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Rated: E · Book · Biographical · #1985722
Ongoing stories about our rat terrier
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#813141 added May 6, 2014 at 6:27pm
Restrictions: None
One of our dogs' favorite games to play is fetch. He has four toys that he loves to fetch whenever he can. He has a tethered rope he gnaws on, a small blue squeaky football, a squeaky soccer ball and a light tan stuffed squeaker dog.

It is amazing to watch his persistent fetch fetish. It seems like he can fetch any one of his toys for hours. Sharon or I will throw it all over the house and he will come back with it (unless we throw it in the toilet or somewhere else he cannot get to). He is like a regenerating starfish. He races to get his toy and plays for a while like he will not give it back, then he is off on a tear to retrieve the object in hope that one of us will throw it again. This game can last fifteen or twenty minutes. He may get tired for a bit and then grows back into his fetcher role. I am not sure who gets more tired, Buddy chasing or us watching him chase.

One of the favorite games I play is to take all four of his toys and throw them in different directions and see what he does. More often than not he will try to go after more than one and then look at me exasperated as it to say:
"Are you crazy? Now it's your turn to fetch or are you man/dogged enough to try.
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