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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/816332-Last-10-Graphology-Lifelong-Learning
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#816332 added May 9, 2014 at 11:23am
Restrictions: None
Last $10, Graphology, Lifelong Learning
Today's blogs...

30 Day Bloggers Challenge

May 9 Prompt: For $10 I would...

My last ten dollars. What would I buy... do I really need to spend it? I am not going to gamble it away - there is too much chance of losing it in seconds without any winnings. It would not even buy a decent book. Coffee at Starbucks - again, too expensive... oh, crap. I don't like this prompt. I don't like spending money unless I have more coming in and this does not meet that consideration. So here is what I would do - go to the library, get a good book out on loan, then head over to the soup kitchen for a wee meal = no money spent and body and mind have been satisfied. So there.... deal with that. *Bigsmile*

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality - Week Twenty

3. Graphology is the study of handwriting. A person's handwriting can tell us a lot about them, often even what generation/era they are from. Describe your handwriting, and share what you think it reveals about you.

I have heard of this. When I look at my mother's writing I realize she came from a generation where penmanship was taught in school - I can always tell my mother's handwriting. Mine looks more like my favourite aunt's - we are more alike in some ways and it is even reflected in our handwriting styles - could also be we are both teachers as well.

My own handwriting reflects how I feel at the time - if I am tired or out of sorts, there are times I can not even read it. I have also taken to making certain letters certain ways - like my written 'M' - I like the way my friend Michelle writes her 'M' so I borrowed her style and made it part of my own.

I have also found if I am doing something important I will tend to print instead of write. Odd but true.

5. We are encouraged to continue learning all our lives. If you were able to take a course in any subject (cost is not a concern), what would you want to learn more about?

Part me has been interested in taking my Masters in Creative Writing - to gain the knowledge and the experience of being back in school and surrounded by literary types. I would also like to take it a the University of British Columbia - spend the time living and writing in Vancouver. But that is a fantasy dream. I am not that much of a literary giant - more a pip squeak. Besides that is really too boring for this prompt.

What about learning a language in another country or scuba diving in the Caribbean? Those are more exotic - particularly if cost was not a concern. Speaking in French in France - Paris. Italian in Italy. Yes, now that would be fine...where do I sign up?

Border for my personal use.

Blog City โ€“ Day 67 โ€“ May 9

Prompt: Whats the most dreadful, or wonderful, experience you've ever had as a customer? How could it have been better or worse?

I spent a better part of a year working in Walmart. I loved the staff. I was on cash at the mall entrance of our Walmart. I finally decided it was time to leave when I was working full time in a long term occasional teaching job and part time at Walmart - but the final straw was working in December - Christmas - and I decided if I wanted to continue liking people, I needed to stop working there - the customers could be atrocious.

Two stand out...

One was an older gentleman who was buying pants and he wanted them folded like he was in one of the fancier shops in the mall - not such a big deal, but he was so rude and nasty about it that I was almost in tears before the manager finally stepped in. The two ladies behind him where very kind and sympathetic.

Another time a lady was giving me some smack about why the film she was buying was a different price at the cash than it was in the photo department - she chose the cheaper film and stalked out. After she had left we took a closer look at the two films and realized one was faster film than the other - they were not the same at all - and she probably bought the wrong one after all. Stupid woman.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/816332-Last-10-Graphology-Lifelong-Learning