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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/812297-Blasts-from-My-Pasts
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1910923
Looks like I may have a ton of these, so this is collection 1 of Reflections
#812297 added April 3, 2014 at 1:09am
Restrictions: None
Blasts from My Pasts
I don't have time to follow the prompts, but I miss blogging. So I decided to share my old LJ blogs, starting with the very first one. Without further ado, Ladies and Gents 'enjoy' my very firstest online blog EVAR!


Title: My 1st Entry (clever, I know)

Ok, this is awesome, it's like an online diary. Only difference is I might actually keep up w/ this thing b/c other ppl will be able to see it. I always got bored with writing in journals or diaries when I didn't have too b/c nobody else ever got to see them. That may sound backwards but I think that we all really want ppl to know what it is we're thinking, we are either just afraid or don't think that anybody cares. Well I CARE! If anyone wants me to read theirs just so that they know SOMEBODY reads it, I will.
Anywho,enough of the small talk. First I gotta givea shoutout to my main man Marcus! Sup Marcus!? He inspired me to start this thing, check him out at http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=mep225. My other friend Rachel also has a journal, but I don't know her name.
Where to start? I just graduated highschool...thank you, thank you,...I graduated top 5% of my class and w/ all honors. To the unexperienced, or the ignorant, it may sound like I am full of myself, but I'm really not! For the longest I've tried to not bring up such things. For instance, during the class picture w/ cap and gowns, I wore all my stuff, but took it back off when no one else (save one person) was wearing it. I told my mom that other ppl didn't wear theirs and she said that that was dumb and when their parents saw it that they were gonna be mad, I decided not to tell her that I took mine off, hopefully she'll never see the pic.
One thing u should know about me is that I tend to be paranoid, but with good reason! I am also good at reading ppl, and even though I'm paranoid I'm usually at least a tad bit right about what I think ppl are thinking or feeling and on picture day, when I had all my stuff on I felt some animosity from Rachel and Raeda. Again it may sound like I'm full of myself and think that everyone's jealous of me, but I didn't get that feeling from everyone else. But it's wasn't just then, I get uncomfortable/unwelcome feelings from the two of them quite often, but it doesn't bother me cuz I'm not that sort of person. If I don't say anything, they don't say anything and we get along fine. Ignorance is bliss u know.
I have a weird personality. I make friends, but not best friends. Like Marcus I seem to go from person to person, but not on purpose. We've been hangin out alot lately and not too many ppl are thrilled w/ it, Rachel and my mom included. Because Marcus is "confused but yet sure of himself" I get along with him fine plus he lives right down the street. I don't get along too well with girls because they/we tend to be overly dramatic. Also, I just can't seem to entertain them or be entertained enough by them. Another thing u should know, I always feel like I'm the one responsible to make a conversation interesting. It's so much easier to like hanging w/ someone when u don't really have to worry about that. The easiest way to ensure that is to make sure that u have the same personality and emotions I suppose. Mostly all the girls I hang with have way different personalities then moi, this provides rather dull and uninteresting encounters. Don't get me wrong, not ALL the time, just when it's one-on-one or for an extended period of time. This means that I can kick it w/ a girl for a little while but if I stay in that situation for too long it gets boring and I hate the thought that they are thinking that I'm boring! I'm too busy worried about what they think to be thinking that they're boring. Does that make me a caring or self-indulged person? I think I'm both, but then again most ppl are.
I have succeded in writing alot of nothing, or is it something....I don't know u decide. I just realized that the only person that will probably read this will be Marcus and maybe Rachel (who's name is nightfaerie, she likes faeries).
It's the summer of my freshman year of college ( or is it the summer of my 12th grade yr. in highschool, how does that work? does anybody know? feel free to tell me) and so far absolutely nothing amazing has happened short of me graduating and all. HAHA What I mean is that my grad party was really amazing. I got a good turn-out. It wasn't overwhelming but it wasn't measly either. I got over $2300 but alot of it is gone, or atleast it seems that way. Me and my mom agreed that I could have 5% but I've ended up taking alot more, or so it seems. At one point I had it all figured to a T, but then I realized that my mom was gonna make me pay for things like my food and gas so I started taking more. Also my mom is using most of it as a loan, but I know she'll pay it back, either way I can blame most of it missing on her.
I plan on attending either Spelman or Mercer in the fall. It's all about the money right now. Who ever gives me more money by the end of the month will more then likely be my decision. I really wanted to go to Spelman, it's an all girl all black school (for those of u who don't know, it's right across from Morhouse, an all guy all black school *Bigsmile*), it seems like a really cool place. I bet there's alot of drama, but I'm ready to see what it's really all about.
Right now I'm on my Aunt's pc. She lives in Dublin (better known as Columbus), Ohio. My other aunts' son Javon is graduating Monday. So far it's been a real cool visit. Well it's 2:35 now so I'm too tired to type anymore. I'm starting to make ALOT of errors that I keep having to erase.
This marks the end of a wonderful beginnig (gotta luv that optimism).

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