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Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#819999 added June 17, 2014 at 10:40am
Restrictions: None
Veggies and The Prom. What do they have in common?
Today's blogs...

Blog City – Day 106

Prompt: Today is National Eat your Vegetables Day in the United States, but everyone can play. What is your favorite veggie and your least favorite veggie?

Least favourite veggie is Brussel Sprouts. I can put them in my mouth and chew but I can not swallow them. Not even when my aunt calls them Barbie Cabbage I can not manage them. I am not a bit fan of turnip either. I had a friend's mother give it to us and tell us it was apple that spoiled it for me. My mother makes them for every festive meal complete with brown sugar and I still will not partake.

As for favourite veggies... I like a lot of them. Peas fresh out of the pod (especially when I was standing in my great aunt's garden as a kid. She would plant extra knowing I loved them so.) Carrots. Even celery, as long as it's raw - cooked is almost unswallowable unless it is in small bits. Any kind of fresh pepper - but not the hot ones.

I like raw spinach and even kale (in a smoothie) - heck you can probably put any kind of veggie in a smoothie and I would enjoy it (but not brussel sprouts, not sure about the turnip).

Thinking about it I tend to prefer most of my veggies raw, except for potatoes and asparagus.

There are many I have not tried but every so often I check out a new one - once I learn how to eat it or even cook it.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Is it ever better to take the low road over the high road? Why or why not?

The high road is the better, more Christian option. Doing the right thing. Coming out on top despite the odds of those against you. Making the person who wronged you think that they did not affect you in the way they had hoped. In a better world this would be the way to go and I do try to do this.... but we are all human and the low road may seem much more revengeful. It meets our more basic human nature to get back at a person who wronged us. Give them a piece of what they gave you.

Sometimes I take the higher road, but in my heart I know Karma will bite their ass in the end. It is not my job to inflict it, someone else will. What goes around, comes around.

So I try to be good to others and show compassion.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality - Week Twenty - Six

4. Tell us about a time you won something. A raffle, a contest. It doesn't have to be WDC-related, and you can tell us about more than one.

When I was six years old I won first place in the Kiwanis Festival singing 'Miss Polly Had a Dolly'. Winning got me a certificate and a chance to perform at the community hall in front of everyone. Me on that stage alone was small. I remember looking through the crowd and trying to find my family as I sang. When I spotted my mother, grandmother and grandfather I fathered in my words but only for a moment. I was so happy to see them in the big audience I forgot what I was supposed to be doing, but I quickly remembered and got back to the little song. They were all so proud of me. I still wonder where my dad was? Working? I hope so.

The next year, Mrs. Almost gave me the choice to do a solo and I opted not to do so. I kind of wish she had not given me the choice like she did the year before but that was okay. I was only six.

I still sing, but not solos. I prefer the anonymity of being in a choir - but I have not done that since high school. Most of the time I rock out in my car or alone in the house.

5. Did you go to prom? If yes, tell us about it. If not, tell us about another occasion where you 'glammed up' and felt special. Yes, this applies to guys too - what are your stories from prom or similar?

Prom never really interested me. I was dating someone at the time I think, but they were not all that into it and besides they had graduated and were in their first year of college.

A part of me thinks I may have missed out but another part of me was not overly thrilled with my graduating class so why would I want to spend any more time with them than was necessary. This is the same reason I did not go to my school reunion. Those who are my friends and are important to me, the rest... I wish them well, but see no reason to go out of my way to be with them.

My first real β€˜glam’ up was probably my wedding almost 13 years ago. That was worth the money, time and effort – but even that was only for a day.

I am more β€˜tomboy’ than β€˜glam’ girl.

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