my head and enjoy seeing what I really think - taking the time to meet myself at the page has allowed me to find my voice and get to know myself as a person - a member of this human race. I like these ramblings.

I also like developing characters and telling their stories. To do this, I work on novel length pieces. At this point, I have not completed a full story, but I am working on it.

Sometimes shorter prose pieces just want to be written and I follow the way when I can.

So when it comes right down to it, I write what the spirit moves in me - whatever style it needs to be said in.

If this prompt is asking about genre.... I would have say, I love romance. I love to develop characters and get to know them - that often results in a romantic connection, but I want my characters to develop and grow. Romance may not necessarily be the main focus, but it may be in there. Relationships are what matter to me.

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๐Ÿ’™ Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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