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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/811461-Women-versus-Men-Or-humans-united-through-differences
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#811461 added March 27, 2014 at 3:03am
Restrictions: None
Women versus Men? Or humans united through differences...?
Biblical Warning.

I'm not shouting this blog.

I want this to be a quiet delivery of a dialogue that I don't believe is probably discussed enough by older people, or listened to by the young.
Is it any wonder people are confused?

Equality. An opinion. I could be wrong. I love my wife; want to reverence her, and care for her better than myself.

This has to be a volatile subject, where I should tread carefully through a minefield of opinions, under the scrutiny of many ready to defend theirs with all available means, whatever it costs.

Or do the vast, quiet majority get on with life and not even cast a thought at this issue?

It's a bit like racism. You think the world has it nailed, and that people have "got it". Or have we?

You think we have all grown up, and realised the thing with racism. That we've got over it. That all people, everywhere, are just people. Humans. Earth dwellers.

As humans we have the same tendencies. Humans are of equal status and rights.

But I think races can have differences. Look at the athleticism of some. We all hear people talk about oddities or features of people of one race or other. I don't mean stereotyping. I mean actual physical differences, strengths, weaknesses.

Is it possible races can be different, not in status, or equality, but in how we grew, how we were made?

It seems obvious to me, that we are not all made the same physically.

But a notion still persists that there are some races, or a race, that is lower than others. And one or two races that may be elevated to more rights than another.

Perhaps the solution to the world's woes is staring us all in the face. Where one nation may be not so successful at something, another is quite good, and vice versa, so the trick is to merge together, unite and help each other. (Oh what a mad suggestion!)

Equality of the sexes. Equal is not the same as identical.

In case you haven't noticed - in case you haven't been sat down for that talk about the facts of life - men and women are not identical. We have different bits. We think differently. We have different strengths and weaknesses.

Why then, is there a way of thinking, whereby men and women should be the same? Why do people do everything in their power to change their bodies, everything about themselves, to remove anything that makes them different to the other sex? It is beyond me where this urge comes from, and why people go to so much trouble, and appear to hate how they grew, how they were made? (I put options there for those who believe and those who don't)

Equality is different to identity. Equality should be a given. Like racism. Like humans.

We are all equal. To me, it is obvious this is what God intended from the beginning. Adam and Eve were made to compliment each other, but this only worked when they chose wisely.

Remember Wisdom? It sees the profit in correction. He'd already corrected their behaviour before they erred. He'd given the warning - provided them the instruction not to eat of that particular tree.
It seems to me that the reason for them not to eat of it was more about testing obedience than the ensuing harm from disobedience.

God knew they would fail. He doesn't make mistakes and never will. He knew they needed lessons in living together, in unity; lessons of submitting to each other, of obeying each other, when necessary. They needed lessons in how to get along well, how to recognise what the strengths and weaknesses were in each other, and how and when to support the other when they lacked.

It's called respect and deep love for one another.

He had planned the entire thing from before the earth was made, so we don't need to panic about blaming Eve for mankind's sweat of the brow woes, or women's painful childbirth. Or being kicked out of the Garden.
We don't need to jump on Adam, about his weak unassertive lack of support of Eve, and his avoidance of the serpent.
Where was he, when she was being interrogated, and duped, by that cunning liar?

Eve should have obeyed, Adam should have spoken up, but that's not how it is.

I feel God's whole plan has always been to teach us about love, and how to unite together two different beings into one.

The only way this can happen, for two things to become one, is for each of them to give in. To submit to one another, so that being moved together can take place, like a jigsaw puzzle having two pieces fitting together. One has a strength and the other has a weakness. And the other way around in different places. I'm not hinting at any double meaning here. Just a simple analogy.

When we forcibly remove an apparent weakness, or take away a strength, then we make the jigsaw puzzle pieces so they'll never fit into or around each other.

And there you have it. Racism. and Inequality. Separation. Divorce. Discrimination. Exclusion.

The solution is not a free for all, where anything goes, with no need for order.

No jigsaw puzzle is a boxful of shapeless blobs.

As far as human equality goes, the way Jesus taught, was that everyone was equal in his father's eyes. Jew and Gentile. All the same.
All have sinned and come short etc. Either sinners, or sinners who have repented and who continually do so, every day.
They failed in the Garden so that God could teach about being saved. He wanted them to learn the profit from correction.

If you don't do that, then you get this reward.

That's the two groups humanity fit into. Those who are fit to unite with him in eternity, and those who aren't. Those who have given in, and those who haven't. Those who were saved, and those who weren't. The dependent sheep, and the self willed goats.

God's whole plan is still the same now, 27th March 2014 at approximately 5pm Australian Time. It hasn't changed just because some people don't like it, or don't think it's fair.

It hasn't changed and never will change because of people abhorring how he made them, or how they grew, or how they changed themselves, by taking away the femaleness, or the maleness, or whatever else makes us how we are.

Yes, I'm sure there are exceptions, and impossibilities. God is a specialist where those are concerned, and I'm not here to argue with him, or anyone else, or to put down someone else's ideas, philosophies or belief system.

I'm here, just stating my beliefs and an opinion about equality of the sexes.

Of course, you can choose to live your life how you want, how you like.

How I see it is, we can make all sorts of excuses, reasoning, etc.

But there is nothing so pleasant, and I can speak from first hand experience, nothing so pleasant and satisfying, than to be united together, man and wife, where your attributes compliment each other.

That is, two differently shaped and moulded pieces that give and take, so that they fit together and being fitted, united, they are a lot stronger as one, than they are as individual pieces.


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