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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/821363-The-Hardest--Thing-About-Blogging-Forgetfulness--Romance
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#821363 added July 1, 2014 at 12:50pm
Restrictions: None
The Hardest Thing About Blogging, Forgetfulness & Romance
Today's Blogs....

Welcome To My Reality - Week Twenty - Eight

6. What's the hardest thing about blogging, for you personally?

I blog everyday and I find that I often need the prompts to at least get me started. Without a prompt I sit there a little befuddled. Some days it does not matter, but other days, like today - when my allergies have my brain in a fog; I need the focus to help me clear a path. Once I get going I am fine.

Sometimes I wonder if I have anything really good enough to contribute, but I find the feedback I have gotten to be positive and encouraging. I look forward to reading other people's blogs here at WDC and I feel better if I have contributed a blog of my own point of view on a topic - the conversations that ensue are fun and bring a smile to my face.

A few topic have headed into more controversial waters and it has given me pause, but the feedback has been helpful and boosted my confidence to share what truly is in my heart of hearts.

Putting yourself out there and being vulnerable is a step that I have found is worthwhile to take. Writing about these things grounds me and lets me know what I really think. I find it easier to write about these topics than discuss them face to face - the anxiety is lessened.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge – July 1

July 1: What does forgetting mean to you?

I have a mind like a sieve. It drives me crazy. I think something and move to do it and another thought intercedes and by the time I get up stairs or downstairs I have forgotten my initial thought and the reason I went there in the first place. It is so frustrating. They say this is an old forgetful person's problem, but I have struggled with it since I was a teen. What troubles me is that there is history of Alzheimer's Disease in my family - my Dad's mother had it. I find if I walk back to the place of the original thought I can grasp it again and then repeating it like a mantra I go and get what it was I needed. That way no other thoughts can permeate my memory and contaminate my task again.

I think this also happens more when I am feeling more stress or anxiety. If I am relaxed and don't lose it over the fact that I lost it, I can regain my thoughts without having to backtrack.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 120

In your opinion, what is the best 21st century romance film and why? (If you haven't seen a romantic movie in the past 14 years, then use a 21st century book - and get out to the movies soon!)

I lean towards Jane Austen and the movies that have been made from her books - Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth is my favourite - though I am sure Mitchopolis would die of the six hours the movie takes to watch. My husband has never watched it with me, although he did buy it for me for Christmas many years ago.

I also enjoyed Sense and Sensibility with Emma Thompson and Mansfield Park.

I like the build up and the development of the relationships within these stories. The main character is strong and is willing to challenge the status quo to make sure she gets what she really wants. Yes, in the end she follows convention but it is on her own terms.

Many contemporary romances follow a similar pattern but have more sex thrown in - I am thinking that is to keep the guys entertained when they are dragged to a chick flick. Although I will admit I do like the juicier scenes as well.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/821363-The-Hardest--Thing-About-Blogging-Forgetfulness--Romance