My primary blog. |
ACTIVITY: "a very Wodehouse challenge" GROUP AFFILIATION: "Welcome To My Reality Forum" PROMPT: What's the hardest thing about blogging, for you personally? Hands down, the most difficult thing about blogging - at least for me - is remaining consistently interesting. I've never been one of those people who has incessantly updated his Facebook status, or tweeted every random thought that comes into my head, or snapped pics of every meal preparation I sit down to enjoy for the benefit of my Instagram follows. Quite honestly, I don't think I'm that interesting or have that many interesting things to say that I need to constantly make readers aware of my experiences, thoughts, and opinions. It can be incredibly difficult for me to blog with any degree of consistency without either getting bored or feeling like I'm just throwing random stuff out in the ether. I also tend to enjoy actual conversation, so the appeal of posting something and then forgetting it and moving onto the next thing without actually engaging anyone has very limited appeal. I've been participating in some blogging groups and activities this year, which has been great because it's definitely given me something to write about without feeling like I'm dredging the bottom of the riverbed for really dull stuff that isn't relevant. And it's been great for getting other people engaged; when we're all participating and responding to the same prompts, it can be a great way to interact. I do tend to burn out quickly, though. Blogging is a great warm-up for me... it gets the creative juices flowing and helps me get into a writing mindset... but if I'm not careful, it can easily take up a lot of my writing time and then I find that I have no juice left for fiction or whatever else I've been wanting to write! I definitely struggle with coming up with interesting thoughts on a consistent basis. I'll go through phases where I'll happily blog or tweet or post a Facebook status every day... and then I'll just need to take a break for a week or two and disappear for a while. I suppose everyone needs a break every once in a while, as long as those breaks are relatively few and far between (which is another thing I struggle with when it comes to blogging). |