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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/821047-Seeing-Both-Sides
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#821047 added June 28, 2014 at 10:53am
Restrictions: None
Seeing Both Sides
Today's blogs...

Blog City – Day 117 June 28, 2014

Differences and similarities: which divides us more?

In a way I could say both. We all have a tendency to cast judgement and put others down for their differences. To do otherwise is to go against this natural tendency - and it can be done.

In the heart of things we are all the same - we all bleed, we all feel, we all need love and acceptance; but our world divides us with social expectations and beliefs that rule our outer selves. That sameness also comes out in hatred and division. We see differences as 'not quite right' and step back from it instead of embracing it. Wars are all about believing we are right and they are wrong, but the other side is thinking exactly the same thing.

What will it take for people to realize it is our similarities that should bind us not break us apart?

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Procrastination: a fatal flaw or a necessary evil?

I believe it is a fatal flaw in that putting things off undeniably raises my blood pressure when I know things need doing. I put myself through stress I could be avoiding if I just got the stuff done in the first place. The things I procrastinate about are often things I want to avoid doing and the avoidance builds and builds to epic proportions that can be so brutal on your bodily systems. An example of this is updating my resume and applying to positions. The whole process scares me and I put it off but I know it needs doing and the sooner the better. Preparation is way better than procrastination but sometimes I just can't help myself. Then the headaches, and intestinal issues rise up and make the whole issue compounded as the thing still has to be done but now it needs doing in a vortex of anxiety I could have avoided if I had just bit the bullet in the first place.

If it is a minor thing, it can be seen as a necessary evil - just so long as what you are doing to procrastinate is productive in other ways. An example of this would be writing instead of cleaning or writing instead of making the broccoli salad I am supposed to be taking to a barbecue tonight or going for a fitness walk to avoid or maybe ruminate over the next installment of the campfire story I am supposed to be composing.

Either way it can be seen as both depending on the size and importance of the thing you are supposed to be doing. Unfortunately procrastination creeps into my life far too often.

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