Originally for the 30-Day Blog Challenge. Now just a blog about a flailing mermaid |
Welcome to my reality - Week three, Prompt four: What bad habit did you give in to today? I actually wrote this yesterday but completely forgot to copy it from Word to my blog. Doh! That was an over sight. *checks blog rating*… Okay, we’re cool. Smoking is bad! Haha she says. I’ve always smoked the odd cigarette, but when I gave up swimming I was so excited to be free of all constrictions etc, so I took up full time smoking. As you do… kinda like a rebellion, 10 years late. But in august last year I changed to electronic cigarettes and didn’t smoke again. Until January. I got really annoyed over New Years and gave up giving up. One turned into a lot. We’re now heading towards april and it still plagues my life. I ordered more electric thingy, which arrived yesterday and that was going to be the end. Unfortunately, it hasn’t worked yet. I gave in. But it WILL work. Also, I have been trying to eat really healthily and lose my retirement weight. I’ve done so well. I’ve lost 5kg (11Lbs) in 72 days. However, chocolate and full fat coke are slowly creeping back into my diet, Not cool. Today there was lots of the stuff shoved in my mouth. |