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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/818359-June-2014-Poems
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #562186
Each snowflake, like each human being is unique.
#818359 added June 30, 2014 at 8:32pm
Restrictions: None
June 2014 Poems
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Facebook Status Update

June 1 is Dare Day1
I dare everyone
to have a nice day.

Monday, June 2, 2014
Facebook Status Update

Looking for inspiration
I went to the laundromat,
while my clothes were washing
I watched all the single men
as they did their laundry.

I had an epiphany
a laundromat
on Monday morning
is a good place
to me men.

Am I getting disport?
Am I thinking about writing
a romance novel?
Or is it just
the Monday blues?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Facebook Status Update

Wind blowing through palms
carrying summer's perfume
the cooing of doves

Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Facebook Status Update

Hotcakes and eggs
or green beans and chicken,
what would be the best breakfast
on hump day?

Which ever I choose
I have to put the dishes
I left to dry
beside the kitchen sink
last night.

On the bright side,
I found one of my clean dishtowels
this morning.

Thursday, June 5, 2014
Facebook Status Update

I voted early
a nonpartisan ballot.

I'm working the polls
on Tuesday.,
so I won't be home all day.

I might
or might not be home
on Monday,
I haven't decided yet;
I'll make that decision
on Monday morning.

Friday, June 6, 2014
Facebook Status Update

I went for a blood test today,
I got in right away.
The nurse took six vials of my blood
And then told me to pee in a cup.

Saturday, June 7, 2014
Facebook Status Update

Saturday morning
the sun is shining,
the birds are singing,
a breeze is blowing,
the temperature is rising,
and I am smiling.

Little Successes:
A Blog Poem

A contest entered
that could lead
to a published poem.

A prayer intoned at dawn
asking for assistance with tests
begins the struggle anew.

Sunday, June 8, 2014
Facebook Status Update

I drove into the parking lot
of Smith's Food & Drug store,
found an unoccupied shopping cart
and then went inside
to purchase the makings for the salad
I am taking to work with me on Tuesday.

I have celery,
sweet peppers,
and carrots
to go
with my peanut butter sandwiches.

Blog Poem

This is just to say
Happy Birthday!

Monday, June 9, 2014
Facebook Status Update

Happy Monday!
Happy Donald Duck Day!
Tomorrow is Iced Tea Day,
so have a tall glass of iced tea.

Blog Poem

I will take time-out
on time-out Tuesday
to work the primary election

Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Facebook Status Update

After a long day
of sitting down work
at the Primary Election
I turned in at 9:30 pm
went to sleep immediately
(the first time in years)
and pulled myself off the love seat
at 4:50 am.

I have to reschedule
the laundromat trip until tomorrow
and taking out the trash
until later this afternoon
or evening.

Facebook Status Update

Half past morning,
I'm still not sure what else
I have to do.

I took a pain pill
the swelling in my left knee
has gone down
and the stiffness
like the morning is passing.

I might be able
to walk to the alley
with a bag of trash
by late afternoon.

Thursday, June 12, 2014
Facebook Status Update

Morning stiffness slows my progress,
as I walk toward my pillbox
to remove
my thyroid medication
and shamble my way to the kitchen
for water.

Note the time
in my groggy pre-caffeine mind,
maybe this morning
I will remember
when an hour has passed
before pouring myself
a cup of inspiration.

Friday, June 13, 2014
Facebook Status Update

Zombie walked into the kitchen,
took my morning medication,
brewed a fresh carafe of coffee,
opened my front door
to listen to the baby bird
in the oak tree
across the street chirp
until its parents
gave it
the bird equivalent
of a bottle.

Saturday, June 14, 2014
Facebook Status Update

Open the front door
watch the pigeons search for food
under a pine tree.

Blog Poem

Walking was painful
an osteoarthritis flare-up
remained home all day.

Second Facebook Status Update

Stare out the window
the wind celebrates Flag Day
neighbors flag waving.

Sunday, June 15, 2014
Facebook Status Update

Bird hopped on my stoop
Looking for Sunday breakfast
Or a Father's Day present.

A breeze is blowing
And temperatures are rising
On this Father's Day.

Father's Day
Blog Poem

Happy Father's Day!
Is the message I would send
Today to Daddy.

I miss you Daddy
As I write this and I cry
I say a prayer.

I miss you Daddy
I want to say I love you
Kiss you on the cheek.

Monday, June 16, 2014
Facebook Status Update

Monday morning,
I opened the door
inhaled the cool morning air
and stared
at the cloudy sky.

Blog Poem

I opened the door
inhaled the cool morning air,
I can't say the fresh air
because I live in a city and,
as everyone knows
city air is not fit
for human consumption.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Facebook Status Update

Have a Happy Eat Your Vegetables Day.

Eat your vegetables
before they eat you.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Facebook Status Update

Morning echoes
with the cooing of pigeons,
rock doves greeting
the new born day.

Friday, June 20, 2014
Facebook Status Update

Finish off the peanut butter,
before I open another
I will heat up the celery
and carrot soup
for lunch.

Saturday, June 21, 2014
Facebook Status Update

A beautiful summer solstice
in Las Vegas.

The sun is shining,
the birds are singing,
white clouds
cover part of the sky,
and the temperature
is 87 degrees
with a predicted high
of 104.

Sunday, June 22, 2014
Facebook Status Update

Sunday morning,
5:30 am
and a neighbor's car horn
is honking.

Honking on and off
at three second intervals,
I wish he would
stop hitting the snooze button
and turn his alarm clock off.

Monday, June 23, 2014
Facebook Status Update

I stare at the blank page
and for a moment
my muse hides,
but then I say
"O God, refresh and gladden my spirit."

After I finish this prayer
by 'Abdu.l-Baha,
my muse doesn't hid any more
and I can write.

Blog Poem
Take a Deep Breath

focus on my breath,
and then exhale.

Take a deep breath,
open the prayer book
to a random page
and begin to read.

open the prayer book,
chose a random page,
begin reading the prayer,
and remember to exhale
with each word.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Facebook Status Update

I went to the optometrist today,
he said my eyes
were neither better or worse,
so I guess that means their OK.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Facebook Status Update

I hear the phone ring,
I check the caller ID,
I answer the phone,
it's a sexy robot voice
wanting to talk to someone else.

I wonder what I'd hear
if I answered
Unavailable ID.

Blog Poem

Morning is inspiring.
Prayer is inspiring.
Coffee is inspiring.

Thursday, June 26, 2014
Facebook Status Update

A trip to Smith's Food & Drug Store,
on this cloudy Thursday morning
taught me
that it's better to shop for groceries
and pick up my prescriptions
early in the day because
it is a refreshing
and educational experience.

Second Facebook Status Update

Happiness is proclaiming
the name of the Beloved,
mentioning the Glory of God.

Friday, June 27, 2014
Facebook Status Update

Another week draws to an end,
I look out the window
watch the shadows cast
by the noonday sun,
then I listen
to neighborhood noise
a door slams
as someone gets out of
the triple digit temperatures
for this sunny Friday afternoon.

Saturday, June 28, 2014
Facebook Status Update

Do not look in your mirror
before you have said four prayers
and drink three cups of strong black coffee.

Second Facebook Status Update

Haven't see the postal worker's truck,
but maybe he snuck
up on us today.

Sunday, June 29, 2014
Facebook Status Update

Sunday morning,
my fingers keep striking the wrong keys
maybe they need the coffee
instead of me.

Monday, June 30, 2014
Facebook Status Update

Today is Meteor Watch,
go outdoors and look for a meteor,
but don't let one fall on you.

Blog Poems

A grape lolly pop
brings back childhood memories
joyful nostalgia.

Keep hydrated in
triple digit temperatures
carry ice water.

1  http://www.holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/June/dareday.htm

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Prosperous Snow celebrating has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/818359-June-2014-Poems