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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/813267-Yes-it-was-me-to-blame-but
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#813267 added April 10, 2014 at 6:42am
Restrictions: None
Yes it was me to blame, but
Just so you know I thought of it first, if I ever write an Autobiography, I've decided to call it:

A Rat's "Bum". I Gave One.
An Autobiography by (insert Sparky's real name)

Ok? So no one else is allowed to nick this title, or claim I didn't have this idea, on April 10 2014. The correct date by my iPhone notebook is March 25th at 4:12pm, in case you really wanted to know.

The reason for the rodent title, is a line of thinking I had; I'd write a book that was a no holds barred life story. It would not portray any hero status, or tell fictitious blah to mine fame or fortune, but be about how I did care. How I probably cared too much.

Have you ever thought on doing this? On pushing past the politeness, the political correctness, the societal expectations, the judicial career moves, even personal safety boundaries? You imagine writing a tell all story of your murky past, that only you know about.
These things may not be that bad, because everyone has made mistakes, stuffed up things in their lives, been stoopid at one time or another.

But you want to tell about your intentions. They were good. You started off ok and aimed to do stuff you thought was right. You may not have had such a brilliant upbringing / childhood / situation, but that's not the point at all. This is not a whinge or a pity party.

You want to explain.

I've noticed how many people who have been caught, and admit readily their guilt of murdering someone, how they want to explain, to some police person, perhaps some indifferent stranger, even to their dead victim/s.

Well, we may not have done the big K to someone, but we can still have skeletons, dusty covered up closets of them. We wouldn't let anybody poke about in case the door fell off it's rusty hinges and those mortifying or dreadful deeds of our past come tumbling out.

Shouted from the rooftops, as it's written in the scriptures.

Well, one day perhaps I'll do just that. Sit down and write it all out. Get that stuff out of my system. Hit back at all the terrible stuff I can blame my failures on.

No. That's not it at all.

My idea was more towards bringing out experiences, extracting them carefully out of that closet, so as to leave the main incriminating skeletons there, *Wink* so that what is in the book might be helpful to someone else. Reading matter that is A. Interesting. B. True. C. Matters. D. Profitable for someone else. E. Not preaching at someone.

A lot of things, lets face it, we haven't learned the lesson of that experience. I still make the same mistakes. Slow learner I guess.

Still, maybe I could write something life changing. The experience changed mine, and exposed my reflection in the mirror of fate. What I saw was a man who had no hope of changing the past, but could look forward and see the profit in writing it down.

Would it really make any difference? How many weeks before it would be on the mark down table, or among those grubby $2 books at a cheap junk shop? Stale and unwanted, even on Amazon.

If none of this happened, the idea of an Autobiography book title has been something to blog about here.

A photographer friend of mine took some pics in Melbourne today, in and around the Cemetery. Of course, in my mind immediately came the idea of an annoyed photographer who didn't care about ghosts, but was just cheesed off about the orbs of ghosts mucking up his shots.

Story Idea!!! Maybe.


Have you ever been looking at stuff on YouTube, and before you know it, a few hours have passed, you should have been in bed ages ago, and you've looked at every weird video clip on there. You have somehow been "guided" to increasingly ridiculous short clips about subjects such as REAL GHOSTS. GENUINE FOOTAGE.
Or CEMETARY GRAVECAM- Sightings have been recorded.

Or you might be looking at videos of vanity basin design. Equally weird. In the comments you'll probably see someone has been in your shoes already.

"It's 3am and I'm looking at bathroom furniture. How did I get here??!"


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/813267-Yes-it-was-me-to-blame-but