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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/822869-Who-Talks-More-Fads-Monsters-A-Character-For-A-Day
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#822869 added July 17, 2014 at 5:59pm
Restrictions: None
Who Talks More, Fads, Monsters, A Character For A Day...
Today's blogs....

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Opinion Thursday
Do women talk more than men? There is a new science study on this topic, what do you think? Don't be shy, say it like it is.

I have heard that women use more words in a day than men and I would believe that to be true. Thinking of my childhood, I remember my mother giving lots of direction and talking to me, while my father interacted without a lot of chatter. I am curious what other families find.
My extended family is predominately women. We do a lot of talking, the men wander off to go read the paper and leave us to our conversations.

Even within my friends women talk about many things - various topics with a lot more detail than men.

There was one comedian that used to claim his wife could get just as much information out of the dog. One time he went go out with his buddy and his buddy said he'd got a divorce. He came home later and told his wife and she asked what happened and he said "I don't know". That seemed to happen a lot in his house. Funny thing is - he is a comedian - he talks for a living.

Wanting details expands the story and connects the people talking. I don't think men do that as much.

I am curious - as writers - do we talk more than average or less? Sometimes I am quiet and want to take it all in; other times you can't shut me up. Depends on if I am on the receiving end or the transmitting end of things - am I people watching or telling stories full of details. Maybe that is what is going on with that comedian - he's watching and taking things in - the funny things of life, then he is transmitting them back out while on stage.

My husband is not a big talker, but his brother in law is - he's a salesman. Do certain professions talk more than others? My husband is a mechanic. He never says a word when he's fixing things and when I ask questions he almost seems to need to get in a place of talking and take his hands off the car, or whatever job he's doing, to answer me. Interesting - I just realized that.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 136

Prompt: What are some things you think will become obsolete within the next ten years? It can be sayings, trends, websites, fads, or anything else you can think of.

Interesting prompt Charlie ~ .

I can't wait for the fall down pants fad to head out - that one is dragging is badly as the style.

Sayings most definitely change.... the sixties had 'groovey', in the eighties I said 'freaky' to say the same thing and I think the word today is 'sick' or 'sweet' = they all mean basically the same thing but each new generation tweeks up their own version.

I remember back in the eighties there were beta machines and VCRs. The thought was that Beta machines would overtake the VCRs - well they didn't and now even VCRs are a thing of the past. Now we are burning CDs and DVDs for DVD players and there are PVRs. Who knows what will happen in ten years but I am thinking it may be something new again.

I remember doing a history chart for my grandmother for her 90th birthday. I listed all the things that were going on in her life and all the things going on in the world at the time. It was intriguing to see things like - the first time she listened to a radio, the first time she rode in a car, her first plane ride. So very wonderful. Even more wonderful was the fact that she could remember these details.

Blog City – Day 136

More interesting prompts from Princess Morticia Megan Rose ....

Prompt 1: Which old fashioned monster do you find the most frightning? Frankenstein, Count Dracula, the Mummy or the Wolfman?

As I read this, I laughed. These old fashioned monsters we so feared as youths are nothing compared to some of the psychological thriller characters we see today - yes, I have been watching to much Criminal Minds. But if I had to choose one I would go with... Count Dracula would probably be my most feared. Regardless of how Hollywood has tried to portray a loving vampire concept thanks to the Twilight series, I still find blood sucking vampires to be rather grisly. Count Dracula had his own dark castle, slept confined to a coffin in the light of day and roamed the world in the dark of night. His ability to change to a bat and fly was also rather creepy. Swooping down on unsuspecting victims sends tremors through me.

Prompt 2: Which fictional character would you like to be for one day?

Off the top of my head, I think I would like to be John Watson for a day. A day to shadow the great Sherlock Holmes and aid in his investigations. I would love to see the man in action devising his mental gymnastics to pull evidence together to make everything fall into place.

I watched a show not long ago that believed that Sir Conan Doyle and his Sherlock Holmes character helped to bring about new methods to police detecting at crimes. What we see now as common place - finger print analysis and crime scene investigations were thought to originate with Doyle's character Holmes.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality – Week Thirty

6. What's your favourite scene in a book or movie? Why?

I would have to say this favourite scene is both book and movie as the BBC tended to put everything in their rendition of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. The scene is when Darcy comes to visit Elizabeth when she is staying back at her friend Charlotte's house instead of going to dinner with them all. He knows he will find her alone and he comes on the pretense to see that she is truly all right. In the process he begins to pace and seem rather agitated before he blurts out a proposal that Elizabeth flatly refuses saying that he is the last man of earth that she would venture to marry. When she gives her reasons he storms off and later gives her a letter that explains himself regarding the charges she aimed at him - especially in the area of John Wickham and his involvement with him. Elizabeth realizes he is not so wholly bad as she demised and Darcy vows to improve himself.

© Copyright 2014 💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson (UN: carly1967 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/822869-Who-Talks-More-Fads-Monsters-A-Character-For-A-Day