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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/822628-Vacation-or-Staycation-Legalizing-Suicide--Lies
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#822628 added July 14, 2014 at 11:57pm
Restrictions: None
Vacation or Staycation, Legalizing Suicide & Lies
Today's blogs....

Blog City – Day 133

Vacation or Staycation: which do you prefer and why?

These both have benefits for and against. A vacation is a break from the normal everyday and takes you into a realm that allows for real relaxation and discovery. It can get kind of expensive though. Normal routines are thrown out the window and although it may be possible to get internet access it is not always as reliable as home. I also find when we go away on vacation we do everything together. I like some time on my own, but on a vacation I don't get that unless I go to the bathroom.

A staycation can be fun, but my husband tends to do the work around the house that has been put off so he does not relax at all. We save money but he probably works harder than going to work. I also find I still have all the cooking to do with some bonuses of having more BBQs so the cooking is shared. I also find I will still do my usual cleaning as it is not easy to sit around and relax if he is working away at something. Being at home does allow me to follow my writing routines as well.

Getting him to take a day and head to the beach is good, but there is a lot of driving involved.

Given that both have pros and cons, I would have to say, I enjoy them both but I also like getting back to routine.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Do you think suicide should be legal?

I do not think so. That being said, I have a slightly different view if the person is terminally ill and wants to end their life without having to endure the further breakdown of their bodies.

Life is hard, but it is not worth ending. It is better to fight, reach out for help. People are willing to help. Giving in and giving up is not the way to go. I can't help thinking if you take your own life means you don't get into heaven. It is not our decision to leave this life, it is God's decision and He will not give us anything we can not handle. If it seems overwhelming ask for help, take action to help yourself. Don't wimp out and take the easy way out.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality – Week Thirty

4. Tell us about a time you lied. Was it a little white lie to make someone feel good? A big lie? Did you get caught out?

When I began school and was going full days to grade one I took lunches everyday. My mother would make me sandwiches. The same kind day in and day out - peanut butter. This was long before my allergy developed so I could eat the sandwiches, but I did not like them. I preferred my peanut butter on toast, or better yet, on a spoon. My mother expected me to eat them and I would tell her that I did, but instead of throwing the sandwiches away at school, I would bring them home and throw them into my toy box. Well it only took my mother a week or so to discover my lies. The smell had drawn her to my room. She was furious! I do not remember the fallout, but I do remember that I would not ever lie to my mother again because she would always know the truth and hell would have to be paid.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/822628-Vacation-or-Staycation-Legalizing-Suicide--Lies