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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/820432-First-Day-of-Summer-and-My-Wild-Side
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#820432 added June 21, 2014 at 2:48pm
Restrictions: None
First Day of Summer and My Wild Side
Today's blog...

Blog City - DAY 110

Let's take a walk on the wide side...We all have something wed like to write about, but that doesnt really fit our blog. Write it anyway.

Everything fits in my blog... doesn't it? Wild mind here we go...

I am a Writer

I am the words that fall from the tips of my fingers
That grace the keyboard before me,
I am the thoughts that trail in a myriad of paths
Over the landscape of my mind,
I am the opinions that trickle and spout,
then rise up and rant,
I am who I am
Because I am
A writer.

Words Amaze Me

Words come from a place that amaze me.
I come to the page - computer or paper
The blankness does not disturb me
I rest my hands,
I rest my mind,
Then I look and find
As my hands begin to craft
The images that speak to me
Within the confines of my mind.
Words come from a place that amaze me.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge – June 21

Today is the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. After June 21, the days will get shorter until the Winter Solstice. Some people celebrate the solstice.
How will you celebrate the longest day of the year? Will you write verse? Will you write prose? Will you have a BBQ? Will you protest?

I am curious how others celebrate the longest day of the year. Our family has never done anything special except be happy that summer has finally arrived officially. It is a Saturday which makes it nice. The day will play out as a regular day and I am grateful for the sun and the gorgeous blue sky. A perfect day - not humid or overly warm. Lovely.

I will probably spend some time outside. I do need to push at some writing as I am getting behind in my word count for JuNoWriMo. I got into some reading and have gotten swept along with a story that is a variation on one of my favourite stories of all time - Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. This particular story is called Unleashing Mr. Darcy. It is a modern variation but well done. The author is Teri Wilson.

I really should not be reading during the months I decide to do JuNoWriMo or NaNoWriMo - 50,000 words takes time. During camp I only expect 30,000 words out of myself and that is far more reasonable and doable.

I may combine the writing with outside and go sit out under the canopy with my laptop. But not before I finish my blogs and my campfire story - those need focus.

Happy First Day of Summer to those of us experiencing it. Curious what Australia and New Zealand get - Winter Solstice?
Happy Happy Day to all of you.


© Copyright 2014 💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson (UN: carly1967 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/820432-First-Day-of-Summer-and-My-Wild-Side